RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (Full Version)

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Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 1:30:26 AM)

made some tweaks with racial character generation speeds and some tweaks to starting characters, now Ergreagds will start with 1 hero from each house, Nagongd and non-house spy.
Updated files in the DL directory.

Icemania -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 4:10:56 AM)

Looks great Blackstork!

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 4:45:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania

Looks great Blackstork!

I'll be happy to see people playing this alpha and trying it... surely it need some tuning here and there balance wise, mainly after ll races have own cs, but would be great to hear people responses of how it plays for them :)

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 7:02:11 AM)


Ive cut plan for new races for Beyond to 6 races for now
1 is fuly released including Character system (Ergreagd - Cruel Silicon Roosters)
5 is about to be released in next release, all with unique stuffs and unique gameplay.
I wont add more unless some guys i contacted with will join and polish/integrate races they do in order to fit the mod. (atm 2 in question - 2 plant races from Distant Races modpack)

Then the mod will focus solely on building character systems for all 46 races.

1. Such-Oos - 2 eye snails - white flag - unique tech trees on countermeasure component and hight capacity super low volume cargo module. Will have small ships, very weak race, but their frighters will haul more than other races, despite being lower size ones.
2. Yereni - blue flag - Religious Theocratic Xenofobic semi-immortal aquatic guys. Own tree of long range guns.
3. Veresia - aqua flag - space energetic leech worms, have unique energy collectors (much better ones) and Area Gravitic Weapons unique tree
4. Dlakar - predator worms , speicial modules tree for Targeting (Hunger Hunter Device) , Use mix of weapons, specialise on hi precision.
5. Laaran - humanoids with sort of utilitarian control. Have 2 special things - unique "Broadcast Tower" planetary building that improves troop recruitment and happiness, and special tree on Assault Pods. Specialize on assault pods/capturing have massive bonuses to ship maint. reduction

Icemania and Lurchi, i will have outline of those 5 races very soon, and i will send it to you, and i will be happy if you reserve place/already aim for integration process considering their addition to main race pool

Icemania i will be happy to get your support for integration once/after you done with extended release. You will get nay support needed.

lurchi - i dont know your tree so i will outline races and focus for you and perhaps you add spots fo their unique techs in yor tree?

Also if you need some art/support for your updates art-wise please tell, i really dream to see it being amazing, deep, very polished huge megamod.

To everyone - i will appreciate if you play Ergreagd and tell your experience with new character system and such tricky complex race as whole.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 1:27:10 PM)

The Such-Oos are a small, friendly Protosomatic (Snail-like) species originating from a pastoral and impossibly serene planet Oosia. They reproduce quickly, think quickly and talk quickly, and while they have an atrophied shell underneath their skin, they are very squishy and are prone to flop around, a situation made all the more hilarious by their complete aversion to clothing. To make a long story short, the Such-Oos are not fans of physical confrontation.

Long ago, Oosia was devastated and partially destroyed many thousands of years ago, through unknown means, that reduced their primitive species to just a few million in number and forced them to spread to the stars. Lacking FTL-capable spacecraft or other advanced technology, the few remaining Such-Oos were pushed to press experimental “Matter Compressors” into service to store vast amounts of resources in order to survive their exodus.

There are hypotheses that posit the initial tragedy that killed billions of their people was result of some huge-scale experiment with said molecular compression technology that saved them, leading to concerns that it could happen again. Said concerns have prevented other races from adapting the technology themselves, even though the incident has never repeated even on a small scale.

Such-Oos are very weak physically, being less than 2 feet tall and having no endoskeleton, but they compensate by being very friendly and emphatic creatures, using these traits to build a large support structure of allies to have their backs. They are incredibly gregarious, and are prone to huddle together subconsciously for protection from predators, even when there are none present. For these reasons, Such-Oos cities and dwellings are very large and very saturated with occupants compared to those of other races, and it is not uncommon to see a population of hundreds of millions or billions in a single, distinct city. It is not unheard of for even entire planetary populations of Such-Oos to congregate like this. This attitude of friendliness and “clinginess” has also come to be extended to alien races that tolerate their presence, and taken to extremes with regards to Atuuk, Teekans and Humans, whom Such-Oos intrinsically adore and flock too.

