LSA Outstanding Bugs (Full Version)

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Tejszd -> LSA Outstanding Bugs (10/13/2014 6:06:09 PM)

Any plan to address these LSA outstanding bugs???

LSA Scenario Editor Allied Support shown in error�

LSA can’t run full screen on Windows 8 (or 10 now that it is out)
Comments: this can be ignored if the player does the following;
- runs in a Window at the desktop resolution
- sets Windows to hide the taskbar at the bottom screen
- AND the player wasn't using the full screen mode to make the game graphics larger. V6.# tries to address this with the fixed 1.5 multiplier option but full screen could do any multiplier req'd.

Crash To Desktop (00:00, air strike, morale break)

Reserve BG Not Adding Any Units to Frontline BG

800x600 game screens use 1024x768 resolution.
Comments: V6.# removed the black border and added UI scaling 1.5x. This is good for those playing in a window or who's resolution is not double 1600x1200 or greater. Full screen mode with a monitor 1600x1200 or greater could enlarge the image by 2.0x.

Campaign/Operation results not saved after last battle�

Battlegroup Screen buttons "Edit Opponent" and "Return to player" do not lighten when hovered over�

Scenario Settings Axis or Allied Supply Low not affecting BG ammo/fuel - Added Aug. 29/2015

BG's not returning

Night turns skipped if Germans have only static BG's

When a vehicle has a crew of two the soldier screen does not show any weapons
See post #49 here as it happens in TLD & LSA

v6.# Not a bug but shortsighted decision as higher resolutions become more the norm; Front-end scaling option of 1.5 only (post #5 - if you could do x 1.5 you could have also done x 2 for better image quality)

An Operation starting on Day 1 Turn 1 (1st daylight turn after Night) still has a Night turn but with no BG's. On the positive Surprise works on Turn 1 like an Op starting at Night.
See post #92�

Enhancement: In battle the Team Display doesn't spread out at high resolutions;
See post #90

Mod Maker Enhancements/Wish List

Mod makers can not add/take away a unit type based on difficulty settings with the new forcepool in LSA which could be done in earlier releases�

Scenario Editor Icons can't be made larger than the ones included in the game. The reduced size compared to earlier releases has reduced their quality and made moving mods to LSA harder.

Static units assigned to guard key bridges/locations should not be absorbed into a passing BG. Should be a campaign.txt option. Hard coding this limits mod maker options.

Surprise should be a scenario setting per side so it is usable on any start date in a Campaign or Operation

SteveMcClaire -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (10/13/2014 11:53:47 PM)

No date has been announced for an update to LSA.


STIENER -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/1/2014 2:40:15 AM)

thats too bad [&:]

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/4/2014 1:41:54 AM)

Bump to the top of the Tech Support forum

CGGrognard -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/4/2014 1:52:34 AM)

To Tejszd:

I'm running Windows 8.1, and this game, at least the battles do run in full screen. I'm also using a higher resolution than 1024x768. So graphics seem to work well. If needed I can provide actual settings, for your comparison.

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (12/23/2014 1:31:14 AM)

Thanks for the offer CGGrognard. I do not have Windows 8 but others in the thread referenced can not run full screen and even the developer in it said that they would have to change the color bit depth to fix the problem. If you turned on a compatibility mode it would be good to mention it in the other thread to help others while we await a fix.

Bump. Be a nice Christmas present to get these Matrix CC bugs fixed....

STIENER -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (12/23/2014 2:46:43 PM)

were probably getting a lump of coal.

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (1/24/2015 2:36:50 AM)


Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (2/9/2015 2:13:21 AM)

With the GtC patch out now, which fixes some of the above CTD issues, when will there be another LSA patch?

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (4/5/2015 9:39:43 PM)

Bump. Another couple months....

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (5/9/2015 3:19:45 AM)

Bump. Another month....

kweniston -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (5/25/2015 4:11:03 PM)

I'm waiting for this as well, really would like to get back to the game (own them all except GtC), but the bug fixing slowness has finally broken my morale. Such a loyal fan base deserves a bit better support.

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (6/10/2015 2:15:05 AM)

Bump. Another month....

