eyegore -> RE: The future of Distant Worlds - Is DW2 necessary? (6/26/2014 3:28:59 AM)
No one has asked anyone to remove anything. That is fanboyism putting words in my mouth. NOWHERE have I stated such a thing. I stated get serious with the lore and to open up the modding so I can have races like the ones that exist in EOTFS if I want to mod them in. I have already modded out the bugs in DW- what I cannot do is mod in the races I truely want..because the game does not support it. Let me grab the specific quote that started this argument: I'd like a more serious look at Lore as well. It seems some mad idea that all 4x Space games have talking rodent and roaches...including popular worlds like Star trek and Starwars...but I'm a hard sci-fi guy. My favorite sci-fi movies are 'believable' sci-fi movies like Gattaca or Children of Men....under no evolutionary vision will a rodent ever speak or enter space...it has no thumbs. You might have had different intentions in mind and this could be a horrible misunderstanding, but the understanding that I got from your argument was: I do not like these races (Teekan and presumably one or all of the insect races?), scrap them and give me something else. The last line is yours, not mine. You are the one putting "scrap them" in. If you want cats and bugs I really don't care- they are not my taste- and because the game is centered around those simplistic ideas it's modding options, as well as diplomacy options don't support the type of races I'd want to mod in- as I explained a few posts back in quite some detail laying out the different factions. That's kind of foolish anyways..to assume that Rodents and Insects can't build spaceships because of earth based evolutionary paths. We're talking about other planets here, in a vast galaxy that has AT LEAST ONE HUNDRED BILLION stars in it. That's alot of chances for life, and alot of chances for evolutionary paths that are not at all similar to Earth. Your basically assuming that these rodents have no thumbs, despite the fact that there are no images of their hands anywhere in the game. Regardless of this fact, even if they don't have thumbs Rodents in particular on Earth have proven very versatile without them and likely would not need them anyways. Source: I have pet rats. They don't need thumbs. Trust me. If your looking at odds in the Billions and random chaos evolution to justify a bug in space fine...but seems to me, given the intire history of races in 4x games you don't need odds of 1 in a billion. the odds are practically garanteed to have bugs in space...it's the default path these games take. Realistically, and logically as far as we know science has been consistant through space as we know it. Certain elements are REQUIRED for life, and we search for them. We search for Earth type planets that has a Star simuliar to ours-- given that history it sure sounds to me we are also looking for planets that mirror our own and we expect the science to be consistant- so it is perfectly logical to assume human over bug, cat dog or whatnot.Not there may be scant odds there's something totally different, but scant should not be 100 percent possability every 4x game to come along. I understand the draw--it's embedded. Has been. But to me it's just not belieavable --however remotely possible or not- therefore I expect things like thumbs and such to weild the tools necessary. A head to support a large enough brain to support the intelligence required, and some forum of language and communication. I EXPECT everything else to be Alien...Dress, the language they use, their beliefs, who they worship-if they worship- custums and culture, and likely governments/leaders etc.....Yet somehow as minimal a chance of a space fairing bug it's a certainty, but how unlikely any other form of government except Democracy, Republic, Monarchy and the others we know. Apparantly it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to find Aliens with any other kind of government we've never heard of...even the bugs. Aparantly also they all enjoy some form of capatalism with government and private ships, they all want the same luxuries and they all require the same basic elements like steel and lead for their planets to grown...ANYTHING else is impossible...except of course...a talking spacefairing roach. Now again...I'm not saying kill your favorite roach race. But I am saying this needs works guys. Let's open things up a bit. Some Aliens may function 100 percent idealogically-- there may not be such a thing as church and state...there might just be church period. It's not here in DW. Yet a world of races fighting over idealogical beliefs must be conceivable if space fairing crickets are possible. But no, we can't have that. So the way i see it...it's not me saying dump what you want--it's you saying dump what I want...and the excuses range from "requires an EA with Millions, 100 man dev teams to...BORING. I don't want reskinned humunoids. I should accept the cricket race and stop complaining. Your post 5 pages why your way is the only possible way, nothing else should be wanted or needed.