Timotheus -> Incentive for Soviet to stay/fight and not run in 1.0801?? (1/5/2015 12:43:37 AM)
Is there any? Even the computer runs like mad from my Axis. I play Axis as they are the attacking side and more fun for the beginner vs AI, but I took a quick gander at the Soviet side of things. Simply put, the Soviet runs away as much as he can only stopping at major river lines. If done successfully, and lots of engis placed in corps/army level, the Axis player may find the Dnepr and other river lines with fort level of 2 or more. The railways evacuate everything in site (or am I wrong in 1.0801?) with no problem, the Soviet does not need to stress much if he keeps calm and sacrifices some blocking units to give him time to dig in on Dnepr/stand and fight line. Then checkerboard time so Axis cannot pocket - if in danger, run again.