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (7/14/2015 1:25:24 AM)

Bump. Another month....

prjw73 -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (7/14/2015 11:02:33 AM)



Bump. Another month....

Mind your head Tejszd...

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (8/13/2015 9:02:24 PM)

Bump. Another month....

STIENER -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (8/13/2015 10:13:23 PM)

[:(]its pain full and a shame............

kweniston -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (8/14/2015 9:24:27 AM)

I love LSA, but the bugs keep me from playing it. Should not be THAT hard to fix these... The A.I. would be a much bigger project of course, but that's not in scope here.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (8/14/2015 5:10:44 PM)

While there is no reason not to bump this list of player-reported issues as often as you wish, please keep in mind that some of these are not bugs, some of then have never been reproduced or confirmed, and some have no effect on game play at all.

If there is a specific issue that is keeping you from playing LSA, a more effective way to bring that to our attention is to make a thread for that issue, without muddying the waters with other things.



Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (8/14/2015 6:49:17 PM)


First thank you for responding (wanted to start positive).

But I take issue with;


keep in mind that some of these are not bugs, some of then have never been reproduced or confirmed, and some have no effect on game play at all.

LSA can’t run full screen on Windows 8 = Yes Microsoft changed something making the game NOT work full screen as it did before but a bug unless you say Windows 8 & 10 are not supported?

Crash To Desktop (00:00, air strike, morale break) = Maybe you can not recreate these problems but they are happening and have been reported by many people with pictures of the CTD dialog box so it is confirmed. Bugs!

Reserve BG Not Adding Any Units to Frontline BG = I guess you could say this is working as per the code/formula but it doesn't make sense to not get any units when you have 2nd BG???

800x600 game screens use 1024x768 resolution = I guess you could say it is working as intended but no idea why you need an 800x600 screen surrounded by black when that would happen automatically. In addition this change had a negative impact as the 800x600 screen could automatically be doubled on monitors with 1600x1200 or higher resolution.

Campaign/Operation results not saved after last battle = I guess you could say it is working as intended but this change from previous releases only allows the player to play the last battle over and over and over for what value??? In previous releases it would save the end campaign results allowing players to compare how they did each time played.

Battlegroup Screen the buttons "Edit Opponent" and "Return to player" do not lighten when hovered over = I would assume a bug as every other button lightens.

STIENER -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (8/16/2015 5:01:39 AM)

other than tanks and guns not being able to hit the broad side of a barn in LSA and GWTC which was intentional by you guys...I still cant actually believe that...IMO matrix has abandoned LSA as they have with all there other games to concentrate on the next one. I believe this is wrong, but that's just my opinion. I agree with Tejszd ..this stuff should be fixed. perhaps Kweniston could tell steve what bugs he doesn't like in LSA that keeps him from playing it, so matrix can fix them.[ if there different from the above list ]

Raindog101 -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (8/25/2015 11:25:59 AM)

Can't play fullscreen in Windows 10 either. Same problem for CCWaR. CCCoI works fine.

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (9/12/2015 10:38:56 PM)

Bump. Another month....

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (10/17/2015 11:49:28 PM)

Bump. Another month....

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/19/2015 12:04:09 AM)

Bump. Another month....

Stwa -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/23/2015 5:48:46 AM)

Try a WW2 mod of CCMT. Check CCS or CSO. Collect maps (use 5CC). It will keep you busy for the duration.

For campaign stuff try TOAW III. It has a steep learning curve, but very fun. Normandy, Bulge, Market Garden all included.

Stwa -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/23/2015 6:07:20 AM)



LSA can’t run full screen on Windows 8

I thought Windows 8 was mostly meant for handheld devices?

STIENER -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/23/2015 6:38:39 AM)

not sure what this has to do with LSA STWA, but ya, TOAW III is pretty good. I haven't played it for a couple of years and found the AI a bit lame [ still ] but its good. has there been any upgrades or patches to it in the last couple of years?

Stwa -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (11/23/2015 11:26:14 AM)

There was a final patch that did a lot for TOAW III and TOAW IV is coming soon.

So all I meant was, rather than wait for LSA patches, maybe try TOAW III Market Garden scenario.

Tejszd -> RE: LSA Outstanding Bugs (12/20/2015 2:24:57 AM)

Bump. Another month....

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