help plz crash (Full Version)

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gunhojr -> help plz crash (9/24/2014 9:39:57 AM)

says in error KERNEL MEMORY CHECKING IS **OFf what do i do thanks this is what it says Log date: 2014-08-31 02:56:24
[02:56:25][4900]Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series version: 4.2.12422 Compatibility Profile Context
[02:56:25][4900]Commander: The Great War(v 1.5.1)
[02:56:25][4900]Audio device used: Generic Software
[02:56:25][4900]Loading main script
[02:56:25][4900]Loading app script
[02:56:25][4900]App version:1.5.1
[02:56:25][4900]Today is: 31.8.2014
[02:56:36][5576]smallgarrison disabled for rail transport
[02:56:36][5576]arabsmallgarrison disabled for rail transport
[02:56:36][5576]Invalid railroad from: KRISTIANA
[02:56:36][4900]Maximum texture size: 16384
[02:56:47][4900]Staring game turn 1
[02:56:47][4900]Phase start: central_powers

gunhojr -> RE: help plz crash (9/24/2014 11:27:14 AM)

ok i deleted game and tried just to patch up to 1.3 since i read about same problem but still when i start game i can start.but when i try and place a purchased unit or let ai play turn it crashes.this is what i get now Log date: 2014-08-31 04:07:48
[04:07:48][15b4]Commander: The Great War(v 1.3.0)
[04:07:48][15b4]Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
[04:07:48][15b4]Number of processors: 2
[04:07:48][15b4]Audio device used: Generic Software
[04:07:49][15b4]OpenGL: 4.2.12422 Compatibility Profile Context on AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series by ATI Technologies Inc.
[04:07:50][15b4]Loading main script
[04:07:50][15b4]Loading app script
[04:07:50][15b4]Script init
[04:07:50][15b4]App version:1.3.0
[04:07:50][15b4]Today is: 31.8.2014
[04:07:51][15b4]Starting track: main_menu
[04:07:51][15b4]Background task added
[04:07:56][15b4]Creating new audio source. Count: 0
[04:08:17][15b4]Playing video clip
[04:08:17][15b4]Background task added
[04:08:17][ea4]Map loaded in 0.172sec
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction impassable joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction france joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction britain joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction germany joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction russia joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction turkey joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction belgium joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction italy joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction netherlands joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction usa joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction sweden joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction denmark joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction finland joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction greece joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction spain joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction portugal joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction switzerland joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction romania joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction bulgaria joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction norway joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction arabia joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction persia joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction colonies joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction red_finland joined neutral
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction serbia joined entente
[04:08:17][ea4]Faction austria joined central_powers
[04:08:26][ea4]Invalid railroad from: KRISTIANA
[04:08:26][1414]End of video stream reached
[04:08:26][15b4]Stopping video clip
[04:08:26][15b4]Maximum texture size: 16384
[04:08:31][15b4]Scene initialized in: 4.896 seconds
[04:08:31][15b4] Memory usage: 2236204 bytes
[04:08:31][15b4] Memory allocation time: 0.006 sec
[04:08:31][15b4] Memory deallocation time: 0.006 sec
[04:08:33][15b4]Starting track: game2
[04:08:33][15b4]Background task added
[04:08:33][15b4]Hud initialized in:1.356 seconds
[04:08:33][15b4]Track playback finished
[04:08:34][15b4]Creating new audio source. Count: 1
[04:08:34][15b4]Staring game turn 1
[04:08:35][15b4]Phase start: central_powers
[04:08:45][15b4]================================= C++ stack trace ==================================

[04:08:45][15b4] (0)
[04:08:45][15b4] (0)
[04:08:45][15b4] (0)

gunhojr -> RE: help plz crash (9/24/2014 11:52:12 AM)

ok tried to update to 1.52 i had 151 then went to 1.30 then went to now 1.52 keeps crashing after start this what it says now Log date: 2014-08-31 04:33:05
[04:33:06][5644]Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series version: 4.2.12422 Compatibility Profile Context
[04:33:06][5644]Commander: The Great War(v 1.5.2)
[04:33:07][5644]Audio device used: Generic Software
[04:33:07][5644]Loading main script
[04:33:07][5644]Loading app script
[04:33:07][5644]App version:1.5.2
[04:33:07][5644]Today is: 31.8.2014
[04:33:18][6104]smallgarrison disabled for rail transport
[04:33:18][6104]arabsmallgarrison disabled for rail transport
[04:33:18][6104]Invalid railroad from: KRISTIANA
[04:33:37][5644]Staring game turn 1
[04:33:37][5644]Phase start: central_powers
[04:33:50][5644]AiMakeTurn() for neutral
[04:33:50][5644]*** Starting naval AI ***
[04:33:50][5644]*** Starting naval AI phase 2 ***
[04:33:50][5644]Phase start: entente
[04:33:50][5644]AiMakeTurn() for entente
[04:33:50][5644]*** Starting naval AI ***
[04:33:55][5644]Resume: false, std::exception: not sure what to do now tried what i can figure on plz help thanks my screen uses 1366/768 is it to big maybe in size.

zakblood -> RE: help plz crash (12/1/2014 7:56:35 PM)

please follow the advice in the link above and post errors and saves or other info here please ty

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