Most memorable moments in PBEM games (Full Version)

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Jack -> Most memorable moments in PBEM games (2/16/2003 4:16:19 AM)

I was hoping other people could list their most memorable game turns or series of turns in PBEM games. I used H2H. Please specify what version you are using.
I will give you an example of a few of mine. Keep in mind I only play on the big 100x240 maps.
#1 I caught an artillery park with just trucks towing the guns totally unprotected. I destroyed the guns. It reminded me of a book I once read about German tanks in WWII doing the same thing to the Russian. What made it realistic is when the trucks panicked and started driving away without the guns. Frigging blades.
#2 I had a rear shot on a Centurian III with a Comet and destroyed it. It was a really good turn because I knocked out three all together.
#3 I called on all my guns to fire on the reverse slope of a hill and low and behold the guns knocked out 1 Sherman and 1 halftrack. Has anyone done better in a PBEM game?

Capt. Pixel -> (2/16/2003 5:22:31 AM)

I don't recall having done [I]better[/I], but I've had better done to me.

My first game with Goblin taught me a whole new respect for cheap infantry.

He'd arrayed several companies (~6) of SO Conscripts in deep woods as a road bump against my advancing Italians. This slowed my advance to a crawl as I had to stop a deal with each and every one of those squads. His men would die and fall back, I'd press forward, they'd die and fall back, I'd press forward, they'd die, etc. I just couldn't get enough shots off each turn to move more than 2-3 hexes.

While I'm diddling with his web of infantry, he hit me across a 3 hex front with ALL of his armor. :eek: I held him for a while, but too many tanks and not enough shots from me didn't slow him for long. In two turns he had 2 companies of T-34s in my rear and one move away from my artillery park. His losses were high, but the advantageous position he'd acquired made it more than worth it.

I was reeling. It was quite a remarkable maneuver. Since that game, I've revised my force compositions substantially. Thanks, Gob. :p

stevemk1a -> Memorable vcr replay (2/16/2003 6:18:33 AM)

My most memerable pbem moment occured as the only bright spot in a game where I got crushed! It was a 6/45 game US vs Ger. and I had a platoon of Panzergrenadiers dismounted in a small forest with a 75mm Pak gun on overwatch on a hill behind them ... my opponent sent in a bunch of scout cars in first and wiped out my foot troops and then a platoon of Pershing tanks came crashing through ... :( bad so far, but as I kept watching the replay, a Pershing rumbled adjacent to the Pzg. platoon leader's SPW251 and it's little 37mm popgun scored an incredibly lucky hit and BOOM! no survivors :D Then, as I watched in amazement my little Pak gun opfires BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! ... three shots, three dead Pershings! I went on to lose the game, but that run of luck was great to watch!

Redleg -> (2/16/2003 6:29:10 AM)

That's easy. The most memorable moment was provided by Sandman during a pbem battle we are playing right now.

I have Finns defending and he is assaulting with Japanese.

I figured that my weak Finns could not withstand a strong assault so a mobile defense designed to hold only enough v-hexes to avoid defeat was in order. Since Japanese troops are somewhat C/C impaired, I guessed he would have some trouble changing direction after having reached some objectives.

Then, since he was the attacker, he chose a night fight with vis of 3 and raining in the jungle. Wham-o, my carefully laid strategy was entirely disrupted. Movement in jungle rain is 1 hex for infantry and those Japanese are terrible to fight under those conditions. Sandman's decision to fight at night with rain was brilliant!

Result: The single best pbem battle I have ever played. It appears that I will lose this battle but it is such a good battle, it is an honor to have played it..... even if I do lose. ;)

Jack -> (2/16/2003 6:46:27 AM)

All good posts and very entertaining. I had my bum slapped pretty good too. Ask tracer.

Belisarius -> (2/16/2003 7:42:42 AM)

Heh, Pixel I know what you're talking about.

I had my a$$ handed to me when Goblin sent an entire frickin company of Panthers down on me, on a 2-3 hex front vs. my rangers. I was steamrolled....

