[Suggestion] Circuses description (Full Version)

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Hadral -> [Suggestion] Circuses description (7/5/2014 3:45:15 PM)

Ave !

Here is a little idea : adding a short description of the chosen circus in Single Race Menu.

For instance :

Avrigae: 4
Lanes: 4

CYRENE (Roman)
Avrigae: 6
Lanes: 4


EDIT : Oh, it seemes like the number of Aurigas is random, right ?

Niessuh -> RE: [Suggestion] Circuses description (7/9/2014 4:41:29 PM)

If you look the circus icons at the main menu closely, you will see that every icon shows a small circus diagram, maybe it has been made too subtle, but here you could get and idea about the circus length and its lane numbers [;)]

The number of aurigas depends on the circus lanes, but it could randomly switch between two possibilities. In oval circuses there are races with enough teams to fill all of the lanes, and other races where team numbers doubles the lane number. For roman circuses, the two possibilities is to equal the lane number too, or having 50% more teams (i.e. six lane circus -> 9 teams)

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