Are Panzer Campaigns by HPI Sims any good? (Full Version)

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Fallschirmjager -> Are Panzer Campaigns by HPI Sims any good? (2/18/2003 5:02:55 AM)

I think the 7th one came out in december and they look very interesting...but as always im low on cash and want to make sure I get the best product possible...

Several things I want to know...

1. Replayability is it high?.....this is most imoportant to me in picking a game.

2. it is easy to play? it complex like Operational art of war?...or easy to play like airborne assault? I dont like ultra complex games that make you do the jobs of an entire command staff

Thanks... Squad Battles: Vietnam any good?

U2 -> (2/18/2003 5:16:00 AM)

1. Replayability is it high?.....this is most imoportant to me in picking a game.

2. it is easy to play? it complex like Operational art of war?...or easy to play like airborne assault? I dont like ultra complex games that make you do the jobs of an entire command staff

1, NO!

2, NO! I bought HPS's Korsun and I have never been more angry at a purchase in my life...dealing with all those tiny units...ack

Fallschirmjager -> (2/18/2003 5:21:54 AM)

care to elaborate a little?

U2 -> (2/18/2003 6:19:00 AM)

I'm sorry I can't speak about HPS since they make me wanna explode...bad for my health:D

Basically in Korsun you have TONS of units to control and when you move you have to wait for each of the enemy units to fire, each of the enemy's artillery units to bombard and God I've never been so bored in my life. Oh the graphics sucks too:)

I must end here

PLEASE save your hard earned money for Matrix's Korsun Pocket!


Fallschirmjager -> (2/18/2003 9:39:10 AM)

I very well interested in the new kursk one...but no demo....

I wish matrix would change their postion on demos.

Ardle -> Panzer Campaigns (2/18/2003 9:56:05 AM)

About Panzer Campaigns from HPS:

There isn't a lot of replay value since they don't ship with many scenarios, and many that are shipped are either too huge to play (unless you are unemployed!) or are hypotheticals. Plus, there's no map editor, so nobody's making new scenarios for them. That's the problem with a game of limited scope focusing on just one battle.

If you're into boardgaming you'll probably like these games, otherwise beware. If you've played Talonsoft's East Front or West Front, you'll find that PzC games are like a stripped-down version with narrower scope, worse graphics and at grand tactical level.

The games play nothing like TOAW - as I mention above, the scale is really grand tactical rather than operational.

I have two: Kharkov 42 and Tobruk 41. The former is actually very good, with a lot of smaller well-made scenarios, so I can recommend this one. Tobruk 41, on the other hand, is absolute garbage. the scale is all wrong, and it's plagued with bizzarre results such as groups of 30 tanks being unable to overrun 2 mortar teams, air attacks never even disrupting units (in the desert - they couldn't miss!), and German 88's (which historically shredded British armour) barely having any effect. A big dissapointment.

I would be very wary of Kursk or Korsun - the unit density is just too great to make this an enjoyable game for most people.

Pawlock -> (2/18/2003 10:43:26 AM)

Well, at one time I nearly binned the game!!!......BUT I perservered, much like I did with UV and found them to be very good.

Basically if you like turn based Wargames, and are perpared to persevere through the learning curve, you would probably like it.

I only have one at present Korsun, I will agree that the size of some of the scenarios are HUGE( literally 1000's counters) but there are many smaller scenarios included to wet your appetite.

It was quite interesting that someone pointed out it has no map editor, well what they didnt say you can edit virtually everthing else including OOB, unit data, weather etc.

Not having played TOAW, but having plated games like TAO and UV , I would put the complexity around 7/10.

In fact I hate thier games so much , I have ordered 2 more, Kursk and Normandy. All my choices are the really large ones, maybe the ones to avoid if want smaller battles. I have heard Smolensk and Kharkov are very good for beginners.

Ardle -> (2/18/2003 6:20:09 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pawlock
[B]Basically if you like turn based Wargames, and are perpared to persevere through the learning curve, you would probably like it.[/B][/QUOTE]
What learning curve? PzC games are very easy to get into indeed...

