Sales of the Mega Campaign (Full Version)

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Don Eddins -> Sales of the Mega Campaign (3/29/2001 12:19:00 AM)

I noticed the site for ordering was a trifle slow. I hope that means you're getting a whole *load of orders. Would it be possible for Matrix to periodically give the faithful some idea of how sales are going? I know we have no real need to know, but I'm sure many of us are intensely curious. Besides, I think I recall reading a post in which you chaps said something like if you sold 5000 copies it might (MIGHT)provide sufficient funding to support a major re-write of the basic SP code to bring it up to current standards and enable a lot of things that you can't do now. I'm sure a lot of us would like to know if sales of 5000 might become a reality so we'd have something else to bug you beautiful guys about. "When's the rewrite gonna start? ... When's the rewrite gonna start?" Hmmm ... maybe you'd rather we didn't know how the sales were going .... :confused:

Akmatov -> (3/29/2001 12:31:00 AM)

I second Xeno's motion. I just ordered my copy and would be very curious about sales numbers. Was also impress by the amount of international interest. Gee "We are the world" KaBOOM Klang Klang :-)

David Heath -> (3/29/2001 2:18:00 AM)

Well We won't give out sale figures but we will let you know if we reach our goal and will contiune our development of Steel Panthers World AtWar.

Don Eddins -> (3/29/2001 2:42:00 AM)

Well ... Dave ... It's perfectly reasonable and understandable why you wouldn't want to divulge precise sales figures. OK. But, could you perhaps, from time to time, give us some sort of qualitative indication ... Sales are running about where we hoped ... they've exceeded our wildest expectation .. or something like that. A lot of us here are big fans of you guys and we want you to succeed. It would give us a lot of pleasure to know that you ARE succeeding ...or, if things are running behind, it might give us incentive to order additional copies of the mega-campaigns to give to our wives or girl friends instead of such useless things as jewelry, or two or three XXXL tee shirts for them to sleep in, or as house warming presents for our friends. Or christening gifts... the possibilities are limitless .. but we need to know if you need that extra support from us.

Fabs -> (3/29/2001 2:46:00 AM)

Absolutely. I was going to order 5 T-shirts, except that the damned thing went wrong and I could not complete my order. We want to give you our money, Matrix, just make it easy and it's yours.

Sgt. Rick -> (3/29/2001 3:42:00 AM)

The site is a bit confusing... After selecting the MegaCampaign, I went to checkout and one of the buttons says 'Continue'. I hit that and it went back to catalog. I was expecting to go to checkout. I would suggest having a Next button or better instructions. I finally hit the shipping button and was taken to the next step, but it was not very intuitive. Just a helpful suggestion. You guys are awesome. Can't wait to get the cd! Rick

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