MisterBoats -> RE: Allied manpoer repair. (12/19/2014 6:21:56 AM)
Joel, As always, thanks for the reply. I checked in just before hitting the rack -- my eyes and brain are getting a real workout with WITW. This is a magnificent game. Well worth every penny. I finished Rick Atkinson's trilogy about the ETO last year, and this simulation really nails the problems that faced both sides. As I'm playing, I can envision the mountains of crates of supplies sitting at depots, and the efforts of the COM Z men in moving freight forward. 70 years ago, my uncle was pulled out of the line in the Ardennes due to trench foot. He had been a machine gunner with a tank destroyer unit attached to the 28th Division. He left the line the day before the offensive began. His regiment, and I think most of the division, was wiped out in the following days. He was transferred to the Red Ball Express as a mechanic (his original assignment, before being given a .30 cal. machine gun in Normandy). I had one good discussion with him about the war before Alzheimer's wiped out his memory, but even after 40 years he had a hard time reliving the combat. I salute all of the servicemen and women who endured that harshest of winters.