it's game time (Full Version)

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zakblood -> it's game time (12/16/2014 6:10:29 PM)

what time is it?


game time[X(][:D][;)]

look for my name and just try and flame my ase with a rocket or 2[:-]

Ostwindflak -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 6:16:09 PM)

This won't cut into your war gaming time I hope...

zakblood -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 6:35:27 PM)

no way, been testing for 8 hours now already today, now it's play time[;)]

test first,

play later is my motto[8|]

Jevhaddah -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 8:25:45 PM)

I have been sitting in the hanger for the last two hours trying to work out what does what. [:D]



Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 10:48:06 PM)

I am reading about this online. It looks interesting but seems to be a MMO. Is that correct? If so, I am not interested. EVE Online had some nice moments but for the fun distilled out of the hours you put into it, it was just not worth it.

I like the idea of a space trading/exploration game but I have zero interest in having to interact with other players. My free time comes in bunches and an MMO just does not fit with my lifestyle.

Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 10:48:16 PM)

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Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 10:48:21 PM)

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Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 10:48:28 PM)

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Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 10:48:34 PM)

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Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 10:48:43 PM)

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Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/16/2014 10:48:50 PM)

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Twotribes -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 12:01:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Fallschirmjager

I am reading about this online. It looks interesting but seems to be a MMO. Is that correct? If so, I am not interested. EVE Online had some nice moments but for the fun distilled out of the hours you put into it, it was just not worth it.

I like the idea of a space trading/exploration game but I have zero interest in having to interact with other players. My free time comes in bunches and an MMO just does not fit with my lifestyle.

Eve is PVP so not only are others playing but they can ruin your day for you.

parusski -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 1:35:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: Ostwindflak

This won't cut into your war gaming time I hope...

Let's hope.

Ranger33 -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 3:25:58 AM)

Downloading it myself right now! Bought it on impulse I admit, but I've hankering for some space sim fun for awhile now. EVE is cool on paper but not that much fun to just hop in and play, other games in this genre have let me down in the last few years.

@Fallschirmjager: My understanding is that the game is a pseudo-MMO. You can engage with other players, but you can also ignore them and do your own thing. The way it works is interesting, there's basically a "bubble" around you that can have up to 32 other players. I suppose you could just treat them as rather lively NPC's [:D]

EDIT: Turns out there is a solo mode! I think you still have to be connected to the server though, as other players' actions can have effects on the game world.

Kuokkanen -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 3:46:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: Ranger33

other games in this genre have let me down in the last few years.

Is Oolite among those let downs? Is Elite Dangerous any better?

Ranger33 -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 4:33:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: Matti Kuokkanen

Is Oolite among those let downs? Is Elite Dangerous any better?

I'm not familiar with that one, sorry.

Well, after an hour or so in the game I managed to rack up 900 credits (You start with 1000) worth of fines for firing my weapons in a no fire zone, parking on the wrong landing pad, and then loitering on said landing pad trying to figure out what was wrong until another player parked on top of me. Had my docking privileges for that station revoked (no, really). Certainly the definition of noob behavior!

My jaw dropped when I saw the galaxy map! Wow, a pilot could certainly hide way out there in the unknown if one wanted to. I think this game will be quite fun to get deep into. Apparently there are literally billions of systems that can be visited, so you can truly go where no man has gone before.

zakblood -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 6:04:49 AM)

if you watch and learn from all the tutorials first, so you don't get fines or destroyed for doing stuff you shouldn't, it's fun enough, i have gone it on my own as i also have no interest in being with anyone else what so ever, and couldn't care less what they all are doing, it's single player only for me in a massive on-line universe, so far so good, distances are massive mind you so can't take for ever to get anywhere, atm i'm just going off into the vast distance of space to get away from the normal stuff and seeing what's out there, if i don't run out of fuel and money first that is, which seems more likely tbh, there's no cheats, so you run out of money and fuel, either or both you're stuck, i bet in the end you will buy extra with real money and it will end up a cash cow as you can already spend real money on ship paint ect ad other stuff, so in the end i'm thinking it will be a money spinner, but if you like me have no interest in what colour your ship is, and other cr@p they may try and flog you later, it should be ok, but it seems because of the money and fuel issues you don't have total freedom like the first 2

Greyshaft -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 6:13:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: Fallschirmjager

I am reading about this online. It looks interesting but seems to be a MMO. Is that correct? If so, I am not interested. EVE Online had some nice moments but for the fun distilled out of the hours you put into it, it was just not worth it.

I like the idea of a space trading/exploration game but I have zero interest in having to interact with other players. My free time comes in bunches and an MMO just does not fit with my lifestyle.


Fallschirmjager -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 10:59:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Ranger33

Downloading it myself right now! Bought it on impulse I admit, but I've hankering for some space sim fun for awhile now. EVE is cool on paper but not that much fun to just hop in and play, other games in this genre have let me down in the last few years.

@Fallschirmjager: My understanding is that the game is a pseudo-MMO. You can engage with other players, but you can also ignore them and do your own thing. The way it works is interesting, there's basically a "bubble" around you that can have up to 32 other players. I suppose you could just treat them as rather lively NPC's [:D]

EDIT: Turns out there is a solo mode! I think you still have to be connected to the server though, as other players' actions can have effects on the game world.

Hmm, I will collect more data and look back at it after the new year.

Kuokkanen -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 3:04:23 PM)

Now listen up! If you REALLY don't want to put up with game's requirement of Internet connection and whatever else, then this game is damn good alternative without anything of such.

zakblood -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 3:36:42 PM)

oh that looks nice,ty[;)]

Terl -> RE: it's game time (12/17/2014 7:42:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Matti Kuokkanen

Now listen up! If you REALLY don't want to put up with game's requirement of Internet connection and whatever else, then this game is damn good alternative without anything of such.

+1 for Oolite. Free and the expansion packs let you mod it to your liking. Great game.

Gilmer -> RE: it's game time (12/20/2014 4:04:41 AM)

Is it asking too much for a somehow similar reboot to Privateer 1 with better graphics, more ships, and better upgrades?

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