CapnDarwin -> RE: A Quick Preview of the What's New in 2.09 Update (2/8/2015 2:49:25 PM)
We are using Williams maps for everything now. I'm pretty sure the divide by zero was a function of having maps taller than wide and the math to deal with centering them was broken in that case. Standoff ranges mixed with scooting is not a simple 10% for them 30 percent for those type simple matrix. there are element like that in scooting away from enemies but there are different triggers. One is taking losses, another is threat evaluation (more of them then us), and all of those factor in unit order, unit type, readiness, national values for risk and orders adherence. Like many thing in this system there is no easy pin down of this unit will always scoot 25% of the time when shot at. Just too many other elements that influence the decision. I could try to list out some general factors like basic order of likeliness to scoot based on order type and modifiers for unit types. That still doesn't paint the whole picture, but it might add color to the black box.