Lokasenna -> RE: Quick Active and Reserve Pilots Question (8/25/2014 2:43:15 PM)
ORIGINAL: leehunt27@bloomberg.net Thanks guys... its just strange that if a squadron has a need for pilots, say they have 12 planes but only 7 pilots, that new pilots arriving would be on reserve status. Just adds some micromanagement unexpectedly I think it's that way on purpose, so that you can set some pilots to reserve for certain missions... it allows you to bring in recruits on your CV groups, for example, and train them up. And then when you're about to hit combat, you put the recruits in reserve so that you don't have green pilots flying against the enemy CVs. Also, it allows you to keep the group commander in reserve so that he is never killed in an air action. I've found this to be important for the Allied groups, as the group commanders tend to have really good skills and you can't keep them from leading a group when you reassign them (they have the * next to their rank in the selection screen).