Timotheus -> RE: Serious on purchasing. Some thoughts? (1/6/2015 12:59:55 AM)
Dude. Dude. Every unit out of the Axis (not just German - Axis, including Hungarian, Romanian, Italian, Slovakian and Spanish) OOB is present. I jumped immediately into the grand campaign because the scenarios are basically "learn to play" a specific part of the game, while the grand campaign is the MAIN thing. The AI is not bad, actually. Game is still getting patched which is a good sign as WITW is out and the devs surely focus 99% of their energies on that. While the game has a tremendously huge gigantic manual it actually is... not that hard to grasp the concepts and basically once you get it, you will just click your mouse to move your units all over the map like a pro... err, grognard. Be advised - this is a HUGE time sink, and might take over your life. It's not a hobby - it's a lifestyle choice [:D]