RobW (GB) vs Brutto Bob (Italy), Sicily 1943 (Full Version)

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Brutto-Bob -> RobW (GB) vs Brutto Bob (Italy), Sicily 1943 (2/15/2003 6:15:01 PM)

Sicily 1943, during the first days of the invasion a number of disperate counter-attacks were launched against the allied beacheads. Colonel Brutto-Bob quickly gathered all the avaiable reserves and rushed to join the action moving his force along the road through the hills surronding the little town of Palazzolo. In the meantime, the British HQ ordered to Colonel RobW to move forward with his forces to expand the beachead, they want to seize the hills guarding the road of Palazzolo. A battle will erupt...

Brutto-Bob HQ:
British presence was reported East from Palazzolo, suddenly the column was moved from the road to achieve a battle formation. British artillery hail us with a rain of mortar shells, it seems that they owns about 5 mortar plts and one battery of 25 Pdr hotwizers. But this is not the only surprise: about three paratroops plts are landing on the hills in our back. Some autoblindo are moving to engage this menace.

RobW -> (2/17/2003 7:47:26 PM)

My forces admire the Sicilian wildlife - perhaps the Italians have managed to train badgers and squirells to attack tanks and infantry. Nothing to report from the British advanced parties.

Brutto-Bob -> Turn 2 (2/19/2003 2:48:34 AM)

My autoblindos supported by one Alpini squad are fighting against paratroops and british recons: 2 para sqds are eliminated.
One Sherman was damaged by italian artillery.

RobW -> (2/20/2003 3:27:12 PM)

In the rear my paratroops try to vanish and pop up somewhere unexpected. Dispatch 1 motorcycle unit in the north - all else is quiet.

Brutto-Bob -> Turn 3 (2/21/2003 4:54:49 PM)

Some fighting on the Hill west from Palazzolo, one Sherman and an Halftrack are destroyed. It seems that British troops have already seized the town and the east (woody) slope of the hill.

Many other halftracks and trucks are rolling around to take VHs and place AT-guns. :(

Italian autoblindos are still hunting for English paratroops, three more squads are wiped out.

RobW -> (2/25/2003 4:04:32 PM)

In the north I See a large number of tracked vehicles. Time to reorientate to try and prevent them breaking through. In the center and south not much is happening. In the rear my paratroops see much activity but are not close enough to initiate contact.

Brutto-Bob -> (2/26/2003 4:24:42 AM)

Italian armors are taking the initiative on the contested hill. The charge was hailed by some British tank and halftracks supported by two AT-guns.

One Matilda and two Shermans are knocked out and one ATG was burned by my flame tank. But my side also suffers casualities:
some tanks are damaged and two light ones destroyed.

In the rear, three more paratroops sqds are cleared out.

Brutto-Bob -> (2/27/2003 5:06:19 AM)

My ammo depot was hit and destroyed by British artillery!
Surely, it was spotted by these evil paratroops!:mad:

On the hill, my armors are penetrating in the woody slope and engaging one matilda that survives to many shots. My flamethrower sqd reach the second ATG WOOOOSSHH! :)

But there are more ATG targeting the hilltop...

In other map sectors, British halftracks and scout armors, backed by Shermans (at long range) are trying to infiltrate through my lines. They are fighting against my ATGs. Some units are moving to intercept the intruders...

Another paratroops sdq eliminated.

RobW -> (2/27/2003 8:17:15 PM)

The north is looking very precarious - I am sure he will manage to force his way out even with the loss of 1 tank this round. In the center and south I prepare for an onslaught to try to dislodge me.

My paratroops do nothing much in the rear - and NO they did not spot your ammo dump but we did see the gun teams so aimed in their vicinity.

Brutto-Bob -> (2/28/2003 5:15:55 AM)

The battle on the hill goes on: the Matilda still survives to many direct shots, my Alpini sdq shots down the crew of the third ATG and another halftrack was destroyed.

The British force lose a Sherman and another halftrack to ATG, long range, shooting.

Two more paratroops sqds removed...

VikingNo2 -> (2/28/2003 6:21:15 AM)

Go Brutto-Bob, its time to make more respect the Italain War machine, your one of the few that likes playing them beside myself:D

Sorry RobW couldn't resist

RobW -> (2/28/2003 7:45:00 PM)

This battle is going only 1 way - win for the Italins. My units are being ineffectual - I am unable to stop his advance

Brutto-Bob -> (3/3/2003 5:15:18 PM)

the hill is mine, British units are retreating to form a defensive line in the little town of Palazzolo, losing two more tanks, one halftrack and one ATG in the fight.

Other sectors are more quiet, with some fighting between my ATG and British halftracks and recons.

I hope that the paratroops menace is completely removed from the map ...:confused:

RobW -> (3/4/2003 8:00:26 PM)

This turn some long range shots in the center yield little in the way of casualties. My paratroops ammounted to not a lot - guess they were not suited to this mission and a waste of resources! In the north I manage to dislodge 1 infantry unit and destroy an autoblinda but I can see the wrmour massing for its next onslaight.

Brutto-Bob -> (3/5/2003 3:42:28 PM)

Italian recons are scouting the town of Palazzolo, they meet a fierce resistence by MGs, ATGs and some Sherman hidden behind houses. No major action here in this turn.