I have plenty of small "wonder" turns in PBEM, when a unit performs beyond what can be expected...but those are common to each and every one, I suppose... ;)

mogami -> Goblin (2/16/2003 7:49:42 AM)

Hi, My goodness, It seems a lot of you learned your first lessons from Goblin (Love ya man) "I remember when he was just a mouse." (from "The Magnificent Seven")

Bernie -> (2/16/2003 9:43:59 AM)

My most memorable moment in a PBEM game would have to be in the one I'm currently playing against M4Jess.

There's a river running almost parallel to my front lines as I'm deploying, except for one tiny corner where a railroad bridge crosses the river. There's maybe two hexes on my side of the bridge that are behind Jess' lines. Now, I'm no fool, I figured that if I were Jess I'd park at least a platoon of tanks there and a goodly amount of infantry. It was so obvious I almost ignored it, thinking to myself, "Nah, he must realize I'll hit that bridge right off..." Well, I debated with myself about it and finally targeted those two hexes and the bridge itself with 9 batteries of 150mm arty in my opening salvo. Imagine the glee I felt when I watched the bridge go down on my opening turn and just kept getting "M4A1 Destroyed" over and over and over again! He must have parked at least a reinforced tank company on the bridge and those two hexes! It took 6 turns after that for any survivors to stumble out of that peninsula, and my panzers mopped them up pretty easily. :)

Redleg -> (2/16/2003 10:05:07 AM)

Oh, Jess!

Jack -> (2/16/2003 12:54:04 PM)

I trust you thanked M4 Jess for making it such a memorable game?

Bernie -> (2/16/2003 1:01:31 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jack
[B]I trust you thanked M4 Jess for making it such a memorable game? [/B][/QUOTE]

We have a lunch bet for the Aberdeen Meet riding on this game, so I'll be sure to thank him as I dig into the steak he'll be buying me. :)

M4Jess -> (2/16/2003 9:12:41 PM)

Thats just not true! I only lost a couple. and none where on the bridge! The game will not even allow you to set up on a bridge!
so there....:p
However Bernie did pound the Beeheva out of me up there :mad:

I will post a few screen shots when it is all over!

Now my most memerable is the 2 battles Belisarius/Don Doom and I just finished. We started with 7.1 Stalingrad and ended with H2H Kursk. There where so many Great, Sad and Funny moments in these two battles that I have ever seen. My beloved Olga came to me and I fell in love;)
With close to 2500 views on the DAR/AAR I hope it will make the HOF.

We now move to the Bulge...and the


Belisarius -> Muaha (2/16/2003 9:40:17 PM)

....and Jess, you're prepared to face

The Almighty KönigsTiger? :cool:

True, our last two battles has been tremendous fun to play.

tracer -> (2/16/2003 11:04:39 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jack
[B]All good posts and very entertaining. I had my bum slapped pretty good too. Ask tracer. [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, right!! :D This coming from the guy that just blew up my ammo dump....right after I dropped off a half-dozen mortars next to it for reloading!

Orzel Bialy -> MOST MEMORABLE GAME... (2/16/2003 11:46:08 PM)

was the one a broke my own record for cussing on too!

I lost a HT and a Pzkw IV to a two man scout team once...and that was after I had them pinned and had poured two turns of fire into them! :mad:

Bernie -> (2/17/2003 9:09:30 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by M4 Jess
[B]Thats just not true! I only lost a couple. and none where on the bridge! The game will not even allow you to set up on a bridge!
so there....:p
However Bernie did pound the Beeheva out of me up there :mad:

I will post a few screen shots when it is all over!

I dunno Jess... I saw an awful lot of splashes after I hit that bridge... And what was that string of "M4 Destroyed" messages then? Hmmm...I'll have to do some checking, but I could swear I've deployed units on bridges before... Anyway, I still nailed your hide in that corner. :D

M4Jess -> (2/17/2003 9:17:40 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bernie
[B]I dunno Jess... I saw an awful lot of splashes after I hit that bridge... And what was that string of "M4 Destroyed" messages then? Hmmm...I'll have to do some checking, but I could swear I've deployed units on bridges before... Anyway, I still nailed your hide in that corner. :D [/B][/QUOTE]

No big deal ol feler, just a BIG STEAK! MMM MMM good!