While far from malicious, the Such-Oos are unconsciously manipulative when it comes to their dealings with others. While their molecular compression technology and keen inter-personal skills make them peerless traders and salesmen, they are totally inept when it comes to fighting any sort of conflict either on the ground or in space. As such their allies, by ‘coincidence’, tend to be militarily quite powerful, and they go out of their way to form a symbiosis with them, ensuring that they are never without loyal and dedicated bodyguards.

Despite their history of hardship, intelligence and communal living, they have a worrying lack of order, and everything that relates to them normally lacks any semblance of organisation or direction. Their society, although it may take the title of “Republic” or “Democracy” and follow their ideals in general, is little more than an anarchy loosely held together by their instincts, and as such Such-Oos communities can be quite unreliable allies, even though their individual members are typically very trustworthy and honorable.

The Yereni are an ancient race with a history stretching tens of thousands of years into the past, and are one of the few sapient races in the galaxy that can claim to still be in possession of their original home planet. Very frail from untold years of high-technology, they are poorly-suited both to physical labor and have short lifespans naturally. In an effort to combat their poor condition, the Yereni many centuries ago began an intensive period of bio-engineering and philosophical study to finally conquer their limitations. The result was a quasi-religion known as the “Way of Eternity”, dedicated solely to propagating their race and their well-being, which in turn led to the virtual elimination of natural death in their society. Freed from the looming spectre of aging and old age, the Yereni are now in the process of combating the myriad diseases and social problems that plague them to this day.

Because they are so devoted to their longevity and well-being, they have come to regard other races with massive suspicion and distrust, and they are extremely hostile towards all outside influence that could potentially infringe on the work. While completely averse to violence for the same reason, their instinctual and innate hatred of outsiders has crippled them to the extent they will totally refuse to co-operate with aliens. In a similar vein, their society has developed into an increasingly-authoritarian theocracy with the Way of Eternity serving as the foundation, driving them to purge dissidents and outliers with violence and massive, overwhelming firepower. They tolerate no possibility of harm to their people, and go out of their way to create a utopia for those that fall within their plans.

Their mindset of isolation and revulsion towards other races has driven them to create deadly new weapons, first and foremost the “Purifier” long-range missile with unmatched range and speed. So great is their disgust that they do not wish to get close to even the vessels of other species.

Veresia - Veresias is very unique species - they are protosomatic creature charged by electromagnetic charges, which used normally as weapon or tool which allow them to move veyr fast for very short period of time. They are worms which normally inhabiting Ice planets, but they are very adaptable creatures, and can at ease adapt to other climates than ice . Due their nature they posses some unique technologies which allows them to posses very strong energy collection, electromagnetic and gravitational manipulation abilities. They have unique energy collection technology which could collect energy from stars almost at double rate of other races technologies, and they possess unique Sequenced Gravitational Field - Gravitic Area weapon technology.
Low colonization/tech/building cost for planet types other than home type. Efficiency focus.
mediocre-low pop growth, Mining + 50%, +10% research. Very careful, Unfriendly, Passive.
Goverment: Veresian Union (race specific)

ParagonExile mate, if you will have time i will need your superrior writing skills in order to compose pedia entries... I will add Dlakar and Laaran soon.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 3:30:09 PM)

1. I found the way to do fast implementation of integration related features (those that will require some tweaking for integration with Icemanias and lurchi mods)

I will release new races with all features included and character systems without unique face art (just dfault picture of race art), but with groups - everything which is related to mechanics balance, and then will add unique portraits for each race eventually.

Dlakar - Huge predator worm, which evolved in tight symbiosis with smaller aquatic mammal species called Larka. Their origin ocean planet, Dilar, had very abundant life, and symbiosis of Dlakar and Larka won with evolution process, and Dlakar evolved as mighty, huge-sized, intelligent predator worms, which been nurtured and served by Larka. While Larka acts as small hands for Dlakar, doing all tasks that limb-less Dlakar can not, Dlakar might, strength and intelligence positioned Dlakar as over-creature above all lifeforms on Dilar, while Larka were overlords, serving mighty, god-like Dlakars.
One of main parts of Dlakar's mentality is hunt, and actually their name means somewhat as "Hunting God" on original Dilarian language. Other dilarian species were or enslaved, or threated as food by this union.
Towards other species in galaxy Dlakar have same approach - they see them as week servants or tasty food , on which they can feast.
Their ship technology adapts sizes of normal Dlakar species (which are really huge compared to other species in the galaxy), and they developed special targetting mechanism which mimics Dlakars own hunting bio-mechansm used for finding and killing the pray with immense speed and uncomparable precision.
Own Goverment : Dilarian Symbiosis. - 95% war wearinnes -20 corruption, -30 shp maintenance
Very low pop growth, Very big ships, 200 troop stength, rapid regeneartion for troops.
Targetting modules.