It was quite interesting that someone pointed out it has no map editor, well what they didnt say you can edit virtually everthing else including OOB, unit data, weather etc.[/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, true, but that's not going to lead to a whole load of user-made scenarios appearing, is it? The lack of map editor is designed to make sure you keep buying the next game.

[QUOTE][B]Not having played TOAW, but having plated games like TAO and UV , I would put the complexity around 7/10.[/B][/QUOTE]

Both TOAW and UV are far more difficult games to get into than PzC. That doesn't necessarilly mean that they aren't good - they're just different.

The bottom line: if you come from a boardgaming background you'll probably like them. And a couple of these games make a good addition to any wargamer's collection. But avoid Normandy and Tobruk, which seem to be the least successful of the series.

Pawlock -> (2/18/2003 8:31:28 PM)

[QUOTE]What learning curve? PzC games are very easy to get into indeed...[/QUOTE]

I suppose this boils down to matter of opinion, cant speak for TAOW, but I do have UV and put it as comparable with that. I can play any of these games straight out the box, but where Im coming from is being able to understand and comprehend how and why things happen in a game.

[QUOTE]Yes, true, but that's not going to lead to a whole load of user-made scenarios appearing, is it? The lack of map editor is designed to make sure you keep buying the next game.[/QUOTE]

I argue that many out there have made thier own scenarios, by altering the OOB files and the PDT files to suit thier own purposes and for many to make more balanced games for pbem and whatnot.

I also argue the point of in PZC cases, why would you want a map editor? The battlefields themselves are not liable to change, apart from seasonal variations which can be tweaked.

All I was doing was trying to put some positive prospective on these games as I really enjoy them. I think many here would too, but I will reitterate again as many here have said , the sheer size of some are IMMENSE. Example Korsun Campaign the Soviet has 2 Fronts consisting 10 Armies and so on down the line, this is all broken down to battalion level, and in the case of many wehrmacht formations ,company level. So if you can imagine the sheer number of units on the map is immense.

AlBW -> (2/18/2003 8:47:23 PM)

I have all in the PzC series, so you can surmise that I like them. I recommend that if you are interested in trying them out, get Smolensk '41 (the first in the series) and see what you think.

It's true that you can't edit the maps, but everything else you can. I won't get into a tired old graphics debate, but the graphics are functional.

HPS does a good job of supporting the games & a quick search on the net will get you to several fan sites. There are also two games in the "Modern Campaign" series which are very similar to PzC.

You have to figure that games are liked by enough people since HPS continues to publish more in the series. That says more than any babble you'll get on the internet.

Tombstone -> (2/19/2003 7:43:24 AM)

I am a big fan of the PzC games. I really think they model the challenges of operational warfare better than most TOAW scenarios. The fact that they focus on a single operational event shows in their attention to detail. I have every single one, and have played and finished the grand campaign for most of them. Tobruk and Normandy were the least cool, Smolensk and Kharkov were the best so far. I'm not too far through Kursk, but it's fun. Certainly, if you're not digging the mechanic it will get repetitious and painful. I don't think the smaller scenarios are worth it, since they don't really demand much organization from the player. Nor can you really play around with what happened. Korsun is really pretty good too I thought. Anyways, if you think you're crazy and are up for a serious time commitment and challenge you should grab it and dig in. For me they have been some of the best, most serious wargaming I've had the pleasure of participating in. The Middle East and Fulda 85 games are excellent as well.

Although the mechanics of the game are simpler than a lot of other games, if you play the big campaigns there are a LOT more issues that you need to be addressing than moving this battalion here and getting these tanks across that bridge. Divisional and Corps movements are easily disrupted. You can end up with dangling units that don't belong with each other all over the place. One warning, if the thought of keeping a Corps HQ with it's 15 units together with 3 infantry divisions broken into regimental HQ's at the head of battalions or even companies and trying to make sure that you always have artillery close enough to support any of the units in case of contact with recon elements sounds like fun then this is the game for you. This is only really possible if you play the bigger/biggest scenarios.



CapAndGown -> (2/19/2003 2:32:56 PM)

Probably like everything else out there, there are pluses and minuses. I used to be very much into PzC but have become discouraged as of late.

