Imperius -> Need help with race modding - get crash (6/25/2014 9:02:03 AM)
Hi guys, First off - thanks for all the excellent mods I see here! First time poster, but I've really enjoyed reading this forum over the last year. I decided to take the first step towards making a Babylon 5 mod using many of the resources here, and I've got a lot of races and such done. The problem is, the game crashes when trying to create the galaxy with this error report: ((Edit: Ugghh.. cant post links until 7 days from now... )) Something about aggressiveRacesRequired and index being out of bounds? I thought the problem was in my race files, so to test that theory, I just tried copying over all the vanilla race files, changing only the name, portrait numbers, and shipset numbers. All the other "indexes" in those files are therefore correct. It could be race policy then, but I tried removing all my custom policy files as well, and it still crashes. I also removed the custom character files, so the problem is not there either. So basically I have a mod, where the only things I've changed are portraits and some shipsets, and it crashes on trying to create the galaxy with the message stating something about aggressiveRacesRequired and index being out of bounds. Any ideas of what could be wrong here, judging from that error report? Any help is greatly appreciated! Edit: The error report in more detail says: System.ArgumentOutofRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index at System.Throwhelper.ThrowArgumentOutofRangeException... etc, etc.. at DistantWorlds.Types.Galaxy.SetupAlienRacePopulations(EmpireStartList empireStart, Int32 aggressiveRacesRequired)