Trench warfare (Full Version)

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HHFD50 -> Trench warfare (9/22/2014 8:55:25 PM)

First, I want to say that this is a great game! That said, I am only in March 1914 and thus still in a maneuvering war. I am curious to know how trench warfare is handled in the game? Are there any options for artillery barrages through decisions, or long range fire like in Commander: The Great War without having to make an attack will all your units? Again, I am rapidly approaching "that" phase of the game and am curious to know what to expect. Thank you!

HHFD50 -> RE: Trench warfare (9/23/2014 12:36:06 AM)

Anyone? Anyone at all? lol While at this, any ideas or tips on how to correctly use subs in this game? Mine get wiped out quick and easily and I don't know why. ASW warfare was near non existing in 1914.

Queeg -> RE: Trench warfare (9/23/2014 1:37:35 AM)



First, I want to say that this is a great game! That said, I am only in March 1914 and thus still in a maneuvering war. I am curious to know how trench warfare is handled in the game? Are there any options for artillery barrages through decisions, or long range fire like in Commander: The Great War without having to make an attack will all your units? Again, I am rapidly approaching "that" phase of the game and am curious to know what to expect. Thank you!

Trench warfare isn't handled in any specific detail at present. The game uses the same entrenchment mechanism as in AGEOD's Civil War games - that is, entrenchment of individual units as opposed to a network of fortifications. At present, the mid- to late-game doesn't feel very WWI-like.

There are various gas attack decisions.

HHFD50 -> RE: Trench warfare (9/23/2014 8:41:02 PM)

OK, thank you for the info. I believe this would be easy to add into the game. For example, by expanding the artillery bombardment decision to include normal hexes in addition to cities. Or just simply add a bombardment feature to land units containing artillery (total effect based on the type and number of guns calculated against the defenders entrenchment level) like it does for warships and naval bombardment. Each bombardment would affect cohesion and result in some form of losses-though small. The reduction of cohesion could replicate "shell shock" and the softening up of enemy positions in anticipation for an attack. For trench warfare, perhaps a "skirmish" decision, that would include light combat. If the skirmish goes well then one side would have the option to auto activate and launch an attack negating the defenders entrenchment bonus.I wish I knew how to mod this game because I would add these. I welcome anyone to use my ideas if you like them and add them to the game.

wodin -> RE: Trench warfare (9/23/2014 10:24:35 PM)

You mean March '15?

Well in the war trench warfare started in No '14..thats how skewed the game is at the minute.

Marcus_Antonius -> RE: Trench warfare (9/26/2014 8:49:49 PM)

As far as ASW: you didn't really need it as much in 1914. Subs were terribly slow on the surface (slower than most all warships) and virtually immobile and blind under the surface with poor endurance while under. Being invunerable under water was the one thing they had going for them-- but they had to get into attack position on the surface first.

Different kind of U-Boat War.

Gilmer -> RE: Trench warfare (9/27/2014 1:22:34 AM)

I have to say I like the game, but if you were hoping for "trench warfare" like the kind I know I was thinking about, you probably will be disappointed. Units fortify pretty much like all Ageod games and there is no real feel of trench warfare, if you ask me. I still like the game.

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