The Laaran are a tall, strong and proud Humanoid race with a brutal history that mirrors that of Humans very closely with some clear difference. Their original, now lost homeworld played host to very few natural resources, and the early Laaran were prone to fight to get what they needed to survive. As their rate of technological advancement increased and they began dragging their civilization to enlightenment, they gained access to ever greater weapons of war them with extinction. Their non-stop internecine conflict incorporated these deadly weapons, and eventually they fought their first world war. In this war, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons were used with reckless abandon, killing billions of their people and burning their already strained planet to the ground. After rebuilding and fighting many other minor wars, this was repeated a second, and finally third time before the damage inflicted to their world was irrepairable. Faced with the death of their species and imminent collapse of the ecology, they desperately signed what would later be called “The Oronus Canon”, a document which for the first time in their history united their disparate factions into one; the Oronus Accord. Working together for the first time, they marshalled what little of their resources remained and escaped their world for a new world near their star, and started again.

Upon arrival at their new home, they were faced with the prospect of reliving the horrors that drove them into exile in the first place, and the leaders of the Accord knew this. To combat this, they covertly implanted through non-invasive means small “Bio chips” into every civilian they had under their rule that ensured fealty and loyalty, and left only a dozen or so unaffected officials to lead. As a direct result of this, the Laaran experienced an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity, and built their civilization into something their ancestors never could have imagined. It is worthwhile to mention that the entrusted “unimplanted” leaders of the Accord are almost never corrupt, and have consistently done what is best for their people, something very few de facto oligarchies are capable of boasting.

Having discovered FTL travel, the Laaran have taken to the stars to interact with the other species in the galaxy. While not overly friendly by nature, their newfound stability and peace has made them much more reliable and bold, and they seek to integrate the disparate races into the fold of their nation to end all conflict forever.

ParagonExile -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 5:34:25 PM)




Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (8/3/2014 5:58:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: ParagonExile




I knew that your excitement is imminent :) :P

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/3/2014 6:59:44 PM)

Adding great pedia entry about mod to first page and game pedia - by ParagonExile :

Beyond Extended Universe is a mod created by Blackstork to improve upon/supplement Haree78’s incredible “Extended Universe” theme, mostly in the form of additional races and the more in-depth game mechanics. This page is a short summary of the changes it makes in addition to the new things it offers, which should (by final 1.0 release) be available in their own articles in the Galactopedia if you want more information about them than what is mentioned here. In no particular order:

1. The character system is being overhauled to an extent, and now characters will differ greatly between races, have unique abilities, and scale with game progress. This is opposed to the purely RNG “vanilla” character system, which led to…awkwardness (a Than Bendu on every street corner). Blackstork is also including his own art to give characters more individuality, and making the game recognize gender for several races. The forum user Ergie is also to be credited for this feature, as he has designed the tool that makes this possible.

2. Beyond Extended Universe also includes 10 new races, created both by Blackstork and by Inawordyes, which are being designed from the ground-up to play uniquely, filling niches unfilled by other species and in some cases having (as-of writing this sentence) unheard of mechanics in the scope of Distant Worlds, like the Ergreagd’s propensity for Min-Maxing gameplay.

3. This mod is intended to be used with Blackstork’s other aesthetic modification, Alien Immersion, that replaces most graphics and music on a per-race basis, to give the great diversity of play styles and personalities their own flavour in an attempt to create more race heterogeneity.

4. It is also pending to be integrated with Icemania’s “AI Improvement Mod”, which does what you think it does, and Lurchi’s “Research Reloaded”, which completely changes the tech tree.

5. Finally, the mod will also introduce small tweaks to existing races and abilities in an effort to keep balance with what is being introduced.

This mod and most of the mods above, as these words are written, are only partially complete and still a ways away from completion, so things are liable to change (hopefully for the better). In that vein, this page, and the more specific pages, will continue to be updated as more specific information is nailed-down. Stay tuned!

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/4/2014 4:33:39 AM)

Teaser on made by me unique set for Dlakar ships and troops

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/4/2014 8:38:29 PM)

anyone tested Ergreagds and their character system? Alot of work done , i hope someone runs this alpha, Character system and balance of Ergreagd feedback will help alot for further development.....

