$trummer -> Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 6:19:12 PM)
I am grateful for the opportunity to integrate CMANO into Steam. I like Steam's efficient update process and enjoy the ancillary benefits such as Workshop (which might enhance the distribution of user-made scenarios in CMANO enormously). I do not believe there are very many Steam devotees amongst the CMANO dev staff but I am hoping either devs or community members can answer the following two questions, which may well be important to other people going the same route: i. Does the Steam download of CMANO (a hefty 4.4GB) create an additional CMANO install? If so, I assume one would uninstall the existing install of CMANO in the normal way? In some cases (like mine) these installs might be on different drives. My Steam d/l is still in progress so I am not sure of the outcome of this yet. ii. How are people who like to use the "unofficial" CMANO database expansions planning to add them to a Steam install? In the usual, manual fashion, or will they be available via Steam? All input on the above would be most welcome, thank you.