Steam integration: 2 questions (Full Version)

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$trummer -> Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 6:19:12 PM)

I am grateful for the opportunity to integrate CMANO into Steam. I like Steam's efficient update process and enjoy the ancillary benefits such as Workshop (which might enhance the distribution of user-made scenarios in CMANO enormously).

I do not believe there are very many Steam devotees amongst the CMANO dev staff but I am hoping either devs or community members can answer the following two questions, which may well be important to other people going the same route:

i. Does the Steam download of CMANO (a hefty 4.4GB) create an additional CMANO install? If so, I assume one would uninstall the existing install of CMANO in the normal way? In some cases (like mine) these installs might be on different drives. My Steam d/l is still in progress so I am not sure of the outcome of this yet.

ii. How are people who like to use the "unofficial" CMANO database expansions planning to add them to a Steam install? In the usual, manual fashion, or will they be available via Steam?

All input on the above would be most welcome, thank you.

Casinn -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 7:35:08 PM)

1. yes it does. I'll keep old one for unofficial versions until I see if there is a Steam Beta opt-in or somesuch.

$trummer -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 8:06:48 PM)

Thank you, Casinn.

Does anyone know about the database add-ons?

mikmykWS -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 8:49:01 PM)

The database should be the newest. We usually ship them as part of the updates so you shouldn't miss them.



$trummer -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 9:45:21 PM)

Thanks, Mike. Does it include many images and photographs of all the individual platforms/weapons, or is that still a copyright issue that has to be addressed by user-made contents as opposed to official content?

mikmykWS -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 11:15:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: $trummer

Thanks, Mike. Does it include many images and photographs of all the individual platforms/weapons, or is that still a copyright issue that has to be addressed by user-made contents as opposed to official content?

Yeah that will remain as player contributed content.



$trummer -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (9/26/2014 11:27:47 PM)


Yeah that will remain as player contributed content.

Adding that content to the Steam install will be an interesting experience, then, because the file integrity check that Steam does before updating might delete those files. Hm. Well, I still do not want parallel installs and I could keep the user-created database content on my desktop so that it could be copied into the Steam CMANO install periodically.

Nielsvds -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/2/2014 9:29:53 PM)

Steam file integrity check has to be performed manually. You do this only when you get the message missing executable, or the game will not start. I tweaked a configuration file in a game and after an update the file was untouched. I also installed a custom database, and that was also untouched after an game update.To perform such check you have to go to library of your games right click on the game,choose properties,select the local files tab, now you have to click on verify. In Steam you have to create the subfolder Community in the following folder: Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Command Modern Air Naval Operations\Scenarios\create here your folder and just copy the content of the non Steam folder to the Steam folder and everything will be fine. For placing the descriptions and pictures you have to go to Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Command Modern Air Naval Operations\DB\Images\DB3000 and CWDB.

$trummer -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/2/2014 10:35:14 PM)

Very helpful, many thanks.

Nielsvds -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/3/2014 9:29:23 AM)

No problem, glad that I could help you. The only difference between Steam and a physical game, is that with Steam it's a digital download. For the rest the game is identical, you only need to navigate to the folder and subfolder as I mentioned before.

Marder -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/7/2014 6:43:56 AM)

Good morning from Germany.
Is there a way to bypass the launcher when starting the "game" from steam?

severe7 -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/7/2014 8:07:29 AM)

+1 for a way to bypass the launcher. It's sligthly annoying having an extra step starting up the game.

Nielsvds -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/7/2014 9:04:45 PM)

Hi Marder2075 and severe7,

Yes, you can bypass the launcher. Go to the installation directory of Command Modern Air Naval Operations. There you will find an executable (application) called Command.exe. If you double click on that, the game will immediately launch. You can create a shortcut to Command.exe, so you can directly launch the game from the desktop.


ckfinite -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/7/2014 10:52:30 PM)

I'd like to be able to launch the game from Steam without seeing the launcher, as I find that the Steam UI is rather easier to use than that provided by the OS filesystem (and, when I'm thinking of a game to play, I'm much more likely to be looking at Steam that anything else).

I was wondering if you were going to add a development branch option to the Steam distribution? It would be much more convenient than the existing system of patches, but I'm not sure how complex it is for you.

mikmykWS -> RE: Steam integration: 2 questions (10/8/2014 12:21:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: ckfinite

I'd like to be able to launch the game from Steam without seeing the launcher, as I find that the Steam UI is rather easier to use than that provided by the OS filesystem (and, when I'm thinking of a game to play, I'm much more likely to be looking at Steam that anything else).

I was wondering if you were going to add a development branch option to the Steam distribution? It would be much more convenient than the existing system of patches, but I'm not sure how complex it is for you.

Yeah we'd like to use everything they offer to be honest but we are committed to maintaining the same upgrade paths to support non steam users.


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