RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 8:34:50 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 1

Well that wasn't as planned... In the north the odds get up to 3:1 +1 thanks to HQ Support, but in the south, the odds are a mere 3:2 +1.

The key battle in the north first.....

...9(10) The French lose one unit and the other is Shattered. The Germans are not disorganised. I do not convert to retreat.


Centuur -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 8:36:02 AM)

Put units in Lyons now. It's a mountain bex...

Also, it's better to start to withdraw the French/British units towards the mountain regions of France (especially the area around Toulouse)... Better defense possiblities in those area's.

It's only a matter of time, before the Germans will crack the river line.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 8:39:51 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 1

For the second attack the Germans at least get to choose the Blitz table. Fractional odds take it to 2:1 - I must have just mis-calculated with the bombers.

Its a 7(8). Not brilliant in that the Germans are all disorganised, but the French lose a Garrison.


Orm -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 8:40:13 AM)



Put units in Lyons now. It's a mountain bex...

Also, it's better to start to withdraw the French/British units towards the mountain regions of France (especially the area around Toulouse)... Better defense possiblities in those area's.

It's only a matter of time, before the Germans will crack the river line.

You said it!

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 8:42:29 AM)



Put units in Lyons now. It's a mountain bex...

Also, it's better to start to withdraw the French/British units towards the mountain regions of France (especially the area around Toulouse)... Better defense possiblities in those area's.

It's only a matter of time, before the Germans will crack the river line.

Well the French must have heard you - the 7th Infantry retreats into Lyons. The British need to extract themselves from their predicament because with the river line broken, they are neither use nor ornament where they are?

But that is the first real set-back for the Germans (weather aside) for a while now. With aircraft used and many units flipped, continuing the turn will not be easy.

Centuur -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 8:46:32 AM)

The CW is out of position. Try to move/ship them to the Bordeaux/Bayonne Area. Rail a French factory towards Bordeaux too (if you can).

Make the border with Spain a hard place for Germany to get to. Try to force them in declaring Vichy.

Time is slowly ticking away for the Axis. And Mussolini is a fool... He should have been in the war by now... Cowardice in the face of the enemy...

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 9:02:34 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 3

Right then. The Allies, in a totally unrealistic display of co-operation, decide to set out a plan to get the CW back in the game. The French will try and hold another line - this time Lyons-Le Havre and get the British out of their current positions and into Southern France. This operation is complicated because of FTC and limited moves when the CW o a combined.

Aaggghhh - made even more difficult by the mud [&:] I cannot move many of the CW units without them disorganising and gifting the Germans + 1.

I am not at all sure that was the right thing to do.... I move the BEF to the Channel Coast as I cannot form a solid line with the French. At least they have protection from the RN - but a break has now been effected between the two Allied armies.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 9:56:43 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 5

Oh dear... best not visit Hitler today boys and girls - he might be a bit cross....

The Weather roll is a 5 and its Storm in the Northern Temperate.

With -2 rolls there is just nothing the Germans can do this impulse....

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 10:16:11 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 7

Only the CW choose an impulse this turn. Its a naval, designed to get troops out of Antwerp and to put the Home Fleet to sea for the start of the next impulse.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 10:34:08 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 7

At last! A break in the weather. The roll is an 8 and, the Arctic apart, its Fine everywhere.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 10:41:03 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 9

There are only enough decent bombers for two ground strikes this impulse. The Luftwaffe target the hex south of Le Havre and the hex southwest of Paris.

The 6-quality Stuka carves up the French defenders east of the Seine - including Georges.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 10:43:37 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 9

The defenders in the second hex are equally as devastated.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 11:04:57 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 9

The Germans target the two ground struck hexes, while in China, the Japanese go for a tricky 2:1.

In the north of France von Bock will seek to add his support to the attack. The desperate situation around bomber aircraft really starts to tell. The Luftwaffe employ a Bf-109 as a bomber in each target hex to bring up the odds.

The Japanese cannot alter the odds regardless of which aircraft they employ [8|]

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 11:11:13 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 9

Okay - here it goes. We get the ball rolling with the Japanese. The Japanese have the choice thanks to the presence of the 1st Armoured Division.

It's a 7. The Chinese retreat but all units are flipped.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 11:15:09 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 9

Back to France and the attack in the south. It's a 3:1 +2 on the Blitz table.

Its a 9(11) the defenders are destroyed, a breakthrough occurs, and the French are on the ropes once again.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 11:20:20 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 9

To Normandy now and, withHQ Support having been successful, its a 4:1 +2.

