RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (Full Version)

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yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/23/2014 10:13:05 AM)

In Southern China, nothing much happens.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/23/2014 12:12:36 PM)

Bad karma for the Chinese.

The fall of Vichy forced the displacement of the Chinese unit that was in Hanoļ.
It was moved two hexes NE.

Start of impulse: storm. Not unexpeted: this is the moosoon. It should last. The unit moves back in the direction of Kunming but is disorganized.

Meanwhile the Japanese bring two infantries to Hanoļ to secure the resource.

Next impulse: the weather turns unexpectedly good. The Chinese are stuck ; no unit can now advance to Kunming ; however, the Japanese don't have that problem, and fortunately for them, one of their fastest inf is in Hanoļ: it moves along the railway, in the direction of Kunming, which could very well fall on the next impulse. Or the next : whatever happens, the Chinese are screwed, because no nationalist unit is built on the next impulse!

To add to the injury, this city holds the oil resource! (note that this was an oversight when loading an old setup : the oil should not be there, but in Urumchi...)

So the chain of event was:
* Vichy declaration: forces the Chinese to the closest hex (if the unit had been one hex NW, this would not have happened)
* Japan has two inf to bring in HanoĻ
* one of them is fast
* the weather turns good

Oh well... It is hard to prepare against all contingencies!


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/23/2014 12:44:28 PM)

And indeed, this is what happened.
In addition, the Chinese lose control of one unit, the Kunming warlord...
This means that the Chinese position is seriously weakened and Chunking is at a (small) risk.

But the USA are not amused...

Note that this was made possible due in part to the current strategy, although it was absolutely unexpected.

The fact is that when waging a land assault against China, all land units are funnelled to the place where the fighting occurs. In a "normal" situation, I'd not have had a spare inf. I'd have sent one inf in Hanoļ, and all others on the front line (expecting the stormy weather to go on). Here, I have many more options about how to best use my troops, and feel no pressure to plug holes or reinforce an ongoing offensive. I sent the two infs in Vietnam because I felt the Chinese position left open some possibilities.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/23/2014 2:02:39 PM)

At the end of October, Germany declares war on Yugoslavia and aligns Hungary, while in the far east the military operations again fall to a standstill.

There is not enough time to conquer Yugoslavia, but with the brunt of the full German army, this should be done exceedingly fast anyway, even in winter.

Russia understands that is is too late to claim Bessarabia. Anyway, it is not sure it was worth it : meanwhile, Persi is conquered, and if time allows, this could shortly happen to Irak.

Two notable events: partisans appear in an ungarrisonned Singapore, forcing the rebase of the fleet. Japan watches this with interest ; too bad the partisan shout the name of Hitler rather than Tojo... And in France, a fighter that was used to shoot down a daring British bomber is overran by partisans!

The British now smile as they see the German troops going east en masse. There was some thoughts about venturing in Spain, but finally the plan was rejected: the whole British expeditionary corps was salvaged unscathed by the British transports : the British align a reasonnably large amount of land forces (for a British!) ; this could make an attack chancy and costly. And on the other side, the Russian troops don't look that impressive! So, an attack in Yugoslavia by returning forces was decided, which could possibly be followed by an attack on Greece (by a much smaller force) ; Hungary and Rumania would be called in the war. Ideally, the German troops should be ready to roll in by March. Very soon, Italy would join: Germany just now boasts a resource surplus that it is too bad to waste!

The German production is horribly annoying: bombers, infantry, armored units... Nothing fancy at all! The Italian on their side are doing absolutely fancy things, occupying themselves into building their two synth oil... The Commonwealth is building factories, convoys and land units: no need for air units yet, because Germany lost many, and did not even rebuild them as fast: the German air force is indeed much smaller than at the start of the war. It still have many fighters, but these are already pinned down in Germany to defend against the British bombers.

Japan builds: 1 Chinese Warlord (Kungmin), 1 territorial (Vietnam), 1 Battleship (Yamato superstructures), 1 long range fighter and its pilot : this can be used to go with the long range bomber to attack Chungking.

