jbyng -> RE: Redeeming your Steam key (11/9/2015 4:34:42 AM)
I am coming up empty trying to get this DLC registered: 1: I bought CMANO when it first came out, so I'm in the group of previous owners. 2: This weekend I upgraded to 1.09 using the updater in the game launcher. For some reason this created a complete new folder structure. 3: I scoured the forums to figure out how to get C:NI registered - my impression (because the instructions were scattered and fuzzy), was that I had to register with Steam to get a new key, which I could use in the "enter registration key" fields that popped up at the end of the upgrade process. My CMNAO key was already populated, but the C:NI field was blank. 4: I registered through the new 'unified login system' and, after much to-ing and fro-ing, managed to get a Steam key for CMNAO. I thought there should be an entry for C:NI in the list of games, but there wasn't. I wanted to get a Steam key because, according to Iain, "your [C:NI] serial is your steam key." 5: I entered my Steam key in the upgrade registration box for C:NI, but it didn't work. At this point I had the DLC (I could click on "campaigns"), but got a pop-up telling me to "UPGRADE NOW to obtain a license for this module." According to everything I had read on the forums, at this point I should have been able to play C:NI, but I couldn't. So I opened a help ticket with Matrix Games. 6: Matrix told me to open my Steam Desktop Client (which I didn't have) and register the game through there. So I went to the Steam site. 7: On the Steam site I had to create yet another account (my "unified login" didn't seem to work) and download the desktop application. With that up and running I registered CMNAO using the Steam key I created in step 4, and the game started to download AGAIN. This seemed pretty stupid, but given how screwed up this whole process is, I wasn't too surprised. 8: After the game downloaded I had a fresh splash screen to start the game, but this one lacked the "Upgrade" button. I was just relieved that it hadn't created a THIRD game folder. 9: I started the game, opened the campaign, selected NI, aaannnddddd.... was told to "UPGRADE NOW to obtain a license for this module." At this point I'm so freaking sick of this mess I'm ready to delete it all. Could someone please tell me: * How can I register and play C:NI? * Which game folder am I supposed to keep? * Which launcher should I used? * How many of these accounts do I need to keep open? Do I need accounts with Matrix, Slytherine, AND Steam? What is the point of all this? * How did an update system which used to be so simple and work so easily, get so completely bloated and convoluted? Many thanks.