RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (Full Version)

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JeffroK -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 5:29:47 AM)

While he might have 6 Pz Divs in reserve, he might be fearful of bringing them too close for fear of being smashed.
I would assume he is fully aware of what the Allied Air Forces can do.

Is Italy still moving forward or have you hit his stop line??

Plus [:D] Get a Second Invasion prepped and threatening.

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 8:37:27 AM)



While he might have 6 Pz Divs in reserve, he might be fearful of bringing them too close for fear of being smashed.
I would assume he is fully aware of what the Allied Air Forces can do.

Is Italy still moving forward or have you hit his stop line??

Plus [:D] Get a Second Invasion prepped and threatening.

I hit his main line in Italy last turn. As someone predicted its anchored around Cassino.

I have another invasion prepping already. But due to the mysterious 6 panzers divisions I will wait for the newly freed up Amphibs to prepp as well.

paullus99 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 9:27:25 AM)

Perhaps Pelton is getting a little dose of "humility," perhaps?

As more players figure out the air game & what it can do, those much-feared Panzer formations aren't quite so fearful once they've been knocked around a few times by concentrated airpower.

The "threat" of those 6 Divisions is doing him more good right now than him actually using them.....once you get past a few of the learning curves, there is a whole heck of a lot more to this game than most people have uncovered just yet.

marion61 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 10:45:19 AM)

It's called Psyops![:D]

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 1:13:53 PM)

Still no turn back. First time since I started playing this game Iīm a bit anxious to get the turn back...

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 5:32:19 PM)

Got the turn. Lost another beach head. Not looking good....

Any chance I can salvage this? Need 10 hexes in 3 turns or the silly "no beach head penalty" hits me. Just heading out for a few beers so I wonīt be able to do the turn until tomorrow.


marion61 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 5:38:02 PM)

Four beaches, your fine. Three beaches, start thinking withdrawal. Two beaches, run like hell! Iirc, and I mean this in the nicest way, I warned you not to abandon that beach you had. The beach you moved to was no longer a beach head since he'd taken it. You moved off the hex that afforded you the largest advantage. That's how he popped you off there, and you had no fort level in that hex to help defend you. In the hex you had, you had the hold at all cost advantage which is great.

Stay, your doing okay. His cv's are no where near as high as they were. Let the skies rain death!

Quick joke. How many dead German's does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they're all dead lol.

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 6:59:40 PM)

I think Iīll try to dislodge 1st FJ, 15th PzG and Panzer Lehr and use the armor I landed last turn to reoccupy the hex. That will give me room to land 2 or even 3 more Armor divisions.

Panzer Lehr was wrecked last turn and I can use Semiloes advice and stack 3 Amphibs in the hex prior to the attack. The armor should have enough MV to get into the hex. 2nd RAF will hit 1st SS and 2nd Panzer + HJ, HG and 11th stacks.

BC will hit that 3 ID stack to reduce its CV.

8th + 15th will hit the rails and do interdiction.

Thoughts on that?

marion61 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 7:22:55 PM)

My opinion? I would make no attacks until you start to see your blue depot bars start to rise. Let him expend his attacks on your wall, rotate divisions in and weaken his forces in the area with your air force. Make sure he isn't putting units close to the front, behind his lines, resting and recovering fatigue. Split your bomber air directives up so your hitting the entire line and behind it so he never gets any rest. Sit back a few turns, enjoy the k-rations, and watch cv's drop and when you see your blue supply bar going above the black one, your ready to attack.

Without seeing actual recon, and soft factors I can't really say where to hit, but make sure it's at least a two hex attack, even with reserves.

Seminole -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 7:24:09 PM)

Why does it look like there is a routed WA on top of a stack of 3 units (stacking 4 high)?

Seminole -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 7:27:14 PM)


when you see your blue supply bar going above the black one, your ready to attack.

Blue is stored supplies and black should be capacity. Blue shouldn't be able to go above black (unless you withdraw a temp port lowering the depot capacity).
That having been said, I've found the visual cues can be misleading, and prefer to mouse hover and check supply status with hotkey 'N'.

Does Screenpresso capture the 'mouse hover' pop ups? I haven't had any crash problems with Fraps, but it doesn't grab those pop-up displays when I screenshot.

marion61 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 11:04:37 PM)

It doesn't. You need the mouse to use the target square, which doesn't allow you to do both at the same time.

smokindave34 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/27/2015 11:52:54 PM)

Although stacking up the TF's to support your future attacks sounds like a good idea, I'd be prepping them for the next invasion. A second landing site will force Pelton to distribute his forces and make a breakout at either beach easier. He doesn't have the units you have - make him thin out as much as you can.

Seminole -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/28/2015 2:02:08 AM)


Although stacking up the TF's to support your future attacks sounds like a good idea, I'd be prepping them for the next invasion. A second landing site will force Pelton to distribute his forces and make a breakout at either beach easier. He doesn't have the units you have - make him thin out as much as you can.

I'm not sure to what degree supplies on the beach are issue, but using TF as mobile artillery parks and prepping for invasion isn't exclusionary.

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/28/2015 6:08:09 AM)

Supply is fine. Beaches are open with a good margin. All troops are above 100% supply.

Only lost 18 troop and 32 cargo ships last turn. LW did their best but flying from long range results are limited. 700 LW planes shot down. [:)]

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/28/2015 9:02:39 AM)


D-day + 3

Pretty good turn. 2nd RAF do a great job but are running out of steam fast...Some squadrons are now down to 35-40 MRL. Iīll keep them flying though as they are the only thing keeping me in this game.