The research into these games is trully extraodinary. If you are interested in the terrain of a specific campaign, or the OOB, then these are the games to get. Normandy 44 is not a game I would want to play, but I have been tempted to buy it just for the map and OOB data. So that aspect is very nice. Plus, if you disagree with a designer's numbers, the editor is very powerful and easy to use. I have made a number of scenarios that are available at the blitzkrieg wargaming site, as have other users.

Some of the designers produce games with lots of tiny units and some tend to favor larger units. Korusun, for instance, was done by the same people who did Normandy, so you get tons of tiny "ants". Rather annoying. Bulge 44, Smolensk 41, and Kharkov 42, on the other hand, have a more readibly manageble OOB. I would still say that Korosun is a good game, however, because the selection of scenarios is very nice indeed. From posts I have seen, HPS will not have the "micro-units" in future games because players do not like them.

As far as graphics are concerned, I have no problem with them. I come out of a board gaming background, so that may explain my stance. They are certainly better than UV. But they are not Close Combat. But then they couldn't be, now could they? I have never understood why a game at this scale would have 3D graphics. It adds nothing to the game and none of the players ever use that mode anyway. Actually, I find the maps quite pretty.

Despite these comments, I do have problems with the game and HPS itself.

Because almost all players insist on using the default movement mode, there are several problems that crop up. Defensive fire is controlled by the AI and it makes VERY poor choices about when and at what to fire. Many units never fire. Thus, the defense is phenomonally weak in this game when using the default movement mode. The alternate movement mode would seem to be a better reflection of defensive strengths. My guess is that our modern age is too influenced by arcade games and instant feedback to accept a phased game sequence. Fans of the default movement mode will insist that it is an accurate reflection of fluid situations, but this is a load of crap. Why? Because you can "break" and enemy unit through intensive artillery, air, and land combats and then stream entire divisions throught the break in the enemy lines you just created with no accounting for the time it took for all this fire power to be brought to bear. There are nothing like "breakthrough" markers, such as in the Ardennes Offensive system to slow down units moving through such artificial holes.

This brings up another point: many players have suggested such "breakthrough" markers, but HPS and John Tiller have been totally unresponsive. They do come into to the forums and explain why some things are the way they are. But they are almost hostile when it comes to player criticisms of the game system. They are nothing like Matrix which has bent over backwards to adopt user suggestions. This is not to say the HPS is totally unresponsive. There have been many changes to the system in response to user requests. But there have also been a chorus of requests to change particular aspects of the game (the way AT guns are handled, for instance) that Tiller and company have refused to address. Users have ended up going into the editor to make the changes themselves to get the behavior they want.

I guess my biggest problem was the differing response I saw here at Matrix versus what I saw coming out of HPS. At Matrix I saw an engaged development crew that listened to its players and made changes based on what they wanted. When I suggested changes to the PzC system, on the other hand, I felt like I was being snubbed and on occassion almost insulted for making such blasphemous requests that somehow brought into question the godhood of John Tiller (PhD Mathmatics!). I know that I am not the only one who felt this way: another gamer that I PBEMed with also made the same comment.

I would also say that Tiller does not press the technology very far. This actually has its good points. PzC games are almost sure to be bug free. They are very polished and you can be assured that you will have no problems playing the game. HPS is VERY responsive about squashing bugs, though if you mention them in a public forum they get very defensive. On the other hand, there seems to be little advance over what we have seen in board games because of this conservative approach. Sure you don't have to constantly consult the rule book because the computer remembers the rules, but that is about it. Games by Norm Koger and Gary Grisby, on the other hand, push the technology for all it is worth. Sure there are more bugs, but the games take the possibilities of the technology are really exploit them. For instance, I find Koger's supply system, with its accounting for air, sea, rail, and organic unit transport use points to be an excelent representation of supply realities: i.e. rail points used for moving units cannot be used to move supply.

One final comment I would make is that I do not think that the direct fire routines used by the system are appropriate for a game using 1 Km hexes. In part this leads to the poor AI op-fire routines. But it also just seems a poor choice for a game of this scale where an odds attack system would seem to be more appropriate.

All ths said, I would say that some of the PzC games are good buys. I would steer away from Tobruk and Normandy. They seem to be low on everyone's list. Smolensk is no doubt the most popular. I personally like Korosun, even if the Germans have to deal with all these micro-units. Kharkov 42 is also very nice. Many people find Bulge 44 to be the best, but this is where I found the problems of defense in the game system to be at their worst.