In the centre there are some Shermans, in defensive positions, overwatching my lines. My tanks are trying to dislodge them by a long range shot duel without winners, but one of my 90mm Semovente was hit and damaged by OpFire.

RobW -> (3/10/2003 7:57:25 PM)

The northern flank is seriously weekend by his armoured attack. I need to find some way to stop them and fast.

Brutto-Bob -> (3/11/2003 5:51:21 AM)

Italian troops and tanks are fighting in the west side of the town but they are stopped by one Sherman that holds the position. About three italian tanks are engaging it but still with no results. Two halftraks and one MG are destroyed in town.

In the central sector, my tanks are engaging the Shermans lurking in front of my lines, but they are backed by long range gunnery. I lose two tanks in the attempt, two Shermans are damaged.

One lone halftrack, in the sud, was burned out by my flame tank...

RobW -> (3/11/2003 6:28:26 PM)

In the north my well parked Sheman takes out 2 Italian tanks but fails on the third. A second Sherman comes to his aid but cannot remove this one remaining tank. His infantry are in the town so need to be dislodged.

In the center 1 Sherman takes out 2 tanks on the hill - Hope his look survives as he has been hit a number of times. The long range tank & artillery fire is again ineffectual.

In the south all is peaceful, the birds are singing, the grass blows in the wind......

Brutto-Bob -> (3/12/2003 10:47:00 PM)

North: urban fighting in Palazzolo, one of the two Sherman is destroyed with one halftrack mortar and an inf squad. The second british tank is hidden in the east part of the town. I lose one APC by another AT-gun (many ATGs from RobW... ).:mad:

Centre: One Sherman was burned by my flame tank, another one was abandoned and his crew shot down. I take some long range hit on a third tank damaging it ( I hope).

I'm moving East covered by ATGs (They blow two more british halftracks )

RobW -> (3/13/2003 5:21:37 PM)

In the north IO lose my last sherman. I need to find some way to get reserves into the area. In the center I destroy a number of tank units (was late last night and forgot exactly how many and of what type). In the south I can see some of his troops moving but as yet have nothing to hit them with

Brutto-Bob -> (3/14/2003 4:39:07 AM)

Tanks destroyed? Where? In the replay I only see two Sherman hit by italian counter-fire...

Italian troops are securing Palazzolo and fighting against one ATG (with his supporting halftrack) on the hill east from the town.

In the centre, move forward with caution because there are still some Sherman firing from long range on my tanks. One was hit by ATG and reached by a ligth tank and a recon armor I hope that in the next turn it will die.

A couple of italian armors are damaged by long range gunnery...

RobW -> (3/18/2003 7:54:20 PM)

Cannot see a lot, I think I may need to start to regroup in order to avoid an enormous defeat.

Brutto-Bob -> (3/19/2003 4:53:05 PM)

Many ATGs are sloving down my advance (I lose one armor recon ), my tanks must wait for infantry support to deal with these guns.

There are two guns in the south-west outskirt of Palazzolo, and another couple defending the central and southern VH.

The previous mentioned Sherman was abandoned by his crew that soon surrender to my troops.

At the moment I hold only 2 of the 5 VHs.

RobW -> (3/26/2003 4:18:13 PM)

took out a number of infantry units - the fact that italians retreat eaily is helping me !!!!!

Brutto-Bob -> (3/27/2003 3:51:03 PM)

Not much happens in Palazzolo this turn: my troops are dealing with two halftracks and two (or three) ATGs that are still defending the outskirts of the town.

In other sectors, my movements are stopped by skilled ATG fire: I lose one armor recon AB40 and a light tank vas damaged.

My infantry was caught, in the open, by MG fire and pinned...

I need arty support against these defensive positions...

RobW -> (3/31/2003 6:46:15 PM)

The town is fairly quiet but I guess not for long. IN the center/rear something is about to go off as smoke is appearing in front of my units. I manage to force 1 infantry and 1 m/c unit to withdraw

Brutto-Bob -> (4/1/2003 3:08:27 PM)

Two ATG are destroyed area South-east from the town, now I see only infantry defending the area.

In the South, using smoke to blind ATG, I was able to take the VHs.But I can't push forward here because there are a Sherman and one ATG placed to take flanking shots. One alpini sqd try to reach the ATG but was forced to retreat by the Sherman's MGs.

A couple of halftrack backed by ATG or Tank firing from a hidden place are covering the central VH, I need to move forward some ATG to dislodge them.

RobW -> (4/2/2003 2:45:09 PM)

Took shots at his 2 ATGs with my Sherman (yes, the last one I have!!!!) and forced 2 engineer units to withdraw. Lost a white scout car in the north. Thin reinforcements may be required!

Brutto-Bob -> (4/3/2003 4:52:02 AM)

Italian troops are advancing from Palazzolo, three British inf sqds defending some houses are forced to withdraw, two of its surrendered.
A mortar battery was discovered hidden behind the hill east from the town and engaged.

Another ATG covering the central VH was destroyed by alpini sqds.

Some british inf sqds, backed by two halftracks tries to dislodge my infantry from the southern VH but they came under fire from my tanks and ATG: one halftrack was hit, two inf sqds are burned by my flamethrowers.

RobW -> (4/3/2003 6:56:44 PM)

I manage to force 1 infantry unit to withdraw. The situation is looking precarious - I hope thsoe reinforcements get here soon.

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