Tomcat84 -> RE: Two displays with maps (10/29/2014 5:01:19 PM)
Don't forget you do have the ability to save certain views and zoom levels. Select the unit you want the view to be on, set your zoom level and press Ctrl plus a number key (e.g. Ctrl + 1). Now when you have moved the camera if you press 1 you come back to it. Can use 1 through 0. Remember you do have to select a unit that it will center on, you cannot blindly save an empty piece of land, it will always center on a unit. From the manual addendum: Quick-jump slots. This allows the player to quickly & easily jump between locations/views of the battlefield without map zoom/pan delays. How they work: To store a slot: Select a unit/contact. Press Ctrl+[num], where [num] = 1…0 . The unit selection & camera altitude are now stored on slot No.[num] (and persisted per-side). To jump to a saved slot: Simply press [num]. If a slot with that index exists, the camera will move to the marked unit location & altitude. If you are using tracking-camera when saving a slot, this setting is also saved and enforced the next time you jump to this slot. Great feature that should help out I hope!