Jorge_Stanbury -> I won (11/12/2014 8:08:13 PM)
The hammer and the sickle was planted on the moon by some Russian dude, don't remember the name, but I was sure he was also the 1st man on orbit. This was on Q2 1970 at "hard difficulty", bit reloading after failure (more on that) Some comments: - I really like the game, it is simple and addictive; although doesn't have a lot of replay value, other than playing the Capitalists, unless of course there is an expansion - I didn't like that it ends abruptely after the moonwalk... I had some missions still in progress. It would be better if it allows you to keep playing until a specific date after the end cutscene - As mentioned before, at least on hard level, it was almost impossible not to load after failures... simply put, I was either short on chash (first 8 years) or in a short "race" (later on). Failure is too crippling now, and not in terms of "prestige" which I am fine losing, but in terms of the siginficant expense and lost research that they bring. Mission failure should not be all or nothing. Maybe you failed part of the mission, get a penalty in prestige, but you don't need to do it again and again. - The skills are not well balanced, some are very important, some are almost useless (rocket research for example). - It costs way too much to maintain rockets and programs. You made the mistake of not closing programs or getting rid of your old rockets and you will pay a heavy price. In the other hand, There was no penalty on having barely more than three programs and 2 rockets open during the entire game. I guess later on (by 1963 you start getting a lot of cash), but early on, this is critical Hope this helps