Cmiller -> One Planet Challenge (OPC) (9/5/2014 4:47:52 PM)
Okay, for any of you people who have played Civilization series I'm sure you have heard of the the One City Challenge. Well today, I am going to attempt something that, I personally, have never attempted before in Distant Worlds, and that is the One Planet Challenge. I'm only allowed One Planet, period. No invasion, no colonization, and no grabbing lost colonist either. If I'm given a colony ship through a random event, I'll scrap it towards research. Now, for the official rules of this game: 1.) Again, only One Planet 2.) I am not allowed to do troop invasions. So if I want to destroy an enemy planet I will have to either bombard the planet, or use planet destroyers. 3.) I must scrap any colony ships I obtain through random events. Seems fair enough. Now for the game settings. They are as follows: Irregular 400 stars Medium sized Galaxy Pre-warp Expansion Chaos Aggression, Extreme Difficulty, Very Expensive Research Costs Difficulty Scales as player nears victory checked. Many Space Creatures, Very Many Pirates, Strong Pirates, Nearby Distance. Destroyed Pirates do not re-spawn checked (seriously, its hard enough as it [8|]) Colony Prevalence Normal, Independent Life Normal, No Colonization range limits (unchecked) Playing as Gizureans Hive Mind Goverment Excellent Homeworld, Starting size, Prewarp Tech level, Normal Corruption Playing with 8 auto-generated empires All story events checked Victory conditions 33%, race victory conditions enabled Tech Trading allowed I'm setting everything to the max here, and will be using IceMania's AI improvement mod. I had initially wanted to showcase his mod in a Youtube series, but didn't really feel like recording, so I'm doing a written AAR instead. I don't expect to last long in this since I'm still new to the Extreme difficulty, and having only one planet doesn't really make things any easier. However, I do expect it do be fun, because watching someone getting their ass kicked is just a enjoying thing to watch now isn't it [;)]. So I really do hope you enjoy this AAR. I'll have an update later this evening . Cmiller