To sum it up, I would say try either Smolensk or Kharkov. Korosun is fairly nice because of the large selection of scenarios, though you do have a lot of micro-units. Many like Bulge 44, but beware as the Germans since you cannot defend your self once you have made your breakthrough.

Also, keep in mind that what you are paying for is the map and OOB research. This is why HPS will not release a map editor. And I will not begrudge them that at all. If they can stay in business producing such high quality maps and OOBs, then I say "more power to them!"

AlBW -> (2/20/2003 1:37:45 AM)

c_and_g: Can you point us to the public forum where you were dissed by HPS?

Fallschirmjager -> (2/20/2003 4:31:26 AM)

Thanks for the comes down to this....they have no demos....that says to me 1 of 2 things.

Demos add extra cost....maybe thats true...but I think the extra buisness would be worth it.

But I think the truth is....we dont offer a demo becasue we dont care if you like the product all we want is your money

SwampYankee68 -> (2/21/2003 3:10:49 PM)

If I were you I'd save my cash and wait for Battlefields. It's my opinion that the Pzr Campaign games play poorly. This is based on my purchase of "Fulda Gap 85" which is a modified version of the same engine. A typical turn is move or shoot your unit, then wait an interminable period while the computer resolves op and return fire for enemy units, ONE AT A TIME, and slowly at that. Then on to your next unit, shoot or move, wait, and repeat for every one of your units. In a big game you'll be pulling your hair out waiting. I'm paraphrasing a Gomputer Gaming World review of one of the Pzr Campaign games, but it was essentially "Ok, my 432 men shot at your 579 men, hitting 9, yours shot back hiiting 11 of my men, can we hurry? I've got 98 other units to move". I agree with that assesment. Your tastes may differ, but I ended up hating Fulda. Battlefields! promises to reinvigorate that scale of gaming, and is due out this spring, so my 2 cents says wait for it.

Cyrus Coe -> (2/21/2003 8:47:17 PM)

Swamp_Yankee - I believe that problem has been solved in the latest upgrades (to all, not just the Modern Campaigns) where combat results are speeded up immensely. You may want to check the HPS website for the latest patches.

BTW - slamming one company on another company's website is really in poor taste, guys. In fact, I surprised a Moderator (this place is moderated, right?) hasn't jumped in and said something. To me, that doesn't reflect too well on Matrix.

SwampYankee68 -> (2/21/2003 9:23:29 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cyrus Coe

BTW - slamming one company on another company's website is really in poor taste, guys. In fact, I surprised a Moderator (this place is moderated, right?) hasn't jumped in and said something. To me, that doesn't reflect too well on Matrix. [/B][/QUOTE]

Cy, Since when is providing a requested opinion on a considered purchase a "slam"? Really now, you'd see harsher criticisms in any review in any gaming mag, or HPS's forums, IF THEY HAD ANY. For some reason, your little etiquette lesson really cheeses me off. In your vast 3 post experience on the Matrix boards, I hope no one else has offended you. :rolleyes:

And, so you know, I played FULDA after it was patched, and it still blew.

U2 -> (2/21/2003 10:47:14 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cyrus Coe
[B]BTW - slamming one company on another company's website is really in poor taste, guys. In fact, I surprised a Moderator (this place is moderated, right?) hasn't jumped in and said something. To me, that doesn't reflect too well on Matrix. [/B][/QUOTE]

I'll critizise anything I want once a subject is up for debate. Thank God one can do that here at Matrix. This forum is here for us to talk about wargaming and that does not mean Matrix's products only.

Cyrus Coe -> (2/21/2003 10:52:11 PM)

Geez S_Y, if I was directing my comment at you (other than the patch comment) I would have said "S_Y you comments towards HPS were lacking in taste. " Looking back over my post I don't see where I singled you, or anybody else out for that matter. Although, I would like c&g to answer AIBW's post about where he was publically chastised by HPS. I'd really like to know.

