radic202 -> RE: Welp.....I was just laid off... (8/9/2014 1:05:55 AM)
AH that sucks my friend.. It happened to me about 22 years ago while working full time plus finishing a University degree part time, 3 kids, 2 cars and 3 mortgage payments left on my home..............Needless to say, sold one car, wife went back to work part time, parents-in-law took over babysitting while I finished my last of 5 degrees (went full time to finish it), my parents paid off our mortgage, chipped in with some expenses and we all pulled through.. Not everyone has family to pitch in but we were lucky as heck! Found my dream job about 10 months later and never looked back! Now 24 years latter, a much bigger house and no mortgage, all kids grown up and graduated from the same University I went to, a $60K German sedan in the garage (all paid for), but parents-in-law both passed and I miss then like I never thought I would, sometimes wish I was back to those difficult times just to have them back, anyhow.......... What I want to say, is that all can look bad and gloomy but take it day by day, look at where you are at and where yo want to go, Look to family and friends for support and mostly it can never get worst then what it is atm so build on that. Keeping you in our thoughts my friend. Good Luck and God Bless.