The Chinese build an infantry div and a cavalry div ; they spare 2BP because they will need to build their synth oil plant. Anyway, their land force pool is almost on board, and their forces look extremely thin: the problem is that China is huge, and the Chinese units so slow... Meanwhile, the Japanese can strike anywhere they fancy...

AllenK -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/23/2014 3:33:23 PM)

Love the opportunism around Hanoi and Kunming.

Great phrase "left open some possibilities". Units with these are the devil. They tie up far more resources that way! Much better to get them committed somewhere so you know what they are up to.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 7:57:55 AM)

New old rant

The production interface is horribly buggy! (apart from being as well an ergonom nightmare with buttons that change places, buttons that serve no purpose -Where To ????-, and more generally a layout that change depending on the selection of buttons ; you know what : that panel could -and probably should- cover the whole sreen! But of course, redimensionning has no effect as well)

Please, give us soon a new one.

One hour I want to route the Port of Spain oil resource through the Caribeans, one hour the game insists in using Mouths of the Amazon THEN Caribean (stupid since Carribean is adjacent to Port of Spain!) ; as a result, I cannot route one of the resources in the Guyanas.

PLEASE, WHEN I IMPOSE A ROUTE, LOCK IT! The game has no right to change a route that I have manually set (otherwise, why should I ever manually try to route a resource!) And the convoys associated with that route are not available for anything else!

End of old rant

Note that there are consequences to these bugs: the CW has to maintain a larger convoy fleet than is necessary. So this is affects their production, especially early on when they still have few resources. It's like giving a free strat bombing attack from Germany every turn. Not much, but in the long run it hurts...

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 8:25:40 AM)

For once, the Japanese take a derogation to their self-imposed strategy.

They launch an attack to reduce a Chinesee salient in the mountains, that prevents a proper defensive lines to be formed. The attack at 4-1 risks some losses, but territorials are participating.


Orm -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 8:31:16 AM)

Thanks to the Kunming operation the situation for Japan in China has gone from bad to good.

What is the Japanese plan of action now?

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 9:14:54 AM)



Thanks to the Kunming operation the situation for Japan in China has gone from bad to good.

What is the Japanese plan of action now?

I disagree that the Japanese situation in China could have been qualified as bad from the Japanese side. The fact that the Japanese do not hold a larger chunk of absolutely useless territory is not relevant to me.

According to the laid out plans (conquest of China is not in the plans), the situation was good. To my view, the situation has gone from good to excellent. After all, losses from the start the game has been zero, resources lost to partisans has been zero, and the Chinese are quite contained : they in no way pose even a remote threat to the Japanese army ; they cannot impose their agenda, forcing such or such a kind of action (land action for exemple.)

That's much much better than in my two previous AAR... I can already see the differences in the laid down units, and the freedom I have in my builds, which is quite necessary to prepare for the oncoming year!

But to each his own.


Orm -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 9:35:15 AM)

Maybe bad was not the correct word for it.

I suspect that China was happy with the situation before the Kunming disaster. In my opinion China should abstain from any serious attacks until Japan is engaged elsewhere and US is in the war.


What I wanted to know was if the Japanese capture of Kunming had changed the Japanese strategy in any way.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 10:30:32 AM)


Maybe bad was not the correct word for it.

I suspect that China was happy with the situation before the Kunming disaster. In my opinion China should abstain from any serious attacks until Japan is engaged elsewhere and US is in the war.

Well, of course the Chinese were happy : not taking losses is a rather comfortable situation. Anyway, this has changed this turn. They lost an inf and 2BP to strat bombing.
Not to mention the Kunming warlord...

Actually, I find the "not being attacked" situation more difficult to manage (as the Chinese player) : the country is huge, and because the Japanese are not engaged they are pretty free to do whatever fancy them... The Kungmin operation is a good exemple. As a result, the Chinese are now retreating to a tighter defense ring, so that units can move faster to threatened ares: a 2 movement factor Chinese inf takes eons to reach the other side of China! This is a rather serious liability which I had not analyzed but that reinforces my strategy.

