Chris McMahon -> Population commits instant mass suicide when I increase tax rate (6/24/2014 6:06:48 PM)
So my homeworld is a Q100 Planet. I built a lot of wonders on it (development level 175) and dropped the tax rate to 0. I wanted to know what the best-case max population of the planet was. After about 15 years of a 30% growth rate, I finally hit max population ~35billion. Great, now I can finally make some profit from this money sink! So I increase the tax rate from 0 to 65%. According to the happiness rating (+20), I could have increased it further, but I like to keep my colonies at +20. I unpause the game (to 1x speed). Instantly my population drops to 25 billion. Instantly! Did they load onto passenger transport ships? No, there were none in orbit, plus that would take a LOT of transports. I can only surmise that when confronted with a 65% tax rate for the first time, ~10 billion colonists lost their **** and decided that suicide was the only viable course of action. WTF?