Walker84 -> RE: Great Tides that Ebb and Flow: Apbarog (A) vs Walker (J) DBB-B Scen 28 (4/29/2016 7:42:02 PM)
Apr 24, 1943 During the night DD Usugumo encounters an uncharted mine field at Batjan in DEI (78,104), takes a hit and is left with 99 float damage. I have disbanded at the dot hex but will probably end up scuttling. The main event - surface combat at Taberfane! Apbarog sends a raiding force of cruisers and destroyers into Taberfane which meets my heavy cover force spearheaded by Mogami and Chikuma. Two separate actions follow during Japanese forces acquit themselves better, sinking three British cruisers while the US cruisers fail to get very far into the fight. quote:
Night Time Surface Combat, near Taberfane at 82,118, Range 7,000 Yards Japanese Ships CA Chikuma, Shell hits 3 CA Mogami, Shell hits 2 CL Noshiro CL Sendai, Shell hits 4 DD Kiyonami DD Tanikaze DD Kasumi DD Akebono DD Uzuki, Shell hits 1, on fire DD Minazuki DD Shiokaze Allied Ships CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 2 CA Quincy, Shell hits 2, on fire CA Frobisher, Shell hits 11, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk CL Durban, Shell hits 18, and is sunk CL Capetown, Shell hits 14, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk DD Gillespie, Shell hits 1 DD Anderson, Shell hits 3 DD Mustin, Shell hits 4, on fire Low visibility due to Rain with 75% moonlight Maximum visibility in Rain and 75% moonlight: 6,000 yards Range closes to 23,000 yards... Range closes to 17,000 yards... CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 17,000 yards Range closes to 11,000 yards... Range closes to 7,000 yards... CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 7,000 yards CA Frobisher engages CL Sendai at 7,000 yards CA Frobisher engages CA Chikuma at 7,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Sendai at 7,000 yards CL Durban engages CA Chikuma at 7,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Kasumi at 7,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Anderson at 7,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Akebono at 7,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Mustin at 7,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Anderson at 7,000 yards Range closes to 5,000 yards CL Capetown engages CA Mogami at 5,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CL Durban at 5,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Sendai at 5,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Noshiro at 5,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Shiokaze at 5,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Mustin at 5,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Anderson at 5,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Mustin at 5,000 yards Range closes to 4,000 yards CA Frobisher engages CA Mogami at 4,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CL Capetown at 4,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Frobisher at 4,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CL Capetown at 4,000 yards CL Durban engages CA Mogami at 4,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Anderson at 4,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Uzuki at 4,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Gillespie at 4,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Gillespie at 4,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Tanikaze at 4,000 yards Range closes to 3,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Quincy at 3,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Sendai at 3,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CL Capetown at 3,000 yards CA Mogami engages CL Durban at 3,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Gillespie at 3,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Uzuki at 3,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Gillespie at 3,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Anderson at 3,000 yards Range increases to 6,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Frobisher at 6,000 yards CA Frobisher engages CA Chikuma at 6,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Frobisher at 6,000 yards CL Capetown engages CL Noshiro at 6,000 yards CL Durban engages DD Shiokaze at 6,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Minazuki at 6,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Anderson at 6,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Tanikaze at 6,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Anderson at 6,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Frobisher at 6,000 yards CA Quincy engages CA Chikuma at 6,000 yards CL Sendai engages CL Durban at 6,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CL Capetown at 6,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CL Durban at 6,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Mustin at 6,000 yards CL Capetown engages DD Uzuki at 6,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Anderson at 6,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Mustin at 6,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Mustin at 6,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CA Frobisher at 6,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Chikuma at 6,000 yards CL Sendai engages CL Capetown at 6,000 yards CL Sendai engages CL Capetown at 6,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CL Durban at 6,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Akebono at 6,000 yards DD Anderson engages DD Akebono at 6,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Akebono at 6,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Gillespie at 6,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Anderson at 6,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Mustin at 6,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Frobisher at 6,000 yards CL Durban engages CA Chikuma at 6,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CA Minneapolis at 6,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Anderson at 6,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Mustin at 6,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Uzuki at 6,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Gillespie at 6,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Gillespie at 6,000 yards Range closes to 5,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Frobisher at 5,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Chikuma at 5,000 yards CL Sendai engages CL Durban at 5,000 yards CL Durban engages CA Mogami at 5,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Tanikaze at 5,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Minazuki at 5,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Mustin at 5,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Akebono at 5,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Tanikaze at 5,000 yards Range increases to 7,000 yards CA Frobisher engages CA Mogami at 7,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Gillespie at 7,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Minazuki at 7,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Kasumi at 7,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Mustin at 7,000 yards Range increases to 8,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Mogami at 8,000 yards CA Quincy engages CA Mogami at 8,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Noshiro at 8,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 8,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Uzuki at 8,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Anderson at 8,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Gillespie at 8,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Mustin at 8,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Kasumi at 8,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Mustin at 8,000 yards Range closes to 7,000 yards CA Frobisher engages CA Mogami at 7,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CA Quincy at 7,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Minneapolis at 7,000 yards CL Durban sunk by CA Mogami at 7,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Shiokaze at 7,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Anderson at 7,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Mustin at 7,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Anderson at 7,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Mustin at 7,000 yards DD Anderson engages DD Kiyonami at 7,000 yards Range increases to 9,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Quincy at 9,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Minneapolis at 9,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Anderson at 9,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Shiokaze at 9,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Gillespie at 9,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Uzuki at 9,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Mustin at 9,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Mustin at 9,000 yards Range increases to 12,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Minneapolis at 12,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Minneapolis at 12,000 yards CL Sendai engages DD Mustin at 12,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 12,000 yards DD Anderson engages DD Shiokaze at 12,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Mustin at 12,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Kiyonami at 12,000 yards Task forces break off... