So I recently started a non-custom game of Return of the Shakturi and I'm not sure if it is possible for me to win. In the non-custom settings, it appears that racial victory conditions are disabled as you are expected to win through story events. However, the Shakturi appeared within a space-stone's throw of my empire and I had already colonized all other worlds in that area. Having nowhere to expand they declared war on me almost immediately.
I decided I would end it quickly and sent a massive fleet with a bombardment fleet right behind them and wiped out the Shakturi. No victory though as they hadn't revealed their true nature and the victory conditions hadn't been modified. Went back to an older save and now I'm just trying to sit out their attacks hoping the story progresses. My fleets and defenses are pretty strong, but after a number of years they're starting to wear out.
Is there anything I can do to win this game? Is it a weird bug that I didn't get victory after destroying their homeworld?
It might be that you need to simply find all the beacons still, yeah you wiped them out, but still need to trigger events and what not. Somewhere there's a checklist "Went to clue 1, clue 2, clue 3, return of old 'mysterious' race, Shakturi expose themselves, destroy Shakturi homeworld" and the ordering won't matter as long as you do everything.
So no beacons, but I ended up giving the Shak some mining bases to end the war. Almost immediately after that the big reveal happened and I was able to win.