Also note that currently, even with some disorganized units, my partisan rating in China is as low as 6%. I'm still waiting to see the first Chinese partisan.



What I wanted to know was if the Japanese capture of Kunming had changed the Japanese strategy in any way.

No, not really : the strategic issue is that once you're embroidered in a serious land action against China, you are both (in my view) uselessly using resources (that can be best used elsewhere) and you lose much of your freedom to act.

Tactically, I may consider the capture of the southwest Chinese resource, to route it through Vietnam. But this involves two "difficult" fights, possibly more as the situation evolves, that may not be in my interest of doing for a mere resource: there is a city to capture and some mountian hexes to secure. Probably not worth it unless an opportunity opens up. As an aside, that resource is also denied the Chinese : the Japanese militia prevents its use. Thats fine to me : one less BP goin to the Chinese...

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 10:55:02 AM)

The end of the December turn sees the fall of Yugoslavia, the entry of Italy into the war, and Bulgaria joining the fray.

Needless to say that the USA are not amused again.

Problem: three picks and no tension. The USA are still stuck at a 10 tension, preventing the gear up.

In China, the loss of Kungmin, highlighted the weakness of the Chinese position. The underbelly is vulnerable, even though mountainous, and too few units are not enough to secure it. As a result, Chiang takes the decision to retreat the whole army more in the center of China, to ease the movement of units between threatened areas. Not knowing where the Japanese might decide to strike is a headache with so slow units!

Japan produces:
2 carrier air units (time to upgrade them to good designs)
2 convoys (at some point, we are expecting to ship at least 7 more resources from east Asia ; this will require 14 convoys, and we don't have them yet)
1 mechanized
1 motorized
1 militia

China produces:
1 infantry
1 motorized div

Even with the force pool almost fully built, the situation doesn't look that great!


composer99 -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 6:52:01 PM)

If the Chinese don't reinforce it soon, and the Japanese can get a reinforcement into Kunming, Kweiyang looks tempting. Get the factory and blow it up? Yes, please!

Orm -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 6:56:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: composer99

If the Chinese don't reinforce it soon, and the Japanese can get a reinforcement into Kunming, Kweiyang looks tempting. Get the factory and blow it up? Yes, please!

It is a major operation to blow up the factory as the unit doing so must be in supply.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/24/2014 7:53:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: composer99

If the Chinese don't reinforce it soon, and the Japanese can get a reinforcement into Kunming, Kweiyang looks tempting. Get the factory and blow it up? Yes, please!

This is a one year operation you are requesting, or almost:
1) Gather the required troops (either build them or remove them from some place)
2) Bring them in Vietnam, and hope its not moonsoon or you're stuck for 3 turns
3) climb the mountains ; thats a 6+ hex trip, and the end is easily blocked by the Chinese
4) Oh ; and for all that I'll need a HQ, because if I don't have one, I can't fight or blow up the factory
5) To be sure, I might even need 2 HQ, because the lines will be quite stretched with only one HQ

Am I going to engage that much assets in an operation that will engage me for that duration so deep inside China for just blowing one factory ? I'm better strat striking it.

No, I don't think so ; sorry!

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/25/2014 7:51:18 PM)

Once more, nothing much happens in the far East.

The Chinese have retreated to a more manageable area and spread their forces. Any offensive from the japanes should be foreseable now, and troops are still sufficiebtly close to each other to prevent an easy conquest. One Kunming was enough...

Still, the Chinese lost 2BP to strat bombing raids. Thats 33% of their production.

At this time of the war, the interesting things happen on the other side of the earth.

1) Two Italian sub squdron succeeded in rupturing the flow of resources in Cape St Vincent. The British industry can live one turn with stored oil, but not much more. Should the Italian succeed on the next turn, the production would be seriously affected.