Before I signed up here I was warned that Matrix didn't have a very good forum. Your little hissy fit to an imagined offense just confirms that warning - albeit to a very small extent. Oh yea, the little quip about my "vast 3 post experience"; ooooh that just really hurts :rolleyes:

Cyrus Coe -> (2/21/2003 10:58:40 PM)

U2 - is supersensitivity a requirement for this forum? ALL I SAID was that criticizing a company on another company's forum was IMO poor taste. That is my viewpoint. I "cheese" S_Y off & I reduce you to thanking God for Matrix. Matrix is OK but I don't see the need to thank the Almighty for them.

Man, you guys need to lay off the caffeine or something.

U2 -> (2/21/2003 11:02:47 PM)

Freedom of speech is important to me;) Maybe where you are from it's not important but it is for me and plenty of other folks.

Pawlock -> (2/21/2003 11:44:54 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Swamp_Yankee
[B]If I were you I'd save my cash and wait for Battlefields. It's my opinion that the Pzr Campaign games play poorly. This is based on my purchase of "Fulda Gap 85" which is a modified version of the same engine. A typical turn is move or shoot your unit, then wait an interminable period while the computer resolves op and return fire for enemy units, ONE AT A TIME, and slowly at that. Then on to your next unit, shoot or move, wait, and repeat for every one of your units. In a big game you'll be pulling your hair out waiting. I'm paraphrasing a Gomputer Gaming World review of one of the Pzr Campaign games, but it was essentially "Ok, my 432 men shot at your 579 men, hitting 9, yours shot back hiiting 11 of my men, can we hurry? I've got 98 other units to move". I agree with that assesment. Your tastes may differ, but I ended up hating Fulda. Battlefields! promises to reinvigorate that scale of gaming, and is due out this spring, so my 2 cents says wait for it. [/B][/QUOTE]

While I will agree, the scale of the game as I have said before is not to everyones taste, and I firmly believe that is the underlying problem with many people not liking them. Then you go onto the other side of the fence in which people like me once have become accostemed to this actually enjoy it.

Now one of your critisms was aimed at their shoot and move concept. Forgive me here, but surely I cant see much difference between this and the vast majority of computor wargames on the market, isnt that what its all about? shoot and move . Obviously this statement is ground down to the basics, but thats what most games of this ilk are. Even the forthcoming Matrix version of the Korsun Pocket will be in essence shoot and move.
You also go on to state about the time involved, well you are correct in this, it again linked to the scale of the game can be offputting to many, but again should be put down to personnal preference rather than a flaw.

Pawlock -> (2/21/2003 11:51:29 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cyrus Coe
[B]Swamp_Yankee - I believe that problem has been solved in the latest upgrades (to all, not just the Modern Campaigns) where combat results are speeded up immensely. You may want to check the HPS website for the latest patches.

BTW - slamming one company on another company's website is really in poor taste, guys. In fact, I surprised a Moderator (this place is moderated, right?) hasn't jumped in and said something. To me, that doesn't reflect too well on Matrix. [/B][/QUOTE]

I do beleive you are being a bit sensitive on this issue, SY was simply giving his opinion which was asked for by the original poster. I see the beauty of asking for an opinion on another companies boards the best way to get an unbiased opinion. If the original poster had asked on say the Blitz's PZC boards he would have probably got an overwhelming biased of positive feedback. A bit like going to the Matix UV board and asking if UV is any good.

U2 -> (2/21/2003 11:52:27 PM)

Pawlock makes some very good points all comes down to taste. My personal views on HPS products are well known but that does not mean that I think of them as crappy unfinished products...they seem to be well made but it's simply not for me. I wish they were.....


Fallschirmjager -> (2/22/2003 12:56:59 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cyrus Coe

BTW - slamming one company on another company's website is really in poor taste, guys. In fact, I surprised a Moderator (this place is moderated, right?) hasn't jumped in and said something. To me, that doesn't reflect too well on Matrix. [/B][/QUOTE]

I asked for an opinion on the series...they gave that to me.

We should be allowed to talk about games we like and do not like on these forums.
They do cost money after all....
Companies should be prasied for good products and beat down for bad ones.

