Air to Air Combat Freeze (Full Version)

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Platon -> Air to Air Combat Freeze (11/22/2014 1:18:05 PM)

Globl War, V., all available Opitonal Rules ON:

Game freezes during Air to Air Combat; you can not save the game, you cannot go on, you cannot go back, you can do NOTHING John Snow!
I am going to loose my temper over this bugged heap of **** again!
*going up in flames, kicking the game into the trash can*


AllenK -> RE: Air to Air Combat Freeze (11/22/2014 3:12:00 PM)

I get this every so often with DC results when there is no bomber to clear through. Try opening and then immediately closing the Production Planning form. That should bring the hidden question box, that is stopping you from moving on, to the front.


Centuur -> RE: Air to Air Combat Freeze (11/22/2014 7:48:34 PM)

Or press F10 and close that form (in that case, the program doesn't have to think, so it's faster). This forces the missing form to appear on screen, so you can proceed. However, in very few cases, that doesn't do the trick, I'm afraid.

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