dougb -> New Player Question About Coral Sea Scenario and AI (12/29/2014 9:57:34 PM)
Hi, I've decided to have a go at this game which I've actually owned for quite awhile. I started with Coral Sea as this was a nice small scenario and I want to get to grips with the system before trying anything larger. One thing that I've found a bit disconcerting is that in the Coral Sea scenario the Japanese AI appears not to bother with an escort for its task force carrying the Japanese troops that are intended to invade Port Moresby. The Shoho and its escort are nowhere to be seen in the 4-5 times I've played and the Zuikaku and Shokaku are for some reason far to the south out of range of their surface groups. This makes it relatively easy for me to run up the small Australian surface group and hit the Japanese transport group hard essentially ending any chance at landing at Port Moresby. In one scenario the Japanese CVs failed to turn up the entire game and the Japanese CVs seemed intent on steaming around the Australian cost without doing much of anything. I have however had my CVs obliterated in a couple of the scenarios. My question is there something wrong with the AI scripts used in the scenarios that come with the game? (I've patched it with the latest beta) Should I be looking to install other scenarios? Thanks, Doug