Dgsbdy -> Problems with Tanker tracks and refueling (9/11/2014 3:21:13 AM)
I'm sure I'm missing something but I'm having incredible problems with aircraft diverting to refueling instead of RTB. Any tanker within a thousand kilometers will attract aircraft that are Winchester and within a few miles of their origin. One example is "Play the Fool" where I added some F16's to NAIA and all 24 were lost to fuel starvation over Subic Bay despite me setting them to "No refueling" they insisted on trying to reach F18's in tanker configuration over the CV even with no weapons available. It seems better not to have ANY refueling assets anywhere as the AI will divert everything to their track even with 50% fuel. Even if you reset the settings to no refuel they do not RTB. I set another test with B-1's and 5 KC 135's and they all ditched in the waters west of Luzon instead of RTB to NAIA/Villamor Manila only a few minutes away. What am I doing wrong? If anything the aircraft evade missiles on their own, form attacks on their own, shouldn't the game's AI have a simple intelligence to fly to the nearest AFB in sight instead of chasing tankers 500 kilometers away??