aaatoysandmore -> RE: Win 10 compatibility with Matrix games - any news? (10/6/2014 9:40:25 PM)
ORIGINAL: Qwixt quote:
ORIGINAL: aaatoysandmore I'm still running Vista 64 and I won't upgrade to another WIN OS until I have to. It's just another money grab by microsoft and most things still run on WinXP so I see no reason to upgrade unless one just plays too many fps that require a lot of memory for graphics. Wargames the kind I really like should never need that kind of power. I have friends running newer wargames of the boardgame type on old systems that date back as far as 2004. Where the problems would come in with a newer OS are things like this net.framework or this Visual C + + they have been adding over the last few years. They run as of now ok on Vista 64's I'm not sure what the new products will have to have where these programs are concerned. Why is net.framework or visual c+ + even needed? They were never needed on wargames before up until that time Matrix started using them? C++ libraries are needed because some (more likely most windows games) are written in Visual Studio C++. In the past (like win 3.0 to win xp), you did have those support DLLs on your system, and it wreaked havoc on your system when updating because they would commonly use the same name in the real early days. Eventually, MS gravitated to this MS C++ 2005, 2008, 2010,... runtime libraries where you can have multiple version of them even. So the reason you have those visual C++ requirements now is because the dev tools from MS have evolved that way, and developers are using those tools. The .NET requirement is probably because of the launcher, which I am sure everyone here has seen at this point. I suspect it is written using .NET. The reason to use .NET for something like that is because it's very easy to use a web browser control in it, and it's easy/simple to write. Also, some games are written using .NET instead of C++, and those games would require .NET installed. Ok my question is do I need to keep every single one of those from 2005, 2008 and 2010? I have jillions of those files in my programs and features folder and most of them are updates. So do I really need to keep all of them taking up valuable drive space? I had one that I deleted anyways because it was like 3gigs of a file size and that's just too ridiculous for any file of that type I think not for one silly game? So far it hasn't caused any game crashes so I guess it wasn't really needed afterall. But, I still wonder about all the many others. They are all visual C + + files just different dates installed and of course different times. Net.framework is basically the same way. I have some 3.0 files and some 4.0 files. Do I really need to keep "all" of them? What happens if I delete all but one? If a game doesn't run I can just reinstall it right?