johanwanderer -> RE: 7 (Newbie) Questions that I couldn't find answers to (7/19/2014 2:34:38 PM)
Bingeling answered most of these already, but I'll take a stab below as well since you asked me directly :) -Long. quote:
Question #1: Everything was going smooth, but then I noticed that my research potential started going down. I found no reason for this. It went down from 320k to 155k during 8 years or so. Why's that? My population was growing, although automatic taxation kept it at 100%. I took manual control and lowered it to around 50-75%, so I still stayed in balance. I think you should look at your policy, because a colony should never be taxed at 75-100%. Since you already take control of taxation, I would recommend bringing it down to 40% or less, otherwise they won't have enough money to pay for mining bases, etc. Keep an eye on the population's happiness and keep it at 16 (happy) or above. If it's too low, lower the tax. Given that it was taxed at 100%, I think everyone migrated away from your home world, which is the one generating most of your research. Edit: added the following since you mentioned you only had one colony: Given that you only had one colony, it could be tax avoidance because of the high taxes. Look at the colony summary, it shows something like revenue = X, Y % compliance. You want that to be like 100%. Maybe that affect your potential research. I'm not sure. Also, do you have pirate bases (go to the Facility tab) on your home world? If so, the corruption could affect it. If you have them, build a bunch of troops and attack it (from the Facility tab). quote:
Question #2: Pirates captured many of my mining stations in my home system. So I built a troop ship, loaded it with troops, but it was unable to capture the stations back. It just kept circling the mining station endlessly. Then I retrofitted the troop ship and added a docking bay. Same still. Why's this? What do I need to do to re-capture those mining stations? Add a couple boarding pods (require boarding tech) to your destroyer (or whichever design you like) and buidl them to capture bases. quote:
Question #3: This is sort of a follow up. My military ships kept attacking the captured mining stations and I found it very hard to stop them from automatically attacking them. Is only option to disable automation on the military ships or is there a way to prevent them from attacking captured stations? In your empire policy, scroll down to the boarding section. There is an option for when to board base. Usually it is set to "when in our system" or some such. If that is true, and if you have ships with boarding, they will try to board the base and capture them. quote:
Question #4: I'm also very confused how much "mining / luxury mining" potential should I pump up to a station when designing one. One (at prewarp) gave a potential of 3. But what does that mean? While I understand that 15 is five times greater, do I need more? If so, how much should I add those mining engines / luxury resource collectors? How does the number work? I wouldn't try to min/max this too much. The default (2 mining/gas mining + 1 luxury) seems to work just fine. It might take a bit longer or shorter to mine resources, but it won't break anything. quote:
Question #5: Are the resource potential numbers (like development level of colony) also logarithmic? Meaning 70% gives double rate to 60%? How does this work with the mining station, mining potential? I think they are linear. When you look at a mining station design, it says something like "mining: 40", that means the station will mine 40 unit / time at a 100%. at 50%, it'll mine 20 unit / time. quote:
Question #6: Can I automate construction ships to repair damaged ships / prioritize that? Yes, automated constructor will go around reparing thing. I'm not sure how you would prioritize it except to take manual control of them. There maybe something in the policy. Overall, however, I wouldn't worry too much about reparing ships unless it's a big military ship. quote:
Question #7: Can I have only one smuggling quest on at any given time? I was running out of so many resources... Steel, Gold, Helium... You can have a mission for "All Resources". However, try not to get into situation where you are short on resources and have to feed the pirates unless absolutely necessary. Build and defend mining stations to cover the important strategic resources.