Liebstandarte, Das Reich, HJ, HG, 2nd + 11th Panzer are struck hard.

Over the last two weeks the Germans have lost 105.000 men and 1500 AFVs. How long can they keep this up?


JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/28/2015 9:05:44 AM)



Pelton sorties the LW in earnest to hit my shipping. Losses are horrendous though as the P47s from the 9th tear them to pieces before many can ever reach the the sea. (Thank you whoever gave that advice! [&o] Meklore?)


JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/28/2015 9:26:39 AM)


D-day + 3 After turn

Bah, didnīt notice Fraps crashed (yes I will stop using it soon! [X(]) so I never got the screens after movement. Going a bit by memory.

But instead of trying to get the lost hex back I struck out to the west. I know I probably shouldnīt attack but I need 6 more hexes in 2 turns or Iīll get slapped with a 1000 VP penalty. [8|]

In WitW you donīt do what is military sound but rather what the VP system forces you to do...

The positive thing about this though is that I managed to get two more very good armored divisions ashore. The Mulberry is almost repaired now. I have 10 IDs prepping for what initially a small little OP but has now developed into a full "D-day" landing. I have 4 IDs ready to go but I need to find the 6 Panzers first I dare to land with only 4 IDs.

Things are still very dicey. If I lose another beach its most likely game over. My most eastern landings are very exposed but with some shifting of troops their defensive CVs are now around 70 instead of the 15 and 56 shown in this screen.

With some luck Pelton gives up the Penninsula and focuses on closing me off rather then attacking. Doubt it though. He will hit me as hard as he can no doubt.


marion61 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/28/2015 12:29:36 PM)

Just a word of warning before you hit the invade button again. You already have 4 TF's out, if you use 3 or 4 more TF's you won't move much sea lift capacity on the following turns. Your transport capacity will take a huge dive using all those TF's at once, and you won't get any reinforcements to either beaches. Just be careful that you don't make your position worse. I've done this thinking it would relieve one beach, but that's not how it happens.

You can take two TF's off the invasion you already have, cause two TF's cover all the beaches there. Just be careful you don't create a worse situation by not being able to ferry units across, except maybe one or two empty infantry divisions a turn.

Lowpe -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/28/2015 6:50:58 PM)

Wow! Go away for a couple of days and I missed DDay!

It looks like the fun factor is kicking in! Go get him Jocke...I see you are channeling your inner Patton and attacking! No consolidation for you![sm=00000106.gif]

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 5:20:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: meklore61

Just a word of warning before you hit the invade button again. You already have 4 TF's out, if you use 3 or 4 more TF's you won't move much sea lift capacity on the following turns. Your transport capacity will take a huge dive using all those TF's at once, and you won't get any reinforcements to either beaches. Just be careful that you don't make your position worse. I've done this thinking it would relieve one beach, but that's not how it happens.

You can take two TF's off the invasion you already have, cause two TF's cover all the beaches there. Just be careful you don't create a worse situation by not being able to ferry units across, except maybe one or two empty infantry divisions a turn.

Thanks for the warning! [:)]



Wow! Go away for a couple of days and I missed DDay!

It looks like the fun factor is kicking in! Go get him Jocke...I see you are channeling your inner Patton and attacking! No consolidation for you![sm=00000106.gif]

Haha, you didnīt miss that much. Although it was pretty tense for a while the game will end in 2 turns. It started raining and Pelton has contained the landing in the bocage. No way I can grab 5 more hexes in that time and Iīll be slapped with a -1000 VP penalty. With motivation for this game being pretty much zero to start with I donīt see myself playing on after that. [:)]

Iīll not give up quiet yet though. Managed to pull a miracle last time....

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 6:29:03 AM)


D-day + 4

Little to report. Bad weather smashed the Mulberry but supply is fine despite that. Because of the rain I decide to let the 2nd RAF rest. Rest of the air force fly as usual but damage is minimal. We managed to gain another hex to the west and bring in 2 more Armor IDs.

But the -1000 VP penalty is now only two turns away and pretty much unavoidable. Good thing I still have the surrender letter from last time left! [:D]


LiquidSky -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 6:46:42 AM)

Do a quick invasion of the channel islands to get two more hexes.

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 7:07:44 AM)



Do a quick invasion of the channel islands to get two more hexes.

How? With only 2 turns left there isnīt enough time to prep? Or...?

LiquidSky -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 7:48:43 AM)

Maybe not....if you prep a regiment in a big port it might be fast could try a hail mary para regiment landing, but it would probably miss the island and land in Canada.

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 7:53:05 AM)



Maybe not....if you prep a regiment in a big port it might be fast could try a hail mary para regiment landing, but it would probably miss the island and land in Canada.

Hah! Well...I got nothing to lose. But doesnīt the paras need prep too? I think a regular landing is out of the question though. Donīt think even a RGT will prep enough over just one turn to make a landing even at a 120 port.

carlkay58 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 11:28:16 AM)

Paras will have 50 prep points the turn after assignment - enough to do it. But make sure they are divisions otherwise they will most likely scatter into the Channel and be destroyed.

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 11:45:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: carlkay58

Paras will have 50 prep points the turn after assignment - enough to do it. But make sure they are divisions otherwise they will most likely scatter into the Channel and be destroyed.

Thanks for the info. No point though. 2 units on one island which probably means units on the other too. [:(]

JocMeister -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 11:47:23 AM)


D-day + 5

Still raining. [:(]

Managed to grab two hexes but will lose the western most next turn.


marion61 -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/1/2015 1:00:36 PM)

Miracle Time Joc! You can do this! Rain Iron Death upon those evel nazis.[sm=00000106.gif]

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