MrWhite -> (3/22/2001 12:44:00 AM)
First of all I'ld like to thank you all for a speedy reply, I took that info last night and worked up some real fun maps. Poped in my old B/W copy of GungHo and redid a scenario with it, using those all so loveable Marine Raiders...
Those things kick ass...
The maps was rather fun to make can't wait to get it all together to play MP wise...
Also another kool thing that I'm thinking about doing is doing a couple of other movie maps for my friends who o so love to re-write movie history is make up a Scenrio of KElly's Hero's another Fav...
I guess my Favortie thing in this entier place is the ability to do the Jap side, CM had the flaw of only have three nationalites, This atleast has them all...
Yeah WB, can you give a ole friend a hook up with v5.0 gotta cathem all....