How many female contributing posters do we have here? (Full Version)

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Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> How many female contributing posters do we have here? (2/25/2003 9:41:30 PM)

I am just wondering what our resident female wargaming crowd is like for numbers.

That, and what would you think should be done to get more of you in here.

And do you think enough actually IS being done.

CCB -> (2/25/2003 11:37:21 PM)

there's a lesbian down in the AoW forum. I'll let you guess who she is. :p


U2 -> (2/25/2003 11:39:21 PM)

I noticed one female once (IMJennifer) on the UV forum but "she" might have been a joke by another UV forum member. Anyway I think she was chased away by some typical male comments:) Would be nice with more female gamers but I don't think we can do much to improve the situation. People will an interest in history will find the way sooner or later like most in here have done.


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/25/2003 11:45:17 PM)

I got inspired to post this comment because I recently was on a forum different site, and one of the females there basically decided to call it quits on the forum.

I realise you enter a male dominated domain, you have to expect a bit of stupidity.

But then again, stupidity is stupid normally.

I personally would not have much to say of a friendly sort, to any guy making comments to a female poster that were out of line.

But that's me.

U2 -> (2/25/2003 11:48:27 PM)

Come to think of it Wargaming has to be one of the most male dominated hobbies in the world. Can't be easy to try to get into that crowd being female.


Veldor -> (2/26/2003 12:08:35 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by U2
[B]Come to think of it Wargaming has to be one of the most male dominated hobbies in the world. Can't be easy to try to get into that crowd being female.

Dan [/B][/QUOTE]

Wargamers have and always will fit a very predictable demographic. Most (stressing "most" not all) stereotypes are based on at least a small bit of truth. In the case of wargamers I think there is a lot of truth behind it. One of those is that it's virtually 100% male.

I have my own view on the other specifics but as I got flamed last time I posted them.. I won't this time. :)

But perhaps in reference to female participation what we need is a Lifetime special on "Wargaming for Woman"..

Did you know some MMPORG's score as high as a 35% female membership? Of those 75% are wives/girlfriends of male players...

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/26/2003 12:37:38 AM)

Just to point out my own observations.

Women seem to value things for differing reasons.

The fact that they are built different probably explains this to some extent.

I have not wargamed with a female much before. Once got in a few games of Upfront with the wife and a girl friend.

It might have to do with the content of wargames, what they depict represent and all that.

I have enjoyed numerous rolegames with women. I find it refreshing how women won't fudge dice rolls generally.

But then they don't really care how big your tool is either. Not having one of their own, they are not prone to envy in the same way.

That and women rolegamers seem to actually think before they act (and that sure impacts a good rolegame let me tell you). I never see guys attempt to talk to the monster. It's odd to see a female gamer wonder if the monster merely had a bad day.

I suppose there are at least a few women out there of the aggressive sort.
But I wonder if they have to put up with the same jokes that guys with feelings have to deal with. You know how all the great looking guys already have boyfriends.

rockymtndoc -> (2/26/2003 12:54:32 AM)

female view points would be interesting because of their difference. Let's face it: we pretty much know what our own reactions are goig to be, right down to the point of who's mad, who's philosophical and who needs to increase their medication dosage.

Along the same lines, do we know what countries are represented on the forum? I would find that interesting, as well. I suspect that we have a much broader range than what I imagine.

Nyrkki -> (2/26/2003 8:37:35 PM)

Well, there are a few women in the military, why not in wargaming? Even tough never encountered women in eihter, I allways wonder what it would have been like to have a female drill sergant during basic training.

Anyone here with experience?


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/26/2003 9:57:55 PM)

Female instructors ewwww ( insert nervous twitch and cringe here).

Yes I have experienced them. Very foul mouthed (to demonstrate they can be), meaner than needed (to prove they are not soft), they try to look like us so that they are not mistaken for wives and girl friends.

