Angry Deemon1 vs Michael Moser (Full Version)

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AngryDeemon1 -> Angry Deemon1 vs Michael Moser (3/4/2003 4:45:27 AM)

December 1939. Russian Advance, Finnish Delay. Medium Map.

Russians have 2 air sections and 10% arty and 7500pts
Finns no air and 10% Arty 5000 pts. 200 pts Pre laid mines.

version is 7.1

I have bought my guys. Can buy a lot more fins in 7.1 than H2H, Ive noticed

Mimo -> (3/4/2003 5:59:43 AM)

Sent the file to you.
Hope that I also could buy more Russians in 7.1. :)

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/4/2003 11:14:10 AM)

Shoot down a low flying Tupolev, shoot up some paradroping rifle squads, and hapilly grin as 6 122mm howitser batteries miss my troop concentrations

Mimo -> (3/4/2003 5:58:22 PM)

Advancing slowly. Some Cavalry units suffered losses from MG-fire and a T28 in the south got abandoned when he was hit by a ATG.
Eliminated some MGs and ATG.
Some lonley Rifle Squads that got air dropped too early are sitting fearfully in the woods behind the lines and don't dare to move.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/6/2003 12:07:52 AM)

You loose a couple of Tanks and some cossacks. Turn is in your box

Mimo -> (3/6/2003 4:15:34 AM)

Eliminated some MGs, a truck and a few AT-Inf. Lost one tank to mines and another one to AT-fire. Brave Cossacks scouting deep into the snowy woods suffer losses as well. Very surpised to find "Coastal" guns in the middle of the forest.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/6/2003 6:45:04 AM)

I kill Another one of your t-28s and disable some KV-1 parts. Soviet bikers find out first hand that you really shouldnt drive up next to a machine gun and place 4 squads in the same hex. Cossacks feel the pain as snipers an MGs unload on them at close to point blanc ranges.

Russian infantry falls prey to the Finnish Forts.

You shouldnt be surprised, Finland circa 1939 was one big bunker. If you are interested look up Mannerheim Line on the net. Its unfortunate that I wasnt allowed to purchase any mundane bunkers in addition to the big guns.

Mimo -> (3/7/2003 1:17:37 AM)

Inexperienced Russian troops will have to learn quickly to survive this nightmare. They heard rumours about the Mannerheim Line but having to fight against it is somehting different!

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/7/2003 3:06:27 AM)

Bad day to be a biker or a cossack. Multiple of these units are slaughtered by point blanc machine gun fire and those forts.

One KV is killed y an Inf AT team. Turn is in your box.

Mimo -> (3/7/2003 4:01:41 AM)

Russian commander is busy convincing his troops not to retreat on the whole front. Dozens of cossacks and bikers don't give a thing to what he is saying and simply move back in the Moscow direction.
Russian trucks are not very well built. Several break down as they approach the frontline without having seen an enemy.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/7/2003 11:17:22 AM)

This turn I destroy some more light tanks and yet more infantry falls prey to the coastal guns.

At the end of the turn finnish artillery falls on what appears to be a Russian infantry concentration causing major casualties.

Mimo -> (3/7/2003 4:38:00 PM)

In the southern part of the front heavy artillery fire stopped the Russian advance completly. In the other areas Russians are very slowly advancing but suffer heavy losses.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/8/2003 12:08:01 AM)

Russians Loose Yet more infantry.
At the end of the turn at least two and a half companies of RUssian Rifle squads are dropped in my rear areas (wonder how you fit those on the two air sections allowed in the game, I counted many many Tupolevs). This however doesnt concern me, since they got dropped right on top of My reserve Ski squad Companies and Armoured cars. A Whole Russian platoon is further decimated by their own artillery barrage -OOPS:D .

Mimo -> (3/8/2003 4:05:33 AM)

Sorry for the dropped infantry. I think I now know the difference between "air section" and "air strike". I will not use/move them for the rest of the game.
Sorry, for having caused that confusion.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/8/2003 4:07:04 AM)

No problem the drop is not a big deal . As I said I am ready for them:) GO ahead and try to keep them alive:)

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/13/2003 11:47:57 PM)

You still out there Mogami? Sent you a trun a while ago. Your Desant in my Rear was getting slaughtered.

Mimo -> (3/14/2003 12:19:42 AM)

Seems like the turn you sent me or the one I sent to you, has been lost.
The last one I received was from Friday evening and I sent my turn back three hours later.
Please check and tell me if you didn't get my file.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/15/2003 11:21:04 PM)

Ill post it here then

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/16/2003 6:11:20 AM)

I kill a tank and a company of infantry. your turn

Mimo -> (3/16/2003 6:53:34 PM)

Drunken Russian soldiers step into minefield after minefield, while their airborne comrades get slaughtered behind enemy lines.
Russian commanders are having a difficult time to maintain some moral in their troops.
Stalin has been told about the situation and is thinking of sending Mimo to Siberia, or worse...

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/17/2003 6:29:53 AM)

In one turn your paradrop will be no more. I anihilate a platoons worth of them this turn. On the bright side you loose no tanks. Just many cossacks and bikers on the front.

Mimo -> (3/17/2003 10:43:33 PM)

Killed some enemy infantry and a ATG.
Paratroopers are seriously thinking of surrendering. Their comrades from the main force won't make it to them in time.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/20/2003 12:51:57 AM)

More of your luckless grunts die in horrid agony. Out of your two companies of engeneers and rifles you paradropped two platoons are left which are cordoned off and are about to recieve some 122mm fire on the beggining of your turn. Also kill a small tank thingie.

Mimo -> (3/20/2003 1:38:44 AM)

Although the battle is lost, Russian troops gain some moral by destroying a finnish Landsberg verhicle a 40mm AAG.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/21/2003 12:59:46 PM)

Hm in the flanks and rear your guys are slaughtered.. but the center looks bad.

Mimo -> (3/22/2003 5:49:41 AM)

Russian commanders manage to rally their troops. In the center they are strong enough to advance. In the northern sector there seem to be no way to cross the static defence lines and in the south troops are preparing for another, maybe last, assault.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/22/2003 6:08:18 AM)

I kill several KVs and a platoon's worth of Infantry this turn. Finnish HQ worried about the situation in the center summons reinfocements.

Mimo -> (3/22/2003 11:41:31 PM)

While Fins kill platoon after platoon, Russians are happy when they manage to kill a squad.

AngryDeemon1 -> (3/23/2003 2:54:49 AM)

You loose several Kvs, t-28s bt-7s and t-26s. Multiple infantry casualties also ccur. Your airdrop companies have been completly anihilated. Finish reinforcements arrived this turn. Time for a counterattack

Mimo -> (3/23/2003 7:48:38 PM)

Russian commander is seriously thinking about surrendering. 90% of his forces are routed and he can't call for reinforcements.
Maybe it's better to be POW in Finland than to spend the rest of his life in Siberia.

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