I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (Full Version)

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pvthudson01 -> I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (12/28/2014 11:31:36 AM)

1) Is it wise to move HQ's? I want the railroads repaired but which HQ's should I not move? the ones with 4 x's ?

2) Can you select multiple hexes to move a bunch of units at once?

3) Can I trust the AI to handle the obscure supply rules and TOE refit stuff? I dont want to deal with that since it is a mystery even to vets how this works

The manual is pretty bad. It really explains nothing to a new player and makes no sense (but they go their 80 bucks so its probably not a perogative to fix this). So hopefully these questions arent too dumb.

Commanderski -> RE: I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (12/28/2014 12:37:00 PM)

1. Which HQ's are you referring to? The Corps HQ should always be moved to be within range of their divisions. You can assign Construction units to the Security HQ's and move them around as you need.

2. No

3. to get the most out of your Refits it's better to do it manually. The AI doesn't always upgrade to the newest equipment.

In addition to the manual you should read the Change log from the updates and look through the forum for any questions you may have as lot's of new players have asked lot's of questions and have been answered by the players and developers. Also look at the tutorial video which is found in the War room section of the forum.

pvthudson01 -> RE: I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (12/28/2014 12:45:23 PM)

Ok cool thanks. If I tell a unit to go into refit mode is it best to just move it to the back and click it to refit (kind of like Tiller Panzer Campaign titles)?

I always get my HQ's confused I know there are the XXXX and the smaller XXX . I always move the XXX with the units just in behind them but keep the higher HQ's in back so that they can dispense construction crews to fix railroads

I will look for that video I was in the war room and got the boot camp doc but missed the video

pvthudson01 -> RE: I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (12/28/2014 12:55:01 PM)

Got a link to that video by any chance? Having a hard time with search even finding it on you tube or in war room

Commanderski -> RE: I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (12/28/2014 1:03:00 PM)

It's best to move the unit away from an enemy hex for refit. I'm not sure if you get many being next to an enemy but will get them as long as you are one hex away form an enemy hex.

I was mistaken, it's not a video but a PDF tutorial. the link is here... http://witewiki.com/index.php?title=File:Operational_Boot_Camp_2010_v1.05.pdf

pvthudson01 -> RE: I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (12/28/2014 1:05:14 PM)

Ok thanks I downloaded that one will go over that today. Appreciate it

RealChuckB -> RE: I have no idea what I am doing but 3 questions (12/28/2014 9:04:20 PM)

Hi - this AAR (for the Road to Leningrad scenario) is also very helpful: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2523468&mpage=1&key=

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