Blackstork -> Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA.4 is UP! (8/5/2014 5:32:14 AM)

Upcoming patch release notes: (for my use and modification and teaser)

Beyond Extended Universe ALPHA.4 (for DW:U Release is up!
exctract, install as separate theme. (please note that about.txt has been not edited from previous version - for patch notes and changes/feature list please see thsi post)

This release have alot of features and actually very big and complex stand-alone mod pack , including all best mods around + alot of new stuff.

Patch notes ver. ALPHA.4 :
- Added more 5 races , now there 6 unique races from Beyond Pool. Each race have very unique gameplay/flavor/focus, polished and have investment of original art in either troops, ships, or both. Unique race-specific interfaces for those races will follow and will be released soon in Alien Immersion Project frame.
- 3 of 6 races use totally original , done by me shipsets, Yereni use recolored and retweaked Taiidan set from HW pack, Such-Oos and Laaran use Kadeshi and Turanic shipsets from HW , Credits will mount DeadlyShoe name for his awesome ship models. Ive deicided to design only 50% of ships myself for the pool because it takes alot of time from me.
- added planet, surface and landscape art from Stuff&Bits mod by KEWB1144
- Added alot of race/concept pedia entries by ParagonExile, Ergreagd dialogue by ParagonExile, Ergreagd small tweaks.
- Added new goveremnts - mainly for new races, which will ensure uniquiness of their play.
- Next releases will focus on tweaks and implementing rest race character systems without art firstly - art will follow later.
- Merged all modpack with Icemania AI Extended mod version ALPHA - to prevent complex integration in future and allow easier modification and implementation from both sides. All changes are noted.
- Updated many things for Ergreagds in correlation with Icemania's mod.
- For easier implementation and for lack of conflict between mods Yereni will use faster engines as their tehcnology which allow effective kiting as its part of their design.
- For same reason Veey use Gravitic weapons with some area inside, and their spec tech changed.
- Laaran experiementally bullt towards Beams/Point blank/Assault Pods.
- Updated Race Biases according to Icemanias mod.
- Changed naming files that way that Earth city names will be no longer used as ship names for the game. That was nasty immersion breaker. (No more ships named Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo and London!)
- Added Sirian's EVE components art mod, v 1.2, and augmented it with few new pictures for new race's unique components from stock he kindly provided with the mod.

Mod Contain:
- 6 new races as extension to Universe: Extended race pool. All races have very unique mechanic and approach to the game, unique troop/ship/or both art, and alot of lore, writing, flavor, art involved. 3 of those races have completely unique, made for them by me ship set art. For new races overview please go here.
- example of upcoming character system for Race Ergreagd - very big expansion which will instroduce very different race-cpecific, specialised characters (~500 characters pool per race), with unique portraits each, which will expand immersion, lore, balance and depth of race differentiation. On Character system please read this POST - entry by ParagonExile.
- Alot of minor tweaks as immersive names for ship templates, some tunes for balance, etc.
- Alot of best mods combined :
Haree78's mod - Extended Universe featuring race pool extension / race art change
Das123's mod - Chrome Mod (partially)
My (Blackstork's) mod - Alien Immersion Project - featring race-specific user interfaces and soundtracks. Soundtracks are not included into the mod - to get them please follow race-specific packages and instructions on this page:
Martian's GEM mod (partialy) - featuring landscapes and surface art
Sirian's EVE components mod - featuring better good-looking EVE component icons for DW:U components
KEWB1144's Stuff'n'Bits mod (partially) - featuring beautiful planet art, surface and landscape art
Icemania's Universe Improved AI mod ver . 1.01 - huge work which focuses on improvement of game AI via policy and ship template manipulation, also featuring weapon rebalance, engine rebalance, bias tweaks and more. The main mod completely compatible and merged with this mod, except race bias table.

Mod Team:
Blackstork - art, concept, development, testing, what not
Ergie - Automation, Generation/Seeding Programming, hi-tec support
ParagonExile - Home writer who writes pedias, instructions, help files , dialogues, and many more! (He also exterminate Atuuks and hate Than Bendu!)
Genome - noted for some help for naming Slukens. Immersion name files.

Future plans:
- Merging all thigns including lurchi's research megaproject into one big megamod.
- Creatinbg epic journey
- Complete character system with more than 20000 unique characters and different character play for each race, and as result big rebalance and more complecity into race mechanics complex.

