[NO REPRO] Datapods being expended/jettisoned. Bug? (Full Version)

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KewDok -> [NO REPRO] Datapods being expended/jettisoned. Bug? (6/22/2014 3:57:33 AM)

Are Datapods supposed to be expended/jettisoned when the ordnance is delivered? I assume they are not, as I remember a bug fix correcting pods disappearing a while back. In the attached save the Walleye loadouts are not available for the Intruders as there are no AN/AAW-9 Datalink Pods. I have just had a series of strikes and the planes are back to restock.
I looked, but unfortunately I have no earlier save to show the planes in the air to see when it disappeared.

Build 546 of the game.

I am sorry for reporting this if this is WAD.

ComDev -> RE: Datapods being expended/jettisoned. Bug? (6/22/2014 10:04:32 AM)

Seems you've rebuilt the scenario with the latest db during gameplay? Were there 4 airborne planes carrying pods when you rebuilt it?

Thanks [8D]

KewDok -> RE: Datapods being expended/jettisoned. Bug? (6/23/2014 2:34:38 AM)

What I did was open the scenario in the editor, and then update it to the latest version. I saved it without starting it, exited and then started the scenario as new game.
There were no airplanes in the air on my side, at least, but there are quite a few sides in the scenario. I have attached the scenario I started from if needed for further investigation.

If this is a bug because I updated to latest version of the DB, please ignore this thread. I just found out it was possible on Baloogan's Youtube channel and wanted the "latest and best" for my game as well, hehe...

And Ragnar; "Heia Norge!"

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