Bug: Voskhod "Suborbital Flight" mission grants no prestige/achievement (Full Version)

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Zurbaron -> Bug: Voskhod "Suborbital Flight" mission grants no prestige/achievement (7/27/2014 4:14:25 PM)

Version: Updated on 26 July 2014 (It wouldbe very helpful for bug reports, if the game displayed the version somewhere. I couldnīt find it.)

Voskhod "Suborbital Flight" mission doesnīt grant any prestige/achievement for:
- Voskhod Suborbital Flight
- Man in Space
- Two Crew Spacecraft

Nacho84 -> RE: Bug: Voskhod "Suborbital Flight" mission grants no prestige/achievement (7/27/2014 4:31:45 PM)

Hello Zurbaron,

Welcome to the forums! Thanks for reporting this issue. Do you have a savefile so that I can reproduce it on my computer? Notice that the version number is displayed in the main menu, under the row of buttons.


nico7550 -> RE: Bug: Voskhod "Suborbital Flight" mission grants no prestige/achievement (7/28/2014 9:56:35 AM)

Hi Ignacio,

It's possible to add the version number in the game launcher (the one where we can select the resolution) ?


Nacho84 -> RE: Bug: Voskhod "Suborbital Flight" mission grants no prestige/achievement (7/29/2014 2:17:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: nico7550

Hi Ignacio,

It's possible to add the version number in the game launcher (the one where we can select the resolution) ?


Now that I'm aware of. In any case, I've added it to the intro screen and to the 'About' screen, so that should help you find out which version are you playing [:)]


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