governato -> Soviet Doctrine readings. (1/1/2015 5:00:27 PM)
The Communist Party and the Soviet government are consistent and persistent in conducting a Leninist peace-loving foreign policy, directed toward relaxing international tension, universal and complete disarmament, and ensuring peace and the security of all nations. However, reactionary imperialist circles are striving to wreck detente, to prevent disarmament and to provoke a world war... I really wanted to learn more on Soviet doctrine to play the WP side of FPC scenarios in a more realistic way. So I have found two good readings that you can get from the links below. The above opening (the `However' bit is quite masterful) comes from 'Tactics. A Soviet View', a great original document (if a bit flourished :)) on Soviet doctrine. You can get it HERE An even better one, (but written in 1976 so maybe a bit outdated) is from the US point of view and more specific on FPC level tactics rather than the operational doctrine is SOVIET TANK BATTALION TACTICS Enjoy!