Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (Full Version)

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berto -> Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/25/2014 9:13:38 AM)

Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes!

Not quite so much text in this Coder Diary. I'll mainly let the screenshots do the talking...

Fulfilling a much requested and long awaited new feature, in the forthcoming release of Middle East, we bring you two new 2D Map Modes

  • 2D Zoom-In View (assigned to hotkey 4) -- 2X the size of the traditional largest 2D display, 2D Zoom-Out View (used to be called 2D Normal View)
  • 2D Normal View (hotkey 5) -- the new "normal", 1.5X the size of 2D Zoom-Out View

    to go with the traditional

  • 2D Zoom-Out View (hotkey 6)
  • 2D Extreme Zoom-Out View (hotkey 7) -- 1/2 the size of 2D Zoom-Out View

    not to mention the traditional 3D Normal View (hotkey 1), 3D Zoom-out View (hotkey 2) & 3D Extreme Zoom-Out View (hotkey 3) -- no new 3D modes there.

    In other words, we now have four 2D display modes:

  • 2D Zoom-In View, aka Zoom2D100
  • 2D Normal View, aka Zoom2D75
  • 2D Zoom-Out View, aka Zoom2D50
  • 2D Extreme Zoom-Out View, aka Zoom2D25

    Oh, I promised fewer words, more pictures. Here you go...

    A screenshot of the new 2D Zoom-In View (Zoom2D100, hotkey 4):


    Another 2D Zoom-In View screenshot:


    (Maybe resize up to 100% your browser display in order to see the full effect.)

    And still another 2D Zoom-In View, a favorite one, of the Jerusalem 1967 scenario:


    A special nod and tip of the hat to Warhorse, for his stunning NATO icons!

    Those are screenshots of the largest 2D views. Following are some screenshots of the 2D Normal View (Zoom2D75, hotkey 5):


    (Again, resize your browser display to 100%, actual size, in order to see the full effect.)

    Another 2D Normal View screenshot:


    And still another:


    These new, larger 2D display modes join the traditional, down-sized display modes.

    A screenshot of the 2D Zoom-Out View (Zoom2D50, hotkey 6):


    (Remember to resize to 100%!)

    And another:


    What you see in these screenshots is mostly what you'll get in the forthcoming Middle East game. The overall look is set. What will still change are some of the details. It's an ongoing process, beautifying here, fixing an artifact or glitch there. The smallest 2D Extreme Zoom-Out View (hotkey 7) requires the most tweaking, and is not ready for unveiling here and now. Later, in due course, in the weeks ahead.

    This expanded roster of 2D views is a potential game changer. Many players will shift to playing entirely, or mostly, in 2D, with just the occasional switch to 3D to see those pretty pictures. In 2D, it's possible to take in, in a single glance (no scrolling), a much larger view of the map.

    Oh, the Big Question: Will you be enjoying these new, larger 2D modes in the JTCS games (EF, WF & RS)? Yes!! Eventually, not soon, not until 2016's "mega patch". But it's coming!

    We continue to work furiously, prepping for the anticipated release of Middle East sometime in 2015. Graphics work, new scenario & OOB development, playtesting, a bit of new coding, and bug fixing and all all-around QA continues. With a short respite around the Holidays.

    Until the next time...

  • MrRoadrunner -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/25/2014 12:48:37 PM)

    I'm not so sure that players will be switching to entirely 2D. [:)]
    I mix both but, play mostly 3D.
    That said, these screen shots are almost unbelievably beautiful. My 32" flat screen "popped" with with color, even in the desert! [&o]

    Nice job!


    Zap -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/25/2014 4:41:28 PM)

    2D is what I use often particularly in the larger scenarios. The added 2d is. a real plus.

    wings7 -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/25/2014 6:05:46 PM)

    Wow! Fantastic! [&o]

    USS Wyoming -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/25/2014 11:48:37 PM)

    I like 2D, but always revert back because of the small icons. This was close to the top of the list of improvements. The first was new highlight colors[&o]. This is fantastic.

    Warhorse -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 12:11:33 AM)

    Also, not shown here, are the extensive remaking of the little 2d pictures, if the graphical icons is chosen!! With the newer, larger zoom, the 2d pics look almost like little models, I am pumped to be doing this, a dream, for as long as the CS has been out!!

    Big Ivan -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 9:32:45 AM)

    This is a real big plus for the CS game.

    I use mostly 3D to move and fight but occasionally check the map in 2D using contours just to see what I am up against.

    Also use 2D to see fords better and rivers winding through hilly terrain. 3D is not good for that.

    Mike: your 2d icons are awesome, nice job!

    Thanks dev team!

    Big Ivan

    scottintacoma -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 10:41:58 AM)

    These are cool. I rarely use 3d so the extra 2 d will be great for me.

    Warhorse -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 8:53:00 PM)

    Here is a little screenie to show the French 2d graphical pictures. Same area as above shown by Berto, End in the Sahara!!


    Warhorse -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 9:03:44 PM)

    And, while we are at it, here are the Algerians from the same battle! You will notice new supply and weapons cache iconography, as well as how much more detail we have now with this zoom, I'm LOVIN' 2D!!


    berto -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 9:10:22 PM)

    Very nice!