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Time Surface Combat, near Taberfane at 81,119, Range 11,000 Yards Japanese Ships CA Chikuma, Shell hits 2 CA Mogami, Shell hits 4, on fire CL Noshiro CL Sendai, Shell hits 1 DD Kiyonami DD Tanikaze, Shell hits 2, on fire DD Kasumi, Shell hits 1, on fire DD Akebono DD Uzuki, Shell hits 2 DD Minazuki DD Shiokaze Allied Ships CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 2 CA Quincy DD Gillespie, Shell hits 1 DD Anderson, Shell hits 2 DD Mustin, Shell hits 4, on fire Poor visibility due to Rain Maximum visibility in Rain: 15,000 yards Range closes to 23,000 yards... Range closes to 17,000 yards... CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 17,000 yards Range closes to 11,000 yards... CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 11,000 yards Allies open fire on surprised Japanese ships at 11,000 yards CA Quincy fires at CA Mogami at 11,000 yards CA Minneapolis fires at CA Chikuma at 11,000 yards DD Mustin fires at CA Mogami at 11,000 yards DD Anderson fires at CA Mogami at 11,000 yards DD Mustin fires at DD Minazuki at 11,000 yards DD Gillespie fires at DD Uzuki at 11,000 yards DD Anderson fires at DD Kasumi at 11,000 yards DD Mustin fires at DD Tanikaze at 11,000 yards Range closes to 5,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Quincy at 5,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Mogami at 5,000 yards CL Sendai engages DD Mustin at 5,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Anderson at 5,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Mustin at 5,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Mustin at 5,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Gillespie at 5,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Akebono at 5,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Anderson at 5,000 yards DD Anderson engages DD Tanikaze at 5,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Kiyonami at 5,000 yards Lowry, F. orders Allied TF to disengage Range increases to 8,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Minneapolis at 8,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Chikuma at 8,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Sendai at 8,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Anderson at 8,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Anderson at 8,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Gillespie at 8,000 yards Range increases to 12,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Quincy at 12,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Chikuma at 12,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Sendai at 12,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 12,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Mustin at 12,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Mustin at 12,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Mustin at 12,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Gillespie at 12,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Gillespie at 12,000 yards Range increases to 15,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Chikuma at 15,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Minneapolis at 15,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Anderson at 15,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Uzuki at 15,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Kasumi at 15,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Tanikaze at 15,000 yards Range increases to 17,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Mogami at 17,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CA Minneapolis at 17,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Mustin at 17,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 17,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Tanikaze at 17,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Gillespie at 17,000 yards Range increases to 19,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Quincy at 19,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CA Minneapolis at 19,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 19,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Gillespie at 19,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Anderson at 19,000 yards Range closes to 17,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CA Chikuma at 17,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Quincy at 17,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 17,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Mustin at 17,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Minazuki at 17,000 yards DD Anderson engages DD Uzuki at 17,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Quincy at 17,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Minneapolis at 17,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Mustin at 17,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Noshiro at 17,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Gillespie at 17,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Gillespie at 17,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Mustin at 17,000 yards Range closes to 14,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Quincy at 14,000 yards CL Sendai engages CA Minneapolis at 14,000 yards CA Minneapolis engages CL Noshiro at 14,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Anderson at 14,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Uzuki at 14,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Akebono at 14,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Anderson at 14,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Mustin at 14,000 yards Range closes to 11,000 yards CA Chikuma engages CA Minneapolis at 11,000 yards DD Anderson engages DD Akebono at 11,000 yards DD Minazuki engages DD Gillespie at 11,000 yards DD Gillespie engages DD Uzuki at 11,000 yards Range closes to 8,000 yards CA Quincy engages CA Mogami at 8,000 yards DD Mustin engages DD Kiyonami at 8,000 yards CL Noshiro engages DD Anderson at 8,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Gillespie at 8,000 yards DD Uzuki engages DD Gillespie at 8,000 yards DD Tanikaze engages DD Gillespie at 8,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Mustin at 8,000 yards Range increases to 13,000 yards CA Mogami engages CA Quincy at 13,000 yards CL Noshiro engages CA Minneapolis at 13,000 yards DD Shiokaze engages DD Mustin at 13,000 yards DD Anderson engages DD Uzuki at 13,000 yards DD Kasumi engages DD Gillespie at 13,000 yards DD Kiyonami engages DD Gillespie at 13,000 yards Task forces break off... Note the Allied radar advantage - especially in the second action. Mogami detached from the main Japanese force with 21-20-3 damage but Chikuma only shows 31 sys damage, with no ships still on fire: a resounding victory overall. The remaining Allied ships are retiring south and I need to decide whether to risk following them or launching air attacks in the face of a lot of potential LRCAP. [image]local://upfiles/32198/3D641898A1AB47C2BB40098508E92385.jpg[/image]