Blackstork -> BEYOND Character System Outline for Players (8/5/2014 10:30:40 AM)

Character System Outline for Players - To be added into separate consolidated pedia entry about Character allegiances.
those texts (after been redacted and polished) are the hint to the player what he should expect from certain race characters, and how Character system rebalance works
This is how character system narrow flavor/balanace/gameplay/style of certain race during character seeding process.
As been said before limiting some certain skills and emphasizing other skills could lead to some very serious race game play changes , and bear potential of being race-defining variables of same power of race.txt file.
For example new CS (Character system) can control certain research field bonuses of certain races (giving focus to certain field for example, or limiting power of some scientific races by focusing their scienties bonuses only in one direction (thats a plan for quameno - they will have massive research bonuses only for Energy Research field, making them weaker abit in Weapons/Hi-Tech research compared to Vanilla)), narrow command bonuses to racial ship design focus, tweak and balance economics using governors/leaders and more.

Ergreagd <implemented - 490 characters with art> - highly competitive society, which progress built on constant rivalry and competition between three royal houses. Nagongds, the mediators between houses are normally overseeing external policies and deal with external threats, but they do not excel at being strong leaders, they just keepers of unstable peace between houses and normally more skilled in internal security than in anything else. If one of the houses tilts balance to his side enough, Nagongd may be replaced by one of representatives from leading royal house. Royal houses have each one own specialization, Urgegds excel at governing and trade, are rich and normally well-respected rulers, Kerengds are innovative and rule by technology, terror, implementing most advanced assassination techniques in the galaxy, while Margagd Generals and Admirals inspire and rally fierce Ergreagd warriors and more military power and skill focused, neglecting anything else. Been said that diplomacy never was their strong side, though Urgegd trade-oriented noblemen succeed to achieve some notable diplomatic deals with seemingly highly hostile to Ergreagd lifeforms.
Generally, Ergreagd society have very high level of internal security, focused around areas of 3 royal houses specialization, and their fleet and ship commanders normally specialize in systems Ergreagd navies packed with - weapons, shields and countermeasure systems.

Dhayut <next release> - fierce aggressive species with highly centralized society, have also some certain sub-breeds which normally perform more specialized roles. Their society is extroverted and reckless, aiming towards constant expansion and conquest, without much account of safety, defense or population happiness. Generally, two worthy of notification more rare breeds exist which could take places in Dhayut high command - Dhytta and Tahhyt. Dhytta is most warlike breed of Dhayut species, very dedicated, and extremely reckless, while Tahhyt is very intelligent, advanced but highly un-predictable and un-controlable breed, which possess poisoned fumes which corrupt other species arround making them un-predictable and un-controllable as Tahhyt. Tahhyt normally sent to perform complex tasks in desolation, and often separated from other breeds.
Their fleet command is highly skilled in space and hyper-space maneuvering, as well as in weapon systems and repair systems.
Their scientists have certain affinity towards weapon and energy research, and less focused on high tech systems development.

Humans - well balanced, diverse and versatile society. Human species are very diverse in their personalities, covering wide spectrum of GalPerS - Galaxy Personality Specification. They often expansive, curious, competitive and mainly emphatic. They have different sub-races connected to different origin locations on their origin planet in Sol system, which also differ in physical appearance, as well as with their personality traits.

Blackstork -> RE: BEYOND Character System Outline for Players (8/6/2014 1:23:53 PM)

I will continue revealing things in form of blog before the upcoming release in order to order some data for it/later releases and to introduce interested people who want shortly to overview some features in order to know what kind of mechanics they will face.

Upcoming patch will release new races which are quite different from vanilla+extended pool.
1. Some of them very radical ones. For example 2 protosomatic races Such-Oos and Dlakar which are quite opposite one of other. Such-Oos are squishy tiny snails who are the weakest troops in the galaxy , and their tiny ships are far from being something "menacing" to their enemies (which are very few), and for that they will need to build on healthy cash flow and abundant powerful diplomats and diplomacy features in order to talk others into not to attack them/protect them. They are about to build symbiosis with other lifeform in order to survive and advance. Dlakar are opposite, they are huge powerful aquatic predator worms, who been tied in very tight symbiosis with other small creature, which serve as small hands for them. Their symbiosis makes intelligent limbless huge worm being able to control processes starting with micro and stretching into huge macro - they are predator behemoths, with non-existent economy, low pop growth, but with immense physical might as well as well developed intelligence, horrendous worms see other lifeforms in same light as other lifeforms from their origin planet - animals which can be used for service or for food. They complete lack any racial bonuses, but as secondary population they could be quite worthy gain (despite their un-adaptability and complexity of their transportation) - they are most powerful creatures on the ground, one huge worm could kill dozens of other creature soldiers.
2. Some of those races are built with plan for specific character system. Character system is something that can add big value to certain race populacy , even if they don't have race bonuses/have bad ones.
3. Most of those races extend certain group, which barely represented in vanilla-extended pool. The group trait is its races (in certain similarity to Banoserit) use/locked to their certain goverment and their lore/gameplay tied to it and is the defining factor for their play.

