David Chandler -> RE: Where is SHAEF HQ? (1/16/2015 1:21:54 PM)
Thank you. So the next question obviously is where did it go? I've checked the destroyed units list, it wasn't destroyed or inadvertently disbanded; I cannot find it on the map; it is not listed in the commander's report; ditto the order of battle; nobody reports to it. And even though it is the end of May 1944 Eisenhower is still sitting in the Mediterranean at AFHQ, although I may move him to England soon (I haven't checked if he can command USSTAF yet) as I am getting ready to invade France. Has anybody else lost SHAEF? Don't get me wrong, I learned long ago never to underestimate my capacity for doing something stupid, so it is probably 80% chance this is me and 20% it is some sort of bug with the program. It's especially annoying as I own a number of original SHAEF patches and other documents from that HQ (having long ago -many, many years ago- purchased a foot locker full of the accoutrements from a WW2 Army physician at an antique auction), so other than the 101 Airborne (relatives) it's the only WW2 unit I feel any sort of sentimental link to. War is hell.