IdahoNYer -> Ryujo in Dec 41 (7/30/2014 6:53:13 PM)
Well, finally convinced myself to try a game as the Japanese...against the AI.... Just underway, DBB-C Dec 8 scenario to learn "the darkside". Anyway, its now 14 Dec (playing 2 day turns),and I've brought the Ryujo up to Takao to change out the Claudes for Zeros and link up with Zuiho/Hosho coming down from Japan to form the "mini KB". Plan is to use Mini-KB to support landings in the Kuching area and then Mersing. My problem I just discovered is that I can't re-load the Ryujo with torpedoes for the Kates at Takao....and my quick glance south shows no ports which would do so. So how do you all reload torps for the Jpn CVs operating against Malaya/DEI early in the war?