Way of the Eternity - Cult of self-development of ancient Yereni with time developed into absolute evolution praising theocracy, which prescripts to Yereni to follow certain , very strict style of life in order to achieve immortality. Immortality is demanding thing, and Yereni have strict religious society, intolerable of "wrong-doings", risk and alien species. Extremely xenofobic governing religion, which control almost everything Yereni prevents Yereni to submit themselves to the risks which could strip them of their immortal nurtured bodies and souls - violent death and plagues, which come from filthy mortal alien creatures.

Super-link - Veey worms is highly organized society, but to difference with Hive Mind societies of Insectoid races, each species keeps and posses own personality, which it connects to interlinked energetic network, which could exchange alerts, knowledge and navigational data in their voyages. Being quite neutral nomadic type of creature, Veey super-linked swarms are highly organized groups of well-informed, aware, intelligent and protective species.

Hunter Symbiosis - For long years this union of two so different species from one planet developed into something mighty, far-reaching and menacing. Huge intelligent worms are fond and very caring of their little friends and benefactors, while small Larka are the biggest benefactors of this union, being favored by their Hunter Gods, their possibilities are limitless. The Hunters of Dlakar because of their benefactors able to stretch their control from micro-systems up to huge scale construction projects, and that allow them to stretch their hunger further, ifrom depth of Dilar to depth of The Galaxy, which is full of juicy lifeforms.

lurchi -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 1:51:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

Teaser on made by me unique set for Dlakar ships and troops

The upper left ship has an interesting face.



Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 1:57:09 PM)

haha never though about it,
btw - about you post on governments - those are new rce-locked ones from upcoming release, i will add Laaran "Oronus Accord" (for now there is info in Laaran's description)
Perhaps you could take a scope of gvments from release (i will put it tommorow) and do some techs with me?

lurchi -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 2:10:07 PM)

If it's a race specific government you can just restrict the tech for the race. I thought about governments open to all races. [;)]

What tech do you have in mind?

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 2:28:10 PM)

Feudalism - Vassal system (something with secondary population ?) , Devide and Rule (something with regional capitals)
Republic - Representation (giving more power to regional capitals)
Democracy - Tech that will amplify bonuses from assimilated secondary pops (something about equal rights)
Technocracy - technology about adept internats - some building that will provide more tech bonus based on % of pop growth (tied to tax system )
Military A- Technology that will be about special caste/youth taken to be solely dedicated for military service - tropps created randomly on regular basis depending from pop growth (hey atuuks!)
etc...(it could be some % of pop growth, substracting some from pop increase, but working even if max pop reached)
Not sure if its possible to do with aviable modding feats
Generally more economical customisation

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 4:31:31 PM)

Let me finish this release, and to think about it bit more, later i will have perhaps more ordered ideas.

Btw, there could be few tiers of character generating buildings (academies), they will have alot of sence and reason to build them, more than its now, once all the character system released.

lurchi -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 6:01:23 PM)

Facility modding is very restricted. Upgrading facilities in game is not possible as of now. New academies are not possible at all. New facilities are not possible in general, I can only modify the existing types. I can make new wonders, though.

What I can do with wonders is change growth, happiness, income and research speed for the colony or the whole empire as well as defense and construction speed of the colony and finally a race achievment for the victory conditions. That's it, sadly. [:(]

ParagonExile -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 6:06:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: lurchi

Facility modding is very restricted. Upgrading facilities in game is not possible as of now. New academies are not possible at all. New facilities are not possible in general, I can only modify the existing types. I can make new wonders, though.

