is pirate raids supposed to loot you main planet stockpile? (Full Version)

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GVind -> is pirate raids supposed to loot you main planet stockpile? (6/23/2014 6:41:04 PM)

Pirate raids in my game loot insane amount of resources from backwater planets - after checking it seems game throws at pirates my main planet resources. Newly colonized planet was raided for 75k+ hydrogen plus insane amounts of other materials - this is stupid and unrealistic. Raided planet must be raided for materials present and money, maybe population but not for high-tech data somehow stored in backwater farmer planet or some non-existent cargo. This is game breaker for me and i must turn off wonder magic wizard pirates off from now on.

Tormodino -> RE: is pirate raids supposed to loot you main planet stockpile? (6/23/2014 7:44:18 PM)

That's strange. They usually get almost nothing from my newly started colonies, and I never noticed that.
You should check it over some time (check resource stocks and recheck after raids) and report it as a bug if that actually happens. Big problem is it actually does, and could explain why pirates sometimes seem to have unlimited resources and sometimes be dirt poor.

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