jmalter -> RE: Some noob questions (5/30/2016 9:31:12 PM)
From '41 onwards, both sides can 'refuel at sea'. Optimally, one needs a Replenishment TF, composed of loaded AO types (& escorts), co-located w/ the needy TF. Alternately, ships can generally RAS from any other TF in the same hex, or even refuel themselves (light ships will refuel from heavies in the same TF). In each case, the refueling costs 'operations points' for both the giving & receiving ships, this cost reduces their travel range for the next movement phase. The refueling always needs manual supervision, except when you set a TF to 'Meet TF' & also 'Refuel TF'. TFs will also automatically attempt to refuel ships in their own TF, if fuel is available - say a light escort vessel in a TF w/ several transports. When a TF arrives at a base, it can attempt to refuel, even if the base has 0 fuel, so long as there are disbanded ships in that base w/ available fuel. Note that submarines can never RAS, they can only refuel at a base that has fuel on hand. Beginning Jan '45, Allied (only) TFs can re-arm at sea from a Replenishment TF composed of loaded AE (only) types. This is sweet! Prior to that date, the Allies will receive some several CVEs carrying 'VRF' airgroups. If in a ReplTF, these CVEs can supply replacement aircraft/pilots to other carrier airgroups in normal range. The plane-types must be identical, & the re-supply will only fill out the receiving airgroups normal complement, it will not provide add'l 'reserve' planes. There are many other types of naval auxiliaries - AKE, AD, AS, AG, AVP, AGP, AVD, etc. These types can re-arm certain types of warships, enable minor repairs, or support certain types of airgroups. To function properly, they must be undamaged, loaded w/ supply, & disbanded in a port location. 2 types of auxiliary, ARD & AR, can perform repairs. These types don't need a supply load, but must be undamaged & disbanded in the port hex. In general, naval auxiliaries can bring improved capabilities to small, undeveloped bases. They work even better, if an LCU that includes 'Naval Support' squads in its O/B is also present. These ships can be weirdly type-specific - for instance, only AGPs can provide torpedo reloads to PT boats. See these posts for good info: hth.