What I can do with wonders is change growth, happiness, income and research speed for the colony or the whole empire as well as defense and construction speed of the colony and finally a race achievment for the victory conditions. That's it, sadly. [:(]

Wow, that's lame.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/6/2014 6:51:57 PM)

Let's make new petition.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 10:12:31 AM)

Beyond Extended Universe ALPHA.4 (for DW:U Release is up!
exctract, install as separate theme. (please note that about.txt has been not edited from previous version - for patch notes and changes/feature list please see thsi post)

This release have alot of features and actually very big and complex stand-alone mod pack , including all best mods around + alot of new stuff.

Patch notes ver. ALPHA.4 :
- Added more 5 races , now there 6 unique races from Beyond Pool. Each race have very unique gameplay/flavor/focus, polished and have investment of original art in either troops, ships, or both. Unique race-specific interfaces for those races will follow and will be released soon in Alien Immersion Project frame. For new races overview please go here.
- 3 of 6 races use totally original , done by me shipsets, Yereni use recolored and retweaked Taiidan set from HW pack, Such-Oos and Laaran use Kadeshi and Turanic shipsets from HW , Credits will mount DeadlyShoe name for his awesome ship models. Ive deicided to design only 50% of ships myself for the pool because it takes alot of time from me.
- added planet, surface and landscape art from Stuff&Bits mod by KEWB1144
- Added alot of race/concept pedia entries by ParagonExile, Ergreagd dialogue by ParagonExile, Ergreagd small tweaks.
- Added new goveremnts - mainly for new races, which will ensure uniquiness of their play.
- Next releases will focus on tweaks and implementing rest race character systems without art firstly - art will follow later.
- Merged all modpack with Icemania AI Extended mod version 1.01 - to prevent complex integration in future and allow easier modification and implementation from both sides. All changes are noted.
- Updated many things for Ergreagds in correlation with Icemania's mod.
- Changed naming files that way that Earth city names will be no longer used as ship names for the game. That was nasty immersion breaker. (No more ships named Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo and London!)
- Added Sirian's EVE components art mod, v 1.2, and augmented it with few new pictures for new race's unique components from stock he kindly provided with the mod.

Mod Contain:
- 6 new races extension above Universe: Extended race pool. All races have very unique mechanic and approach to the game, unique troop/ship/or both art, and alot of lore, writing, flavor, art involved. 3 of those races have completely unique, made for them by me ship set art. For new races overview please go here.
- example of upcoming Beyond Character System (for now only for Race Ergreagd) - very big expansion which will instroduce very different race-cpecific, specialised characters (~500 characters pool per race), with unique portraits each, which will expand immersion, lore, balance and depth of race differentiation. On Character system please read this POST - entry by ParagonExile.
- Alot of minor tweaks as immersive names for ship templates, some tunes for balance, etc.
- Alot of best mods combined :
Haree78's mod - Extended Universe featuring race pool extension / race art change
Das123's mod - Chrome Mod (partially)
My (Blackstork's) mod - Alien Immersion Project - featring race-specific user interfaces and soundtracks. Soundtracks are not included into the mod - to get them please follow race-specific packages and instructions on this page:
Martian's GEM mod (partialy) - featuring landscapes and surface art
Sirian's EVE components mod - featuring better good-looking EVE component icons for DW:U components
KEWB1144's Stuff'n'Bits mod (partially) - featuring beautiful planet art, surface and landscape art
Icemania's Universe Improved AI mod ver . 1.01 - huge work which focuses on improvement of game AI via policy and ship template manipulation, also featuring weapon rebalance, engine rebalance, bias tweaks and more. The main mod completely compatible and merged with this mod, except race bias table.

DeadlyShoe's HW ship pack mod - used after tweaking/recoloring or as they are 3 sets of ship models.

Mod Team:
Blackstork - art, concept, development, testing, what not
Ergie - Automation, Generation/Seeding Programming, hi-tec support
ParagonExile - Home writer who writes pedias, instructions, help files , dialogues, and many more! (He also exterminate Atuuks and hate Than Bendu!)
Genome - noted for some help for naming Slukens. Immersion name files.

Future plans:
- Merging all thigns including lurchi's research megaproject into one big megamod.
- Creatinbg epic journey
- Complete character system with more than 20000 unique characters and different character play for each race, and as result big rebalance and more complecity into race mechanics complex.

PS. This is still alpha, i will really appreciate testing, because there perhaps will be need for some tweaks /rebalances.

