Auto upgrading a Manual Design (Full Version)

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Vellarain -> Auto upgrading a Manual Design (9/2/2014 6:59:10 AM)

Having a slight problem here. I tried to search for a solution but my google-fu seems to only be at Yellow belt.

I decided to take the wheel of all future ship designs and make my on manual monstrosities. But when ever I get a brand spanking new tech that makes all my blueprints obsolete. Going in and manually swapping out the old parts is pretty hard on my patience.

So I tried to to click the auto update button to maybe hope that the game will simply do the footwork for me...

NOPE, totally scrapped all my schematics and threw them out the window!

Am I missing something here?

silentdeth -> RE: Auto upgrading a Manual Design (9/2/2014 12:28:05 PM)

From what you have said it sounds like you have it set to show latest buildable designs, and the auto upgrade button made the design larger than you can build.

Vardis -> RE: Auto upgrading a Manual Design (9/2/2014 5:09:23 PM)

Auto-upgrade doesn't upgrade components on your existing design, it'll instead just create new designs.

Vellarain -> RE: Auto upgrading a Manual Design (9/8/2014 3:40:41 AM)

Ugh, figured out my problem. I thought I had saved the design AI to manual but it was still set as automatic.

The auto update button works fine on swapping out superior components, but will not tinker with the quantity of the component being upgraded.

Now, getting the AI to retrofit automatically when I add a new ship model...[:D]

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