SwampYankee68 -> This is what it's about (2/22/2003 6:12:09 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pawlock
[B]While I will agree, the scale of the game as I have said before is not to everyones taste, and I firmly believe that is the underlying problem with many people not liking them. Then you go onto the other side of the fence in which people like me once have become accostemed to this actually enjoy it.

Now one of your critisms was aimed at their shoot and move concept. Forgive me here, but surely I cant see much difference between this and the vast majority of computor wargames on the market, isnt that what its all about? shoot and move . Obviously this statement is ground down to the basics, but thats what most games of this ilk are. Even the forthcoming Matrix version of the Korsun Pocket will be in essence shoot and move.
You also go on to state about the time involved, well you are correct in this, it again linked to the scale of the game can be offputting to many, but again should be put down to personnal preference rather than a flaw. [/B][/QUOTE]

This post is what it's about Cyrus. I gave an OPINION, identified as such several times in my post, and Pawlock disagrees with me. That's HIS opinion. We each have a right to our own, and especially to openly express them when ASKED FOR THEM. The HPS Pzr Campaign games are just not my cup of tea. Having spent my money on one (not to mention the SB games I have bought from them) IMO gives me even more of a right to be a critic, pro or con.

Now, I didn't mean to "hurt" you with the 3 post comment, it was meant to illustrate that you can't rationally form an opinion on what is accepted behavior on Matrix boards with such limited experience - capiche'? Honest heartfelt opinions on ANY GAME or for that matter any subject are permitted here. If that offends you for your own safety, stay out of the AOW forums!!!

Now Pawlock, yes, I understand your point, but that handling of op and return fire just starts to grate on me. I stopped playing the Campaign series by Talonsoft (RIP) for much the same reason (I'm aware of the connection BTW). I much prefer the way the SB games handle it more fluidly. Different scale, I realize, but something like that seems better. For that matter the V4V games did a better job too. We'll see how Battlefields does.

If I don't like it and someone asks, I'll tell them here or on whatever forum board they ask. It's great that these boards are free both in price and in obtrusive "moderation". Why, Cyrus, would you WANT an honest opinion to be moderated on anyone's boards. :confused:

Snigbert -> (2/22/2003 7:32:59 AM)

I personally do not care for Panzer Campaign games. I am however a fan of turn based wargames, these games just didnt do it for me.

Frank W. -> (2/27/2003 3:22:18 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Swamp_Yankee
[B]If I were you I'd save my cash and wait for Battlefields. It's my opinion that the Pzr Campaign games play poorly. This is based on my purchase of "Fulda Gap 85" which is a modified version of the same engine. A typical turn is move or shoot your unit, then wait an interminable period while the computer resolves op and return fire for enemy units, ONE AT A TIME, and slowly at that. Then on to your next unit, shoot or move, wait, and repeat for every one of your units. In a big game you'll be pulling your hair out waiting. I'm paraphrasing a Gomputer Gaming World review of one of the Pzr Campaign games, but it was essentially "Ok, my 432 men shot at your 579 men, hitting 9, yours shot back hiiting 11 of my men, can we hurry? I've got 98 other units to move". I agree with that assesment. Your tastes may differ, but I ended up hating Fulda. Battlefields! promises to reinvigorate that scale of gaming, and is due out this spring, so my 2 cents says wait for it. [/B][/QUOTE]

i must say i was somewhat dissapointed too from the game.

and i had to order it for a quite high price as import :(

i thought it should be something like the old SSI game red lightning WP vs. NATO . but not quite, again: :(

but perhaps if i have to play it again some time.

Tombstone -> (2/27/2003 3:41:59 AM)

Cripes people. sure people are entitled to their opinion, but it's not a sin to try and get a discussion going. Especially about details regarding wargames on a forum such as this one.


SwampYankee68 -> (2/27/2003 6:48:50 AM)

I'm hoping that Flashpoint Germany does the trick, but there sure is a dirth of modern wargames out there. Matrix has said that the may do modern versions of Combat Leader and Close Assault, that would be cool. As far as modern wargames go, I haven't enjoyed anything as much as Mech Brigade so many years ago. I'd love to see something the scale of Red Lightning tried again.

I'm deffinately going to try Flash Germany.

With Fulda, it was the engine more than anything else that hurt the game - excuse me- disclaimer here - IMHO :p

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