Leaders. (Full Version)

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grosbil -> Leaders. (7/25/2014 4:05:06 PM)

I understand that Corps Leaders (German point of vue) have to be the best in their "speciality" (Mech or infantry) and must have correct other values (initiative, morale and administration).

In the manual it is explained too (11.3.2) that higher leaders can help in battle but the chance is very light...
So is there any reason to put good leaders in Army, Army Group or OKH ?
If the answer is yes, why ? And what are the ratings to look for ?

carlkay58 -> RE: Leaders. (7/25/2014 10:35:14 PM)

If a corps leader fails a check, the army leader has the chance to make the check. If the army leader then fails, the army group leader has a chance. If the army group leader also fails, then the OKH leader has a chance. Thus a better leader in a higher rank will have a better chance on affecting a larger amount of units than as a corps leader. Whether it is better to have the backup than the original check at the corps level is a decision to make on your own. There are various thoughts on the subject and these thoughts can change as to whether it is the Axis or Soviet side being discussed.

Administration ratings will give good refit and supply checks. Initiative determines movement. The Mech/Infantry/Air/Naval ratings apply to combat checks. Political checks are good for passing the blame of defeat to other leaders (i.e. not getting executed or fired for bad win/loss ratios) and easier to be promoted. Morale affects morale checks at every level (combat and recovery).

So some leaders may be really great in combat situations but a reserve/training army would do better with a higher Admin rating. It all depends on your situation and the strategic task of the command.

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