Icemania -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 10:32:04 AM)

That is huge! Great work Blackstork! Downloading now ...

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 10:35:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania

That is huge! Great work Blackstork! Downloading now ...

:) Thanks!
ye, that was alot of nitpicking/but its done... i hope you enjoy
will happy for any comments, and will be happy to have some discussion about effcts of changes on balance/gameplay.

More will come later, Next releases will focus on implementing complex character system as huge gamplay/rebalance feature. Firstly w/o art, then with unique faces. :)

also this week i will work on Alien Immersion project and will issue race-specific UIs and soundtracks for Humans, Yor, and new 5 races.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 11:08:35 AM)

Excuse me, there small tweak needed to goverments (there is some mistake)
i've changed some file in zipped folder so its ok now

It was part of Laaran Tweaks, its last race added, and it may be also tweaked after few tests/player comments

Thanks and sorry! :) cheers.
Most updated version is up now at link of patch notes post

Icemania -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 11:32:35 AM)

The Such-Oos just scared the living daylights out of my 5 year old.

Or was that me?


Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 11:40:02 AM)



You mean your child, or what?

Its really funny to see Such-Oos scarrying someone :V

Btw they have cute unique troop art.

Watch em eyes!


Icemania -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 1:28:19 PM)

Hey Blackstork:

Great work so far! Some observations to help with the Alpha:

1. On the Theme Page, the about text runs off the page, you may want to consider making it more succinct.

2. On the Weapons Tech Tree, Armor Plating, High Density Alloys, Reinforced Construction, Ablative Metals and Indestructible Compounds are in overlapping positions with other technologies.

3. The Dlakar use Missiles/Fighters/Missile Bombers so should have Carriers at 50%, rather than Capital Ships at 50%, in their Policy File (due to the Carrier size bonus).

4. The Yereni use Missiles so should have Capital Ships at 50%, rather than Carriers at 50%, in their Policy File.

5. When I start a game with the Such-Oos, and only with the Such-Oos, I get an error message as follows, appears image related:

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Image original)
at DistantWorlds.Main.U3CwVM31Vq()
at DistantWorlds.Main.RAjFEClqfb()
at DistantWorlds.Main.Ignite(Game game, String currentFileName)
at DistantWorlds.Start.qNTYRpsZ29(Game )
at DistantWorlds.Start.t67Tgqlvv7(Object , EventArgs )
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at DistantWorlds.Controls.GlassButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at DistantWorlds.Controls.GlassButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

What I do for testing is put the game on 4X with no pop-ups and just let it run, checking in from time to time (e.g. in between forum posts). I would suggest doing this for each new race.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - ALPHA RELEASE IS UP! (8/8/2014 1:50:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania

Hey Blackstork:

Great work so far! Some observations to help with the Alpha:

1. On the Theme Page, the about text runs off the page, you may want to consider making it more succinct.

2. On the Weapons Tech Tree, Armor Plating, High Density Alloys, Reinforced Construction, Ablative Metals and Indestructible Compounds are in overlapping positions with other technologies.

3. The Dlakar use Missiles/Fighters/Missile Bombers so should have Carriers at 50%, rather than Capital Ships at 50%, in their Policy File (due to the Carrier size bonus).

4. The Yereni use Missiles so should have Capital Ships at 50%, rather than Carriers at 50%, in their Policy File.

5. When I start a game with the Such-Oos, and only with the Such-Oos, I get an error message as follows, appears image related:

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Image original)
at DistantWorlds.Main.U3CwVM31Vq()
at DistantWorlds.Main.RAjFEClqfb()
at DistantWorlds.Main.Ignite(Game game, String currentFileName)
at DistantWorlds.Start.qNTYRpsZ29(Game )
at DistantWorlds.Start.t67Tgqlvv7(Object , EventArgs )
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at DistantWorlds.Controls.GlassButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at DistantWorlds.Controls.GlassButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

What I do for testing is put the game on 4X with no pop-ups and just let it run, checking in from time to time (e.g. in between forum posts). I would suggest doing this for each new race.

I've run it but i do not know what this problem could be with Such-oos
i will check that

thanks for your notes,
Thats an alpha still, i will release hotfix soon

I hope it will have less probs
I also made some adjustments to Dlakar
And corrected those bugs.

I've run all races as tesing, actually except Such-Oos, but i tested alot and because they played all time balanced and nicely i even didnt started a game as them , just looked on Such os from wditor perspective

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