2) The German army is engaging in a serious offensive on the East. All troops and planes are called on the Russian border. German troops in occupied countries are replaced by Italian trops. It's good that the Commonwealth has no means for invasion : it wouold be easy!

3) The Russian have declared war on and conquered Irak in one impulse. They control a large part of the middle east oil now.

4) More importantly, seeing the impressive German buildup, Russia has declared war on Italy. Well, the USA did not take it too bad! Only 5 points lost (4 one and one 2) ; it could have been worse! This lets Russia take land impulses : Zhukov is called from duty in the far east to duty in the west, reserves are called, and militias will be levied en masse. This means that if Germany wants an "easy" time, it will have to take it in the heart of the Russian winter. Of course, they might still break the pact and wait for a better time. But the red army is likely to be as ready as it can. It is important to note that the initiative is at +2 in favor of the allies. The axis might not have its chance to break the pact after all, but it will be a close call.

After all this, only two chits remain in the German side of the US entry pool. Does it matter if that was the cost to prevent of diffuse a war against Russia ?


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/25/2014 7:53:15 PM)

The situation on the Russia border.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/25/2014 8:28:34 PM)

This turn production is beginning to be delicate ; we are entering the time frame where a war declaration against the allies might become possible within the 4 or 5 next turns, that is within the time frame for the production of some specialized units.

We know that next turn production will be severely reduced by building the second synth oil plant. So important builds are to be done this turn!

China is becoming now a not that important focus ; in any case, it is currently tamed.
Note that the current strategy doesn't bind me to building units I don't want.

Japan builds:
1 militia
1 para div
1 marine div
2 convoys
3 carrier planes
1 pilot

China builds:
nothing ; there is a necessity for building that synth oil plant, and most of the force pool is on the map anyway, even though the defenses look so limited. 4BP are stored in Urumchi.

composer99 -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/25/2014 8:31:28 PM)

Should China not have more aircraft by now? Did they not get any lend-lease planes from the US?

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/25/2014 8:47:21 PM)

The neutrality pact after setting up the units.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/25/2014 8:49:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: composer99

Should China not have more aircraft by now? Did they not get any lend-lease planes from the US?

Yes ; but they lost their oil!
Why build planes that don't fly ?
It will be a year from now (or worse), before more planes are coming.

And anyway, they would not be that useful: the strikes happen on the communist cities, where the nationalists cannot use their air power...

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/25/2014 9:27:22 PM)

The allies lose initiative ; they ask for a reroll and get it.
The Russian are begging to move first!

And the neutrality pact cannot be broken after their move.
The question now is to know who will be able to reinforce the fastest...
Anyway, Germany is now stuck with this policy, and there is nothing that can be done yet.
However, the British are using the absence of the german from all war theaters to prepare an attack from Egypt. This might force Germany to relinquish its grasp around the Russian bear ; who have been nice enough to send back one Persian oil...


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/26/2014 6:10:37 PM)

While the turn advances, Germnay realizes with dismay that the Russians have trumped them!

Having moved ALL units (bare two divisions and one militia) on the East front, the neutrality pact cannot be broken. That's a position that cannot be lasting. Impossible to keep all units there and not suffer great risks...

Worse: The Russians still have units that should shortly move west, and other units that are disorganized : that's 13 points in garrison that are coming ; there is nothing Germany can send to match. And with still 10 militia to build, its unlikely that the pact can be broken even in June. At best (I did not count), that would go for a July attack, with Russia well reinforced with many cheap units. Enough to form a reasonable line. The best bet anyway is that it won't be broken before 42. So what ?


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/26/2014 7:47:01 PM)

In China, the Japanese have now a plan for usefully using Kunming.

It still involves sending a HQ, but thats about all : make it an airbase to pound the factories. Idealy, one should be able to pack enough power to destroy the factories one after the other. But that's a long term project, if only because there is yet no real spare HQ, so that it will have to be built from scratch. The good news is that Yamashita entered the pool this turn, and he a quite fast HQ ; very handy in mountainous areas.

