John 3rd -> RE: Same Turn, Different... (9/11/2014 2:43:29 PM)
As stated earlier I have not been Posting on this AAR due to my impending game with Cribtop. Just wanted to note that Lew and I are now at January 26, 1942 and have been getting in 1-2 turns a day. The warning signs have been occurring over the last couple of weeks but this morning found my install folder completely non-operational. Have to do a full install and create an entirely new folder with all the tweaks and changes added to it. NOT FUN! We going camping Fri-Sat and coming home on Sunday so work cannot begin until then. Will jump on it and get things handled. Guess I cannot complain, I have been running on this computer's AE install for over 4 years... Just wanted to let you know...