;) :D

adantas -> (2/18/2003 8:12:19 PM)

Nice Topic fellas :)

My best moment at a PBEM was against Lochnbar...
H2H - I had a mix of italian infantry, one PzGr Co and a reinforced Pz Co and my beloved 76,2mm ATGs .. :)
My Italians at the center and right flank paid the price when they were attacked by at least tow M4 Co while my ATs just scored hit after hit...
after 10 turns something around 25 M4s laid down as burning wrecks...after this I launched my PzGrs with two Pz plt which were waiting for the right moment at my left flank against the unprotected US infantry, the result was brutal and he had to surrender...a great fight for sure :D
Senta ā Pua!!!

Orzel Bialy -> Ah yes... (2/18/2003 8:28:59 PM)


[B]ATs just scored hit after hit...
after 10 turns something around 25 M4s laid down as burning wrecks...[/B]

There is just something so great about that passage of the thread. :D 25 Burning M4's....ahhhhh!!! :p

adantas -> Re: Ah yes... (2/18/2003 9:24:27 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Orzel Bialy
[B]There is just something so great about that passage of the thread. :D 25 Burning M4's....ahhhhh!!! :p [/B][/QUOTE]

Ohh yes :D!!!

By the way how I can get "Katz banner"????.. I simply love them ..he he.. :D

tracer -> (2/19/2003 12:16:48 AM)

My most memorable was a D-Day landing against Rick Borovec (BORO). I had set the visibility to 15, but by one of those 'flukes' it was [SIZE=3]50[/SIZE] when the battle began (probably because I changed the weather setting). When I told Rick about this situation he was a trooper and wanted to continue. By another 'fluke' SPWAW supplies LVT's (instead of Higgins boats or LCVP's) to US infantry in amphibious battles after 1/44...and unlike the other landing craft, LVT's can be destroyed with [I]one shot![/I] ;)

On my first turn I could see his [I]entire[/I] landing force, and the 88mm and 75mm AT bunkers I arrayed along the beach (remember, they have better fire control and huge ammo loadouts) had a field day! The way those LVT's disappeared looked just like ducks dropping in a shooting gallery! I'd estimate 1/3 of his troops wound up on the bottom of the channel before he ever set foot on the shore.

Orzel Bialy -> Re: Re: Ah yes... (2/19/2003 1:44:50 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by adantas
[B]Ohh yes :D!!!

By the way how I can get "Katz banner"????.. I simply love them ..he he.. :D [/B][/QUOTE]


Look up the thread "How To" on the main SPWAW explains everything about posting the banner.

adantas -> Re: Re: Re: Ah yes... (2/19/2003 3:06:28 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Orzel Bialy

Look up the thread "How To" on the main SPWAW explains everything about posting the banner. [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot mate!! :D


Senta ā Pua!!!

Goblin -> (2/19/2003 4:42:28 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Capt. Pixel
[B]I don't recall having done [I]better[/I], but I've had better done to me.

My first game with Goblin taught me a whole new respect for cheap infantry.

He'd arrayed several companies (~6) of SO Conscripts in deep woods as a road bump against my advancing Italians. This slowed my advance to a crawl as I had to stop a deal with each and every one of those squads. His men would die and fall back, I'd press forward, they'd die and fall back, I'd press forward, they'd die, etc. I just couldn't get enough shots off each turn to move more than 2-3 hexes.

While I'm diddling with his web of infantry, he hit me across a 3 hex front with ALL of his armor. :eek: I held him for a while, but too many tanks and not enough shots from me didn't slow him for long. In two turns he had 2 companies of T-34s in my rear and one move away from my artillery park. His losses were high, but the advantageous position he'd acquired made it more than worth it.

I was reeling. It was quite a remarkable maneuver. Since that game, I've revised my force compositions substantially. Thanks, Gob. :p [/B][/QUOTE]

IIRC, it was 10 Conscript companies. My plan actually involved them doing better than they did...:rolleyes: The weight of my armor carried the day despite the poor performance of the infantry.

Belisarius, you haven't had your a$$ handed to you by me yet! All of our games were nail biters, and not pushovers!

My most memorable moment was the day I discovered Ski Troops were UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY WORTHLESS!!!!!!!! I was facing Orzel and he had heavy armor and mines up the wazoo, and guess what ski troops cannot do?! Remove mines or close assault a tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I had taken no other infantry of any note or number.


Orzel Bialy -> Wiping a Tear of Laughter Away from my Eye (2/19/2003 4:53:40 AM)

I remember that!

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