    This is all still a work-in-progress, the Algerian units in the first image are not finished, yes?

    Warhorse -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 10:05:11 PM)

    I actually had forgotten to load the Algerians in, in the first image, duh!!! I realised after the fact, that both are in that battle, and loaded them as well, Algeria was the first country I did, France is almost done!

    EDIT: However, being as the first image is there, the little guys in the first image, are also the new guys in the second, see the difference?!

    berto -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 10:29:14 PM)

    A world of difference, a tremendous improvement!

    Warhorse -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/26/2014 10:39:40 PM)

    Thanks man, and folks, notice the 2d terrain as well, Berto is branching out into the graphics world, thats all him!!

    rpwood -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/28/2014 3:07:11 PM)

    This is fantastic! I'm a longtime 3D player but, I may start playing in 2D. Certainly makes mission planning easier. The minefield and block display is nicely done and professional. This looks like a real military mission planning and campaign execution tool.

    I really appreciate all the hard work.

    Warhorse -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (11/28/2014 5:37:46 PM)

    You are quite welcome!! We decided to totally revamp the 2d aspect, as it has been neglected from the games inception, I used to play mostly 2d, but got tired of the redundant use of a single icon for many units. And the NATO/Military symbols were very limited. We are all very excited about this development!![:D]

    Crossroads -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (12/14/2014 1:20:55 PM)


    ORIGINAL: Warhorse

    You are quite welcome!! We decided to totally revamp the 2d aspect, as it has been neglected from the games inception, I used to play mostly 2d, but got tired of the redundant use of a single icon for many units. And the NATO/Military symbols were very limited. We are all very excited about this development!![:D]

    Lots of busy little bees working on "Middle East" !

    Berto's taken a gem of a car, a classic, left in a garage - still loved and visited by a good few people mind! - and patiently, started the rebuild.

    Old chassis, rust removed, lots of welding, now able to carry the load of the modern times with their new operating systems. That is what the MCS 2.0x is.

    Those who've read his various Coder Diaries know it's been a long road to get this far!

    At the moment, he's busy rebuilding the engine. Oil change, new sparks, hmmm, maybe a supercharger to go with it now? Why not! Still lots of work on that department but getting there!

    I am so glad that now the old gal's taken to get a new paint job as well! Mike's carefully upgrading all sort of 2D graphics into these new resolution levels. Berto is too, while he's not coding. Now that is exciting to see!

    Division of labor here. With a new paint job in the making, here's some additional chrome fresh off the factory to go with it: a new chit set, something's that is being chosen at the moment from a few alternative designs.

    See the difference here? The old paint job, the old 2D Normal View seen here, that's the resolution that was available then.

    Now we've got 2D Zoom-In (seen here, at 100%), Normal (at 75% of what's seen here), the Zoom Out view (at 50% - the old Normal View those old unit tiles represent!), and the Exteme Zoom Out view, which retains its name and resolution from good old days.

    Still a good few months to go, but all going well, we're hitting the streets with this beauty of an Hot Rod here.

    It might be good to know all the dance moves. A white tux might help too.

    But it's the car, dummy!

    Lookin' sharp, lookin' for love! [:D]

    berto -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (12/14/2014 3:16:11 PM)

    The old chits, the blue ones. The new chits, the light green ones. All still a work-in-progress. Right?

    Love the new chits!

    Crossroads -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (12/14/2014 4:38:32 PM)


    ORIGINAL: berto
    All still a work-in-progress.

    Yes. As always: pretty much everything's shown in these diaries is still work in progress.

    Crossroads -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (12/14/2014 6:06:11 PM)


    ORIGINAL: Crossroads
    Yes. As always: pretty much everything's shown in these diaries is still work in progress.

    Here's a sneak peak of the same scenario, with the new work-in-progress chits. Early days on our graphics push still, but looking rather promising I'd say! Spot the difference between the old and new French unit counters?

    lion_of_judah -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (1/5/2015 2:43:36 PM)

    when will these scenario's be available and where can one get them?

    Jason Petho -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (1/5/2015 6:31:14 PM)

    You will be able to get them here when we release the Middle East game in May of this year.

    benpark -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (1/10/2015 2:52:44 PM)

    This is great. I hope it can be ported to the CS once the ME game is out.

    One further improvement that would be ideal- the white text box for map locations is one of the things that keeps me from spending much time in 2D. The John Tiller games allow for an option where it is the text only (no white box, with a 1-2 pixel white outline around black text). It would be a great addition to what we see above.

    Crossroads -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (1/10/2015 9:26:52 PM)

    Thanks for your input. There's still a long list of items to be implemented even after Middle East is out, graphics included. Whether the white text boxes are tweaked we'll see I guess. Early days still at our push on graphics!

    Alas, they are the exact same text boxes displayed both in 2D and 3D you know. No need to shun the 2D because of them, right [;)]

    benpark -> RE: Coder Diary #25 -- New 2D Map Modes! (1/11/2015 2:01:28 AM)

    Right! It would be great to have the text option available in 3D as well, if implemented.

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