On a different note, women join the military for a lot of reasons guys do. I got in so that I could make things (construction). Joined infantry as I was told pioneers was not a direct entry trade type.
Anyone that thinks I want to be wet and or cold, dirty and tired as well as expected to endure lengthy tours where I am shot at and not allowed to shoot back (that defines Canadian Peacekeeping byt the way) is nuts.

They just don't pay our guys enough.

I know of several girls I grew up with that joined the military, why, because working a cash register sucks big time. And there is little thrilling about waiting tables.
Not to mention the training is superior, and you get paid instead of going several K dollars in debt in a college.

Women in uniform (at least north american gals) are likely doing what a lot of dudes are doing, getting a decent job with decent training.
I have never met any Joan dArc types, but I have known a few girls that were smart and agressive where their future was concerned.

But in their off times, they act like ordinary girls do. And most ordinary girls are not very big on wargames.

Cap Mandrake -> (2/26/2003 10:07:39 PM)

When I was playing Close Combat 3, there was a self-proclaimed female player who would routinely crush (in a competitive sense) other players. After a time, an on-line romance evolved between this ....err...individual and another player. After some more time they exchanged pics and her suitor posted the pic. Well, I am liberty to tell you this generated some discussion. She had a jaw-line that made Venus Williams look like Baby Huey. :eek:

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/26/2003 10:41:17 PM)

Beauty is an interesting thing.

But check out radbabe at Warfare HQ.

I don't think her man left for Irag willingly:) .

Big Bill -> (2/27/2003 9:15:19 AM)

Some body has to remember Ammo Sgt., as a newbe she was my first opponent, beat the snot out of me but also explained how she was doing it. Also on the Blitz gamming site I spotted a Girl, Penny1 I think.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/27/2003 9:36:05 AM)

Yep Ammo Sgt and Alexandra, to first rate ladies on the membership.

Think it is Alexandra that has a new family addition (I am unsure).

Fallschirmjager -> (2/27/2003 10:25:18 AM)

When I used to play starcraft I met a girl and we became good friends...

The best thing she told me was.

" I dont want to be known as a girl gamer, I want to be known as a gamer that is a girl"

I found that profound.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (3/3/2003 3:30:51 AM)

clean up post, just ridding a certain name here move along nothing to see.

Everyone should add a bump or something and do there part to keep our Forums looking free of annoying spam hehe.

Grok -> Re: How many female contributing posters do we have here? (3/5/2003 2:45:27 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1
[B]I am just wondering what our resident female wargaming crowd is like for numbers.

That, and what would you think should be done to get more of you in here.

And do you think enough actually IS being done. [/B][/QUOTE]

A few women were at least lurking, but I don't know if they're still around; that was sometime ago. Whether any of them actually developed enough interest to post, I don't know. The ones that I knew of, were from other forums, I was a member of, who asked if I posted anywhere else, so I informed them of these forum. Apparently, they derived much amusement from some of the posts and were regular lurkers. I'm sure their nicks are among the 8000+ members this messege board boasts.

It's been my past experience, that most women aren't so much interested in history as in current events. Even at that, they don't care to discuss the reasons for war, but rather how to prevent war. So, I'm not sure how liberal feminists can be attracted to this forum without a radical change of attitudes and beliefs. However, I'm sure there are women just as bloodthirsty as any male, perhaps more so, but in that case, It's MHO that they would rather act than chat.

I've never noticed a concerted effort in this forum to attract any particular interest group (other than players of historical games) but I suppose it could be done if the members, mods, and owners were so inclined.


Grok -> (3/5/2003 3:23:34 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by kelproit62
[B]Hot girls sucking cocks and loving it - Only at Blowqueen !! Best of all ... its FREE for 1 day !! Click Here: [/B][/QUOTE]

Are these things sharing the same ISP? If so, an ISP ban should stop these intrusions; the only point to consider is if the ISP is a major provider that might affect members or guests.

Otherwise, take a twin 50 to the bots and pop them full of holes as they come into line of sight!

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