On the fence, I have some questions (Full Version)

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ru_disa -> On the fence, I have some questions (9/22/2014 5:22:30 PM)

I played the demo and I love the idea of the HITS mode. I think it's a great and very original idea and it's my main drive for considering to buy this game. That being said, I have some questions about the demo; if you could answer them or if you could point me to some threads where these points have already been discussed, I'd be very grateful!

1) In the Division tutorial, I send courier orders to my brigades, but sometimes they don't react at all. For example, Avery's brigade is in my rear lines. I write an order to move to Smith's left flank. I watch the courier ride to Avery... and nothing happens. Why is that?

2) In the Brigade tutorial, at a certain point I'm ordered to move to the left flank of someone's artillery (I forget the exact words), but the position where this artillery actually is located is not specified! How am I supposed to know where to go? Note that I cannot see an objective marker or any visual clue anywhere around me.

3) When I add the "move at double time" line in my orders, I notice that sometimes that line is ignored and the units move at normal speed. Is there a specific position in the order composition where the "move at double time" line should go? What's the correct way to compose my orders, generally speaking?

4) Since I can only see the area around me, if I need to take my brigade or division somewhere else around the map, what's the best way to move around? I assume there must be a better way, rather than clicking 100 yards in fron of me, then again and again and again, until I get there... I mean, I know I can write an order to my units and tell them to go to a specific location on the map, but what about me?


Floyd -> RE: On the fence, I have some questions (9/28/2014 9:52:15 AM)

1. In the ciourier message, specify in this order:
- move to the left flank of ....
- face your unit in this direction ...
- change formation to ...
- hold/defend/attack ...

I think to remeber that 'left flank of' positions will not be where expected (right-most unit left
to left-most unit), because the order is directed to the commander and units would be
positioned to his left flank. So there's some overlapping in formations. Better use the
'move to this map point' and give some extra space with the formation in mind.

2. The unit can be found on the 'M' map?!

3. Sometimes the units are to exhausted to run. For orders, see 1., generally:
- postion
- direction
- formation
- use roads
- stance

4. Use the 'N' map, select a postion, the a formation

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