Furthermore, should the Japanese bring a HQ, that would make easy the opening the west road to Burma : who knows ; that might be an road for the much coveted Burma oil!

Yet, the plans may still evolve.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/26/2014 9:05:00 PM)

The turn ends with many American ships landed in Hawai.
In addition, the congress passed a law to double to military production.

All this bodes ill, and our Japanese becomes increasingly worried...

As expected this turn, he builds:
* one synth oil plant
* one infantry HQ
* 3 carrier airs (many of which cost 0, but this keeps ups the building capacity)

The Chinese build one inf and save the rest, still hoping to build the synth oil plant. I made a mistake by saving all previous BP in the save city, forgetting that I could only use one per turn...

As a note, the Japanese watch with rather more than ennoyment the US lay down 3 carriers of a radical new design, larger and better protected than the previous generation.

Also we shall note that the Italian subs, extremely lucky, once more chased some british convoys from the Cape St Vincent. This pushes the British economy at its limits as no more oil is stored in Great Britain now. To add to this, partisans took posseion of the oil fields in Palembang.

Germany has decided to reduce its commitment in the East and sent back some garrisons. It also sends a small expeditionnary corps to Greece.

AxelNL -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/26/2014 9:39:26 PM)

You sure know how to build up tension!

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/27/2014 4:54:45 AM)



You sure know how to build up tension!

Thanks! [:D]

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/27/2014 9:24:16 PM)

While Germany moves some troops south, frustrated about not being able to attack, the British move their troops along the coast, and attack well entranched Italian troops. Sending its troops as garrison west did not leave any room for reinforcing. Anyway, Italy was not really willing to risk her navy, while the threat did not seem that great. Wawell nevertheless attacked, with a rather small force. Tobruk, poorly defended by territorial fell first. Rolling 18, the Italian North African Army was pushed into the sea, and the loss was not small: Balbo, an anti-tank div, one infantry corps : overall, two production turns went with that roll. While Tripoli is not yet in danger, the British having to roll along the coast and count on fickle supply, something will soon have to be done.

This loss somehow annoyed the Japanese: if the British were free of the North African entanglement, this freed troops to go back and defend their Asian possessions. This also probably freed some of the Royal Navy from duty in the Mediterranean. Decidedly, the German choices had deep implications.

Meanwhile, leaving their usual passivity, the japanese army brings two new corps near Nanning and attacks. The idea would have been to caprure the city before the moonsoon. Why ? With Kunming gone, Nanning is the only city that opens up on Vietnam. Furthermore, it is an isolated city for the Chinese who would have a hard time recapturing it, often in supply because close enough from a port ; it is a place which, once within Japanese hands, is unlikely to be contested and which will stretch yet more the Chinese defense line. Holding it is likely to free some land units that will soon be required in other places.

Unfortunately, the city holds ; the Chinese lose one mot inf and the japanese 1 militia and one territorial. With luck, the moonsoon might be late and another attack would succeed. But can one count on that ?


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/27/2014 9:30:53 PM)

Fortunately, with the turn lasting, the Japanese are able to mount an unlikely operation : a carpet bombing raid on Nanning ; which, forunately, succeeds. With no nationalist units on the reinforcing pool for the next turn, the city is already virtualy captured (the Japanese would not have done that raid otherwise.)

Despite the large success, Tojo is not amused that the army did not wait the bombing raid from the air force. The answer that there was not knowing when these damn planes would arrive and that they were late was not satisfying. Indeed, Tojo counted that this one offensive had cost three weeks of the war industry production. Too much!

On their side, the Chinese were sad about the loss, but there was absolutely nothing they were able to do about a force that could strike where and when it wanted. It just proved that anything too close to the shores was at risk.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/29/2014 5:22:45 AM)

At the end of the turn, the Commonwealth is pushing Italy out of Lybia. Japan doesn't feel that the timing is good to declare war, which would certainly relieve the pressure on Italy. Even though Tojo is looking with some envy at the Malaysian and Netherland resources...


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