It's a 6(8). The French lose a unit (the 23rd Garrison) and the HQ is shattered. The Germans do not convert.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 11:28:35 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 11

The turn continues on a 9. The Allies cannot afford to seek to Pass. That attack in the north was vital in turning the French. The Loire is just too long and the French have too few units to hold a solid line there. Sacre Bleu what a mess!


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 11:38:06 AM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 11

The French re-arrange their lines, the British remove Gort and Alexander.....and hope and pray...

...but the turn does not end!

The only consolation is that the weather is a 5 - Storm in the Northern Temperate.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 11:45:40 AM)

Time to take a break but loads of decisions to be made - not least of which is what do the French do with their four Corps on the Italian border? As soon as they move to help their colleagues further north, Mussolini will pounce. But is that the lesser of two evils?

The only thing that matters is keeping the Axis out of Spain for as long as possible.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:17:33 PM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 13

The weather has not put any units out of supply fortunately!

There will be two attacks: one in France a couple of hexes southwest of Paris, and one in China west of Hengyang. The Japanese cannot alter the 2:1 odds and neither can the French or Germans change the 5:1.

In France first - this may be a bug. The odds are automatic, but when allowing for weather its still automatic? Both French are destroyed.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:25:49 PM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 13

Damn the Chinese have the choice - I thought the MECH would give the Japanese the decision. Oh dear. It's 2:1 no modifiers on the Assault table, although Fractional odds make it 3:1. I'll need to read up on Fractional odds. This was barely a 2:1 so I do not understand why Fractional Odds would work....

...Wow! But its a 10 anyway! Both Chinese destroyed. The Chinese front has exploded into life....


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:33:29 PM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: 13

And the turn ends on a 7.

A French Partisan is received that I am told to place on a hex with a disorganised German aircraft. The aircraft - a Bf-110 - is destroyed.

It seems no matter what I do I cannot get Tension up [:-][:-]

Orm -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:34:05 PM)

The odds was 2.3 to 1 and that gives 2 to 1 with a 30% chance of it to become 3 to 1 instead. The program rolled lower than 0.3 hence the odds was increased.


Some terrains, like mountains and cities, always gives the defender the choice of combat tables. This regardless of armoured, or mechanized, units.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:45:59 PM)



The odds was 2.3 to 1 and that gives 2 to 1 with a 30% chance of it to become 3 to 1 instead. The program rolled lower than 0.3 hence the odds was increased.


Some terrains, like mountains and cities, always gives the defender the choice of combat tables. This regardless of armoured, or mechanized, units.


Okay thanks. I stupidly assumed fractional odds were where the fractions were in the majority and could take, for example, a 2.8 to 3.0.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:49:01 PM)

This game is toooo difficult!! anybody want to play Snakes and Ladders? [:D]

I was trying to land two British Army units in Western France but the program would not accept the TRS or land unit in France. Only after some minutes, and much wailing and gnashing of teeth did I remember that I already have British units is France in the north. The program has allowed the exact number [8|]

Centuur -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:52:08 PM)

Why did you rearrange the French lines after the German breakthrough? You should have ran away towards the Toulouse area with the best units and leave a couple of sacrifices for the German army to chew up, after putting a large garrison in Lyons. Let the Germans try to crack that city with double defense. Will cost them time and probably money...

You can't hold any line with France, after Paris is taken. All resistance in clear hexes is futile, IMHO...

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 2:55:14 PM)



Why did you rearrange the French lines after the German breakthrough? You should have ran away towards the Toulouse area with the best units and leave a couple of sacrifices for the German army to chew up, after putting a large garrison in Lyons. Let the Germans try to crack that city with double defense. Will cost them time and probably money...

You can't hold any line with France, after Paris is taken. All resistance in clear hexes is futile, IMHO...

Maybe - but part of the think was:

a) there were still enough units (just) to hold a line, thus attacks could only be launched from 2-hexes.
b) it was a winter/spring turn so a good chance of attacks being difficult
c) most of all that in addition to the above it was a river line being held.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 3:11:21 PM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: Production



Hiyo (2nd Cycle)
Ryuho (2nd Cycle)
Shoho (2nd Cycle)

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 3:18:26 PM)

Mar/Apr 1941
Impulse: Production

1 Saved Build Point

HMS Indefatigable
HMS Kenya
2 x Pilot

2 x INF

USS Iowa
USS South Dakota
Carr Air


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse IV - Nice AArse (8/23/2014 3:22:11 PM)

May/Jun 1941
Impulse: Reinforcement



Shinano has been placed in the Construction Pool

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